T or F: Fire Lick and fans come back....


I for one like the way Coach is going about building the program. While it is taking longer than many fans like, including myself, it is quite similar to what Coach Ferentz did early on in his career. Take the players everyone else overlooked, get them to work hard both on and off the field and turn them into a team. That takes time. Lick is working hard to find players that want to be at Iowa, want to play together as a team and are willing to take a few lumps today for the prospect of a better tomorrow.

I think there is a big distinction to be made between players that are "overlooked" and players that no one even looked at...
you are the definition of a "bandwagon fan"

The best way I have to show my displeasure with the program is financially. If they hired a new coach I would take that as an attempt at improvement and would support that. If that makes me a bandwagon fan - so be it
I honestly believe it's not the style of basketball that people dislike. If they knew how this system could be run, it would be a whole other story. But the blame for not bringing in the athletes required to run it falls on the coach. I honestly don't believe anyone other players other than Gatens could start for the top 3 teams in the Big10. And 4 incoming freshman aren't the key I want to rely on to save this program.
I honestly believe it's not the style of basketball that people dislike. If they knew how this system could be run, it would be a whole other story. But the blame for not bringing in the athletes required to run it falls on the coach. I honestly don't believe anyone other players other than Gatens could start for the top 3 teams in the Big10. And 4 incoming freshman aren't the key I want to rely on to save this program.

I don't think any of the players could start on the top 3 teams in the MVC...
I don't think any of the players could start on the top 3 teams in the MVC...

I've thought the same thing at times. But you put MG with 4 remotely talented basketball players and he'd be a lot better. The guys around you have a huge impact on the type of player you're able to be. He's still dangerous behind the arc and at the line.
I've thought the same thing at times. But you put MG with 4 remotely talented basketball players and he'd be a lot better. The guys around you have a huge impact on the type of player you're able to be. He's still dangerous behind the arc and at the line.

Sorry about that...I was talking about the other players besides Gatens and you are right if he even had one other decent player to play off of things would be MUCH easier for him...
Oh God!!! The Kirk Ferentz analogy again. Like rebuilding a basketball team takes as long as a football team. Give me a break!!
False. If there was ever a time when such a spike should have occurred, it wasa when Alford left and Lick was hired. It really didn't matter then who was hired. It was the shadow of Alford being gone that should have caused the spike.

It didn't.

A relative handful of hard core fans would get excited, but for the great majority of fans, winning is the only thing that will brinig them back and some enthusiastic salemanship by a head coach would help, too. We aren't going to get the second thing out of Lick, and there's serious doubt aas to whether we'll ever get the first.
Jon,if we got a high profile coach the attendance would definitely increase. I do not believe you do not agree with that. We probably could not get one,but if we did we would see a big increase. Even with SA coming in,we saw an increase when he started.
Why is there no security for being a coach? For the love of God his first recruiting class are just sophmores, he should atleast have a chance to see them graduate then see where the program is at. He is starting to get players he wants and fit and the team and him as a coach as shown glimpses of a bright future (Purdue and Texas). It drives me crazy when people say he's a bad coach, his situation is along the lines of RichRod at Michigan I mean come on people give the man time. A few years of losing occurs happens with every program in all sports. Besides if we switched coaches it'd be an extra 2 or 3 years untill that coach would be able to get the recruits he wants and to get their system to the point they want.
Jon,if we got a high profile coach the attendance would definitely increase. I do not believe you do not agree with that. We probably could not get one,but if we did we would see a big increase. Even with SA coming in,we saw an increase when he started.

I guess a Coach of the Year isn't a high profile coach huh? Silly me for thinking that.
Ya, Coack K, Roy Williams, Jim Boehim, Tubby Smith, John Calipari, Rick Pitino, Todd Lickliter...he's right up there. Fail.
Ok so tell me how Iowa is suppose to get a Roy Williams give me a break Iowa is a football, wrestling, then basketball school. Lick is the best coach we'd be able to get.
Ok so tell me how Iowa is suppose to get a Roy Williams give me a break Iowa is a football, wrestling, then basketball school. Lick is the best coach we'd be able to get.

I didn't say Iowa could get roy williams my point is that Lickliter is not a high profile coach
Cliche why do you even post because everything you post is negative towards Iowa. Are you even a fan with knowledge or do you just talk out of idiocy?

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