Stanzi has always been average at best

I'll give you Chandler, but you can't have Tate. Drew Tate was much better than average at Iowa. The thought that Stanzi is light years ahead of him is laughable...

But I don't want to derail this thread with another Stanzi v. Tate discussion. So I'm going to be proactive and agree to disagree with you (and your smart phone) on this one. :)

Dude, I'm confused. On one hand you aknowledge I have a smart phone, but on the other you disagree with me. That doesn't make any sense.

I don't think we are too far off. I think he's very much above average for an Iowa QB, but I think he's average in the grand scheme of things.
And who do we have "better" waiting in the wings?
Since somehow I have to justify my thoughts: Ricky has not been the clutch great decision guy that some have made him out to be. I like to rewatch film and if you do that you find Ricky made lots of mistakes the last two years. I somehow hope that someone whether that be Vandy or the Frosh...can take Iowa to the next level...ok?
Dude, I'm confused. On one hand you aknowledge I have a smart phone, but on the other you disagree with me. That doesn't make any sense.

I don't think we are too far off. I think he's very much above average for an Iowa QB, but I think he's average in the grand scheme of things.

I think you are referring to Tate in the 2nd paragraph...he was B10 OPOY in 2004, then in the successive season had even better stats, but because his defense had guys named Klink and Humpal instead of Hodge and Greenway, his season went somewhat under the radar.

Like I said...if Tate was average, Stanzi is right there with him. There's no way you can put Stanzi ahead of Tate by any sort of great difference (well, you can, but it runs completely opposite of my opinion! :)) But I'm also willing to concede we're probably not going to see eye-to-eye on this one.

And if I have a smart phone too, does that change your mind at all? ;) /cue Twilight Zone music
And if I have a smart phone too, does that change your mind at all? ;) /cue Twilight Zone music

It does indeed change my mind.

Yes referring to Tate... I can see your argument, I don't think we are too far apart, though I do think Stanzi is a better QB if nothing more than for his leadership and his calm under fire (Tate had some temper issues).

Although if I had to pick one over the other I think the smart phone money is on Stanzi. He's got better measurables.
Stanzi's season was far from average. He set an Iowa season record in passer efficiency rating at 157.6. Better than Banks (157.1) & Chuck Long (153.0) in their Heisman runner-up seasons. Tate's was 134.7 in 2004.
This is the first I've been on this site since Iowa's win on Tuesday.
Ah, this OP is out of his mind.

IMO, Stanzi started to press in the Mizzou game - I won't make a guess why he thought he had to make a big pass play. He certainly didn't pass as carefully as he'd done all season. I can remember 4 pass plays he put up for McNutt to make a play on: two fades that were incomplete in the end zone, and two other passes that were intercepted.

BTW, what happened to McNutt after the first quarter? It seemed like the Georgia Tech game where he suddenly disappeared. Was he double teamed?
How many passes did Reisner drop?
That had to hurt knowing Reisner would probably be involved more in the passing game plan with ARob's absence. What about the other receivers?

This year, Iowa (Stanzi) has attempted and completed more long passing shots down the field than any other Iowa season I can remember - that includes the C. Long years.

IMO, those shots were successful, like early in the Mizzou game, when the other team wasn't expecting the down field pass. When the other team expects the down field pass, Iowa's results aren't as good. Among other things, that tells me our receivers can't get open - unless it's a surprise.

If you need to blame Stanzi or KOK, you'll also need to blame someone for the lack of playmaking ability of our receivers. Who have we recruited?
Drew Tate does NOT go 0-5 on chances to win the game in the 4th quarter this year like Stanzi did. I also believe Stanzi could not have done as well in 2004 as Tate did. Very confident of both things.

I am not picking between Tate and Stanzi and but I do agree with your statement. But I remember 3 late season Iowa losses in 2006 that Tate threw interceptions on 1st down deep in opponents territory.
NW, Minny and Texas.
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Drew Tate does NOT go 0-5 on chances to win the game in the 4th quarter this year like Stanzi did. I also believe Stanzi could not have done as well in 2004 as Tate did. Very confident of both things.

EXACTLY!!! I was waiting for someone to say this. Stanzi is a good/solid qb but he is not GREAT like some are saying. There is no way that any of you were sitting there watching that MSU game last year thinking to yourself after we lost the lead, "oh it's ok, Stanzi is going to drive right down the field and win this for us." lol.

I'm sure he will be drafted but he is not a pure passer like NFL teams want. He cannot make ALL the throws, he makes terrible decisions (which he got A LOT better at this year) and he rarely can beat the blitz.

With all that being said, Stanzi is/was a great Hawkeye and I am glad we had him.

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