Sporting News ranks the B1G coaches

KFz is at 58%, he would have to average 9-4 for the next 5 years to crest 60%...and I hope he does. (but he still wouldn't catch Hayden)

If he didn't lose frequently to teams like ISU, Indiana and Minnesota ... he'd be 3-5 slots up this list (and also pretty close to that 60%). But he has. So... they have a pretty good point looking at the last 5 years.
KFz is at 58%, he would have to average 9-4 for the next 5 years to crest 60%...and I hope he does. (but he still wouldn't catch Hayden)

If he didn't lose frequently to teams like ISU, Indiana and Minnesota ... he'd be 3-5 slots up this list (and also pretty close to that 60%). But he has. So... they have a pretty good point looking at the last 5 years.

Ferentz is 10-5 against the Gophers.
Wow. The thing I take away from his "analysis" is how his criteria changes from coach to coach... For some he values their past history... Others their recent history.... Others for what they'll maybe do in the future... Does anyone think Fitzgerald is 3rd on this list and an elite coach in the country?? I think he's good don't get it.

I think there could be a case for pegging him a couple of spots higher, but not much more than that when you take into account that he's good for losing at least one game a year to a team that he has no business losing to. Plus, I feel like he plays to not lose vs. playing to win. That's not the mentality of a top-tier coach.

That said, even thought I get super frustrated with him at times, I'm pleased with the job he's doing, especially with the bounce back he had last season.
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Lol @ Kill, Hoke, Pelini.

Also.. everyone is ok with Fitz @ #3? What has Fitz done?

****, Andersen and Franklin aren't really proven yet either.

Just an article, but it certainly gave me a giggle.

What has Fitz done? A 10 win season at Northwestern. Won a bowl game for the first time bince 1947. Got the program to a level where GameDay came to town and had OSU on the ropes for about 58 minutes. Spearheaded a facilities improvement drive that included one donor giving a 9 figure gift to Northwestern football. Improved recruiting to the point that he's getting classes that are almost as good as Iowa's despite terrible facilities and highly restrictive admission standards.

I ain't got a problem with Kurt and I'm appreciative for what has happened during select periods of his tenure, but I'd take Fitz patrolling our sidelines over Kurt any freaking day. Sure, NU had a terrible record last year, but as Hok fans we've all seen those frustrating years where we have a decent team that gets no bounces and seems to inexplicably choke every single close game. That NU team last year was the unluckiest team I've ever seen (even worse luck than the 2008 Hawkeyes prior to the PSU game).
okeefe96971 said:
What has Fitz done? A 10 win season at Northwestern. Won a bowl game for the first time bince 1947. Got the program to a level where GameDay came to town and had OSU on the ropes for about 58 minutes. Spearheaded a facilities improvement drive that included one donor giving a 9 figure gift to Northwestern football. Improved recruiting to the point that he's getting classes that are almost as good as Iowa's despite terrible facilities and highly restrictive admission standards.

I ain't got a problem with Kurt and I'm appreciative for what has happened during select periods of his tenure, but I'd take Fitz patrolling our sidelines over Kurt any freaking day. Sure, NU had a terrible record last year, but as Hok fans we've all seen those frustrating years where we have a decent team that gets no bounces and seems to inexplicably choke every single close game. That NU team last year was the unluckiest team I've ever seen (even worse luck than the 2008 Hawkeyes prior to the PSU game).


Zooker got illinois of all places to a BCS bowl. As did the NW coach who killed defensive backs.

Fitz screams go cats.
Fitzscumbag should be close to last on the list.

Horsecrap list, no doubt. Fitz should be around best. Win more than a single bowl game, and have it be against a ranked team please. And maybe even sniff a league title....KF has two. This list is like the writer who had KF as one of the 5 worst coaches in college football last offseason....dumb and ill-informed.
Ferentz is 10-5 against the Gophers.

