Stanford is in trouble


Well-Known Member
They don't know it yet, but they'll realize it some time during the first quarter on January 1. By then, it will be too late. They will not be convinced before the game. The underestimation of Iowa will continue.
We will win by 10 in a game we could have won by 20. Every one will be mad and happy at the same time.
Not sure they will underestimate us. If anything they will want to prove that loss to northwestern who we destroyed was a fluke.
Nothing would be better than to have Mich St dominate Alabama and go on to win the NC. Iowa beating Stanford would show Iowa was right there & very close.
Everyone who saw the game on Saturday already knows that. You should've tuned in
Can't wait to show everyone we deserved a playoff spot despite our loss.

Wouldn't it be great if MSU wins the NatChamp, Oklahoma gets blown out by Clemson, and the Hawks blow out Stanford...

One note: Last year's bowl game, Clemson beat Oklahoma 40-6.
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They don't know it yet, but they'll realize it some time during the first quarter on January 1. By then, it will be too late. They will not be convinced before the game. The underestimation of Iowa will continue.
Well, we don't have a player like Christian McCaffery. That's the bad news. The good news is they only have one. With a few weeks to look at tape and a defense like we saw against MSU we should be able to neutralize his threat. Should be a great game.

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