Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 2

Steve - thanks for posting, I enjoyed the read and miss your sports radio shows.

To everyone else - you guys are silly to bag on him for being 4-6 after week one. Its a long season. Plus - its just for fun. He has done it for years.
Re: Like a moth to a flame...

...some of you take the bait every single time. Right as rain.

So the whole lead pipe/stone cold series has been one big trolling excursion? Pure trolling genius so diabolical it was perpetrated for years and no one suspected a thing! Gentlemen, this is the way a master plays the game.
Steve - thanks for posting, I enjoyed the read and miss your sports radio shows.

To everyone else - you guys are silly to bag on him for being 4-6 after week one. Its a long season. Plus - its just for fun. He has done it for years.

LOL no one bags on him because he's 4-6. We bag on him because he counts ties as wins, lies about his record, uses lines that don't actually exist anymore....and even with all that he's not good at it.
Everything Steve Deace has ever done in his entire life is trolling. Troll is as troll does.
Re: Like a moth to a flame...

So the whole lead pipe/stone cold series has been one big trolling excursion? Pure trolling genius so diabolical it was perpetrated for years and no one suspected a thing! Gentlemen, this is the way a master plays the game.

Yep, that fat mother ****** got us all.
Everything Steve Deace has ever done in his entire life is trolling. Troll is as troll does.


Wait a minute, so all this time Deace has just been trolling us with these picks?

Damn, I need to find me a new handicapper. :D
LOL no one bags on him because he's 4-6. We bag on him because he counts ties as wins, lies about his record, uses lines that don't actually exist anymore....and even with all that he's not good at it.

and gambling is illegal at Bushwood, and I never slice.....
Re: Like a moth to a flame...

Well, I think he'd be fearing God if he made money because God said people that make money are going to hell, right? It's really tough to get into heaven if you "Make Money" so Deace is clearly right to "Fear God." Makes sense.

Actually, that's not what God/the Son of God said fwiw.
Re: Like a moth to a flame...

Actually, that's not what God/the Son of God said fwiw.

because you have the original studio tapes of him saying what he said, right?
you should convert 'em to MP3 and make tons of goddy money like teh dacer doesn't
It would be much more entertaining if people would post their picks against Steve's in these posts each week, and beat him that way, as opposed to the usual BS that ensues on these threads. The posts from some wondering if he has anything better to do, etc, are unintended knee slappers.
One man's stupid is another man's fun.

You don't need to protect ol' Steverino, Jon. He's a big boy, and I'm sure if he was offended by us "stupids", he'd jump back in and crush the non-believers with his prodigious knowledge of all things, as well as his rapier-like use of sarcasm.
I don't see much fun taking place in these threads. I see a bunch of stupid.

No, it started stupid, and then got fun.

Sorry, but the guy is walking in here with a huge bulls-eye on his back. To expect us to naturally revert to "Hey, let's pick against him" when the guy is a publicly known Cyclone and Michigan supporter, as well as a bomb-throwing culture warrior is frankly naive. I know you have a personal relationship with him, so you see him different than the rest of us, but that's the way it is.
Re: Like a moth to a flame...

[QUOTE=Scorpio79;902461]because you have the original studio tapes of him saying what he said, right?
you should convert 'em to MP3 and make tons of goddy money like teh dacer doesn't[/QUOTE]

No, but I can read and have a Bible.