Talk of FSU and Clemson to Big 12.

In what world does TCU or WV have more pull than Missouri? You do realize that the SEC could have taken TCU, but passed, and WV begged to get in, and they took Missouri over them.....

You are probably right about Colorado though, seems like centuries ago when they were in the NC hunt every year, and had AA players being drafted into the NFL every year.
Just my opinion but

WV> Mizzou from a national pull standpoint as they have been better for longer
TCU>Colorado from a national standpoint due to recent success. That and Colorado doesn't even capture their local market

So collectively WV/TCU is greater than Mizzou/CU.
No Big XII team will be leaving due to the grant of rights.
Shhhh it is fun to see them speculate

Quit posting facts.

That's not a fact. If both the teams and the conference agree, the contract will be thrown out the window.
  1. The conference will not allow the bigger teams to leave and they won't go without their rights.
  2. Teams like ISU, KU, KSU and TT will not leave for = money plus increased travel costs.
  3. All Big 12 teams know that their Texas recruiting will dry up in a heartbeat if they leave and none of them even have a toehold in Cali.
In short, any talk of Big 12 teams leaving for the PAC 12 is idiocy until the grant of rights is up. Then anything goes.
Again, your lack of knowledge is making you look like an idiot. The BTN gets 2 different rates from cable subscribers, I forget the exact numbers, but they get much less per subscription if there is no B1G team in the state. This includes all the satellite subscriptions as well.
I understand that but I question whether that increase pays for a school or two at the going rate
Sorry I started this. I was just thinking out loud in answering someone's question on how the P12 could get to 16. Everything else I have said I have heard from a credible source. This came off the top of my head as a hypothetical response to a Hypothetical question.

Again, sorry.
No need to apologize. You were clear. It is the others that ran with it that are clueless
  1. The conference will not allow the bigger teams to leave and they won't go without their rights.
In short, any talk of Big 12 teams leaving for the PAC 12 is idiocy until the grant of rights is up. Then anything goes.

The talk of Big 12 teams leaving for the Pac 12 *is* idiocy. I'm not saying it's going to happen. I think it won't.

The point I was responding to is CAAR's stupid one that Bob Bowlsby might work something out with the Pac 12 for ISU/Kansas/Kansas State to switch conferences. I think that's pure ridiculous idiot-talk, BUT if the Big XII DOES arrange something for the teams to go, AND the teams agree to it (which, again, is NEVER going to happen), the grant of rights will NOT keep it from happening. That'll be torn up and tossed out the window, and the move will happen (which it won't).

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