True. But since the Orange Bowl (a reference point used by the writer), he's 2-2 against a Gopher program with a 20-30 record, including 2 losses to Gopher squads that were on the way to 2-10 without our Freebie. Selective examples perhaps...but they belong in the same grouping as the ISU and Indiana losses. Bad teams we had no biz losing to. ( I left out 1-3 against Northwestern because they had a winning record during that same period, but some would have included them in the "bad losses")
True. But since the Orange Bowl (a reference point used by the writer), he's 2-2 against a Gopher program with a 20-30 record, including 2 losses to Gopher squads that were on the way to 2-10 without our Freebie. Selective examples perhaps...but they belong in the same grouping as the ISU and Indiana losses. Bad teams we had no biz losing to. ( I left out 1-3 against Northwestern because they had a winning record during that same period, but some would have included them in the "bad losses")

Ferentz is 2-2 against Northwestern since the Orange Bowl (2010 - Loss; 2011 - Win; 2012 -Loss; 2013 - Win) but we shouldn't let facts get in the way of your brilliant analysis.

Ferentz has been Big Ten Coach of the Year THREE times. That is good enough for me.
Ferentz is 2-2 against Northwestern since the Orange Bowl (2010 - Loss; 2011 - Win; 2012 -Loss; 2013 - Win) but we shouldn't let facts get in the way of your brilliant analysis.

Ferentz has been Big Ten Coach of the Year THREE times. That is good enough for me.

Relax, Sparky...I erred with a hyphen instead of a comma. (which you'd see in my previous comments if you'd read the entire thread) And I didn't write the article, I'm just discussing the writer's central premise as posed by the OP... KFz's performance since the 2010 Orange Bowl. That includes a factual losing record in the Big Ten and a handful of losses to "inferior" teams.

2009 was a real season and a great BT Coach of the Year achievement. The 4 years after with a sub .500 BT record and a bunch of bad losses were also real. They all count. That's not so much an analysis... just an observation. But don't let that stop you from making a snarky comment about things you don't care to see.
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I don't know how you can put a coach who hasn't coached in the B10 ahead of addition, no way Hoke should be. With the talent Michigan gets, he's way underperformed. Kill, I kind of get that he's made something out of that program over the past two years...but Ferentz has beaten his best teams at Minnesota both years.
Relax, Sparky...I erred with a hyphen instead of a comma. (which you'd see in my previous comments if you'd read the entire thread) And I didn't write the article, I'm just discussing the writer's central premise as posed by the OP... KFz's performance since the 2010 Orange Bowl. That includes a "factual" losing record in the Big Ten and a handful of losses to "inferior" teams.

2009 was a real season and a great BT Coach of the Year achievement. The 4 years with a sub .500 BT record and a bunch of bad losses were also real. They all count. That's not so much an analysis... just an observation. But don't let that stop you from making a snarky comment about things you don't care to see.

Iowa went 8-4 last year when guys like you were predicting much worse. That is an observation too. Iowa defeated Michigan and Nebraska, two teams that were ranked in the Top 25 at the beginning of the year.

I'll stick by Ferentz; Iowa is going to be very good this year, in his sixteenth year as the Iowa coach.

Why don't you relax big fellah and enjoy the ride. Taking shots at Ferentz after an 8-4 season rings hollow.
Relax, Sparky...I erred with a hyphen instead of a comma. (which you'd see in my previous comments if you'd read the entire thread) And I didn't write the article, I'm just discussing the writer's central premise as posed by the OP... KFz's performance since the 2010 Orange Bowl. That includes a "factual" losing record in the Big Ten and a handful of losses to "inferior" teams.

2009 was a real season and a great BT Coach of the Year achievement. The 4 years with a sub .500 BT record and a bunch of bad losses were also real. They all count. That's not so much an analysis... just an observation. But don't let that stop you from making a snarky comment about things you don't care to see.

