Student Section


Well-Known Member
Soo...what are other people's thoughts on the student section effort last night?

I'd like to know what TV/radio viewers think and what those who were at the game think.

I was at the game and I was disappointed that more students didn't show up. However, I was pleased with the effort they did give. They were more organized than the first game and made more noise - surprisingly loud during a couple stretches for their small numbers. If the team can play competitive ball during the conference season then I think/hope the students will provide good energy for the team. I can't wait until we get 15.5k rocking the place again!
I will take 3k raucous students over 6k who sit on their hands. Quality over quantity. At least for now.
I was a part of the student section and thought it was a good turn out considering the mood around campus after the first game. Its going to take winning to get more students to show, those students who are going right now are the ones on campus that are actually interested. There still is a lot of work to be done to get the full student body support, there is still a mood that Iowa basketball is Iowa basketball and its sad that we have fallen to that level, but its something you have expect after the last few years.
They did sell a lot of student tickets this year though and each game more students are coming out, last nights crowd was impressive compared to out of conference games the last few years.
I was a part of the student section and thought it was a good turn out considering the mood around campus after the first game. Its going to take winning to get more students to show, those students who are going right now are the ones on campus that are actually interested. There still is a lot of work to be done to get the full student body support, there is still a mood that Iowa basketball is Iowa basketball and its sad that we have fallen to that level, but its something you have expect after the last few years.
They did sell a lot of student tickets this year though and each game more students are coming out, last nights crowd was impressive compared to out of conference games the last few years.

Thank you for showing up and making noise! Even when the team was battling for the B10 title in '06(?) there wasn't much of a student turnout for the non-conference games. Like I said before, I was pleased with the noise that the students did make. It doesn't take many numbers to be loud - - its more about organization and passion. As much as it pains me to say, the Illini students have come into CHA more than once and outcheered our entire crowd with maybe 100 kids. If they can make that much noise then so can you. Also, I dig the giant Fran cutouts. I know Indiana does this but its fun and cool in my opinion. Talk with the Hawk's Nest leaders and see if they can get some more of those. Maybe some of past hawkeye players or other hawkeye athletes. Who cares if we are copying another school's "thing" because it generates excitement and adds to the atmosphere (in my opinion).

Also, try to coerce your buddies into coming to the games with you. If they aren't super excited about bball then get some pizza and beer and make a night of it. They will have more fun than they think. Let's get MAD! I miss those days!
I unfortunately had to cover the Iowa City city council meeting last night (with a midnight deadline), so I didn't make it to the game. However, I'll make it to every home game I can (planning on making the trip up to a couple of the games over winter break too).

I haven't sat in the student section since my freshman year though (2008-2009). It was VERY boring, nothing like it was when I was in high school. And since attendance has been so God-awful, I pretty much had my pick of any seat in the house, so I took advantage of that. I'm still doing that right now, but hopefully next year I won't be able to quite so easily!
Students got in free last night....I can't believe more didn't show up. Maybe we should start paying them $5 to show up and stay the whole game.
Carver isn't student section friendly. Students need to be court side.
How embarrassing would it look on TV to see the first 5 rows behind the side of the court empty?

Students get in free and they still don't show up. There isn't a bad seat in the entire arena. The students behind the basket make it difficult on the other team at the Free Throw line. Last night a guy with the large Fran head distracted the players a few times on the line.

The few students that showed up were great. They had some nice chants going. So this post isn't directed towards them.

Didn't Iowa sell over 1,000 student season tickets? Looks like the Chicago parents paid for that and will get nothing out of it.