Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe Locks - Week 1

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the thing about deace is he is a self-described Hawkeye-Hater. he wears that like a badge of honor. That's more than enough for me. That alone would cause me to treat him like I treat all the other clowns who post on this board. This is a Hawkeye board, first and foremost. I may not agree with everyone's politics, and etc, and that is fine, because I am here for only 1 reason. believe me, I wouldn't hang around here if it were not for the hawks.

For someone to expect that he'd be loved or even liked on here is beyond me. He has predicted Ferentz would be fired pre-'08 season. He predicted Ferentz would be gone again on his show last year. Why isn't he posting on the clown board? they are his supposed brethren. why doesn't he just stick to writing his articles about the mulvas and showering us with the knowledge of his attendance to their practices. that's not enough either?

does it get down to him posting here just to attract a crowd. is that the lowest common denominator? not going to post on the clown board as the clowns don't make him any money, so might as well generate that here? otherwise, doesn't make a lot of sense.
The Deacer is laughing it up right now. He will never admit errors with last years W-L record.

Dude rolls like Jesus.
What was I thinking?? The Deacer is nothing like Jesus and his teachings.

Jesus was against lying, arrogance and Gluttony.
Will be interesting to see if we get a week 2 of Stone Cold Upsets & Lead Pipe locks.....Last year it seemed like it was only Duff calling out Deace, now what is it 7 or 8 guys doing it?
the thing about deace is he is a self-described Hawkeye-Hater. he wears that like a badge of honor. That's more than enough for me. That alone would cause me to treat him like I treat all the other clowns who post on this board. This is a Hawkeye board, first and foremost. I may not agree with everyone's politics, and etc, and that is fine, because I am here for only 1 reason. believe me, I wouldn't hang around here if it were not for the hawks.

For someone to expect that he'd be loved or even liked on here is beyond me. He has predicted Ferentz would be fired pre-'08 season. He predicted Ferentz would be gone again on his show last year. Why isn't he posting on the clown board? they are his supposed brethren. why doesn't he just stick to writing his articles about the mulvas and showering us with the knowledge of his attendance to their practices. that's not enough either?

does it get down to him posting here just to attract a crowd. is that the lowest common denominator? not going to post on the clown board as the clowns don't make him any money, so might as well generate that here? otherwise, doesn't make a lot of sense.

The only reason you post on the board of your most hated team is because your are a troll. Its beyond me why he isn't banned from this site. And as a troll he loves when we say negative things about him, he loves it. But, its a slap in the face to Iowa Hawkeye fans that he posts on here at all and we have every right to call him out.
The only reason you post on the board of your most hated team is because your are a troll. Its beyond me why he isn't banned from this site. And as a troll he loves when we say negative things about him, he loves it. But, its a slap in the face to Iowa Hawkeye fans that he posts on here at all and we have every right to call him out.

Troll is a good description and exactly why he is on here and why a certain person wants him on here, no doubt. Trolls attract attention. Attention=good for a website wanting to sell advertising, i'm guessing.
Holy cow, there are a lot of people getting all bent out of shape over something that is meaningless. If you don't like Deace's methods/rules/code of conduct/religion/fill in the blank, then don't click on a thread that he has started.

Good grief, a 5 page thread of belly-aching about this? Really?

Re: FAQs

There are a million line sources out there, and they change throughout the week given the action at each place. That's why I've always played the standard opening line set by the main line setters that is linked on the USA Today page I provided a link to.

I also play the opening lines because that is the closest to the original source of what Vegas thinks, and I'm playing against the oddsmakers and not the public action on the game that changes throughout the week. I'm doing it that way because I am not putting money on the games, but rather matching wits with the Vegas oddsmakers themselves -- who are the best in the business. If I were putting money on these games obviously I'd have to play against the public reaction as well. However, let's say I post my picks on Wednesday night and the line is a certain number. You read the post 48 hours later on Friday night, and the late money moves the number some more creating the same problem for all the way up until kickoff.

See my point? Since I'm in the prediction and not gambling business, I'm playing the original line and not the public reaction to the line. I used to watch guys like Jim Feist and Wayne Allyn Root back in the day early Saturday mornings make their picks. Except they tape those shows on Wednesday and Thursday, and by the time we got to Saturday the lines were already changed again.

Now, there are two games this week I stayed away from because the line has moves so much based on information that would obviously change what Vegas thinks and not just the public. Those games are Miami-Maryland and Oregon-LSU. It wouldn't be fair for me to play the opening lines there because new information emerged that dramatically impacts the status of those games after the line was set, so in the interest of fairness I left those games off the board. Normally, Vegas will wait to post an opening line on games with rumored injuries or suspensions just in case.

Since I'm picking games and not betting them, I also count pushes as wins because I'm not paying the juice and need all the help I can get. :) Plus, as an American I don't like ties. Ties are for socialists and soccer fans.

I hope that clears things up. In the future, folks can just refer to this post if they have any questions. Thanks!

I sort of follow this logic up until the point where ties are counted as wins. A tie is a tie, if you dont like ties I would focus on the lines that are half points therefore ensuring no more ties
OK, looks like we got a lot accomplished today..lot of folks had all day to weigh in, and only one freak show post was removed. Now on to other things.
you can't see its closed from the app. I figured it probably was when you deleted my post so I checked it from a web browser to confirm.
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