Awfully short memory there. We've already dismissed a BCS season, which could be important since it's the entire basis of how disappointing 2010 was, while we're only counting a single dismal season, which could be important since it's the entire basis of how we have a losing B1G record. Nothing objective is happening here and you know it. You're totally eliminating entire seasons here, and you're doing it while relying on ULTRA-specific criteria to support the ludicrous case being made. For example, who goes by four year periods for anything? I'll tell you who, somebody trying to make a point that facts don't support.

And no, facts don't include subjective material such as losses vs superior or inferior teams. That's not how facts work. Alas, we've arrived at one with the losing conference record after using a bizarrely specific set of circumstances---to arrive at 1 game. Congratulations. You found something that makes the insane argument, and it only does it by a single game. Again: you're supporting an argument that states he's at the bottom of the league and that's the best you have against the guy you replied to that stated 3x voted *BEST, Bar-None*.

Alright, had to stop right there. I didn't even know going into this post alone that he wasn't 9th in this league even if you eliminated everything from 2009 and before. Now I just feel like an idiot for saying anything at all. Oh well, I guess it could be worse. I could be trying to argue in favor of this poll.
This is a many times repeated argument but I've got nothing else to do so might as well weigh in. I think Ferentz is a slightly better than average coach, maybe a 6 on a scale of 1-10. Honestly, he's had what I would classify as one really excellent season since 2005. Kirk made his reputation (and a lot of money) off that great run from 2002-2004. That was admittedly a fantastic time for Iowa football, and it's also a fact that he hasn't come anywhere close to sustaining that kind of success since. Kirk has lived on the reputation of those three years for a long time and for many folks those years have overshadowed the fact that he's a pretty average coach. He's going on his 16th year at Iowa; he's well known, has a program with tremendous stability and those are nice positives, but I don't think he's done a very good job of turning those positives into a high level of success. I also find repeated losses to teams like Central Michigan, ISU, Western Michigan and other bad teams to be both puzzling and frustrating.

I will say that Iowa football teams are rarely completely awful, outside of his first few years and 2012, so he does have a knack for avoiding abject failure. I also think he generally does a good job of preparing his teams for bowl games. He's not a bad coach, but he's not a great coach either. One double digit win season since 2005, only one. Yeah, 2002-2004 was a great run; it was also a decade ago. There are a lot of schools in the country where he would have been fired after the 2006 or 2007 season. Of course the entire discussion is moot because he's going to be our coach until at least 2020. He's about due for another pretty good year and it might be this year. However, you can take it to the bank that there will be plenty of 6-6 or so seasons to follow before 2020.
Franklin ahead of Ferentz baffles me a little. Franklin has only beaten 4 teams with a winning record as a head coach. He's a great recruiter but so was Zook.
Iowa went 8-4 last year when guys like you were predicting much worse. That is an observation too. Iowa defeated Michigan and Nebraska, two teams that were ranked in the Top 25 at the beginning of the year.

I'll stick by Ferentz; Iowa is going to be very good this year, in his sixteenth year as the Iowa coach.

Why don't you relax big fellah and enjoy the ride. Taking shots at Ferentz after an 8-4 season rings hollow.

One more time.... and please work on your comprehension this time. I'm not "taking shots", I'm RESPONDING TO THE OP AND THE STORY SOMEBODY ELSE WROTE, and pointing out why he may have the opinion he did. If it's a thread you don't care to read (and facts that make you uncomfortable) ...then don't read it. That's your choice.

I do enjoy the ride, and last fall was great. KFz's squad really came into its we've seen him do before. The way the Hawks finished has me excited for this fall...I think we could be looking at double-digit wins.

Peace, brother.
Although I'm not a Ferentz hater, I have noticed the downfall of the program over the last few years and have held him accountable. That being said, that article is absolute ****. Kill above Ferentz? Anybody who puts Kill above Ferentz should be shot in the face with a large caliber bullet. Then somebody should go to Taco Bell and eat two Crunchwrap supremes. Three and a half hours later that person should hunker over the corpse and unleash hell upon the dead body.


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