Splash hire

Sorry to be so negative but with ISU hiring Hoiberg I have had to go back and reassess the Fran Macaffrey hire. Even though I only rated the hire at impact a 4-5 out 10. I've now gone back on that and will downgrade to a 2-3. We made a big noise and and ended up with a little peep. I think that three of the criteria many of us had were 1)unite the fanbase (based on the hire) 2)get people back to CHA (based on the hire) 3)create excitement (based on the hire). I don't think that any of these goals were accomplished.

Dude shut the fuc up your always complaining and Negative Nancy. Just shut up we don't care...
Hoiberg was a scapegoat hire. 1. Nobody wants to coach at ISU. 2. They can pay Hoiberg cheap. 3. Who cares.

1) There were plenty of coaches lined up, according to Gary Thompson 2) So, more money for assistants. 3) Plenty of people care or you wouldn't be posting. Quite a buzz around Ames today, regardless of what you thought about the hire.
It is not ridiculous to try and evaluate a coaching hire right away. The "hire" is entirely different from "wins and losses."

Fran may well be a great coach for Iowa, and Hoiberg may flop in five years. But right now, Hoiberg is bringing the magic back to Hilton, and it sounds like he's not going to flop.

Based on what, exactly? That statement has no basis in reality other than that he may have said that at his presser today.
1) There were plenty of coaches lined up, according to Gary Thompson 2) So, more money for assistants. 3) Plenty of people care or you wouldn't be posting. Quite a buzz around Ames today, regardless of what you thought about the hire.

What do you think of the hire? Honestly.
We will be able to know whether the FM hire was good by November. If he hasn't got traction by then on the recruiting front, he probably won't ever. Wait, before you all say we have to be patient, only 2 coaches hired since 2007 who didn't makes significant strides in recruiting in year two have been successful recruiters later, Montgomery at Cal and Horn at So Carolina.

Basketball is not a slow build sport.

Has he shown energy in recruiting? Sure. Has he found some interesting prospects? Sure. Has he got anyone to commit? No.

You're still playing that card? That is a ridiculous statement. Why even sign him to a contract at all if it's only going to take 7 months to know if it will work out?
What do you think of the hire? Honestly.

I was kind of "eh" right away, disappointed in the lack of experience. Really impressed me today at the presser. As long as he surrounds himself with quality assistants, he should be okay. I would have prefered someone with postseason experience, but am 100% behind the hire. If the hire fails, JP goes. He put his neck out on the line.
I was kind of "eh" right away, disappointed in the lack of experience. Really impressed me today at the presser. As long as he surrounds himself with quality assistants, he should be okay. I would have prefered someone with postseason experience, but am 100% behind the hire. If the hire fails, JP goes. He put his neck out on the line.

You're the first Clone fan I've seen who has said that, and it's the most obvious angle of this whole thing that nobody is talking about. You folks will never, ever turn on Hoiberg if he flames out.
You're still playing that card? That is a ridiculous statement. Why even sign him to a contract at all if it's only going to take 7 months to know if it will work out?

Because you have to show confidence in the coach and nobody is going to leave a good situation for a situation where there is no security. Just the reality if the industry. You have to gamble to get your guy. Now, if you are paying huge jack, you can help your odds.

All of this being the case, the data still shows that good recruiters make their mark fast. You can call the argument ridiculous, but I backed it up with data. Do you have recent data that conflicts with mine?
You're the first Clone fan I've seen who has said that, and it's the most obvious angle of this whole thing that nobody is talking about. You folks will never, ever turn on Hoiberg if he flames out.

I agree 100%. I remember someone saying " You never hire who you can't fire" Hoiberg would be incredibly hard to fire, it would take a lot to cause everyone to turn against him. I think people might turn against him, buy JP will be right along side. This is his make or break hire, IMO, and it really worries me.
Nice logic, clicheusername3

Dude, did it ever dawn on you that your scenario might be a) flawed or b) not logical thinking or c) just stupid? By the way, the criteria many of us on this board might have been using really means nothing to how one goes about making a hire in the real world of college athletics and how successful that hire will be. Why do you have to see how ISU hires someone to decide you need to re-evaluate Iowa’s hire? Does that just show a lack of critical thinking ability on your part in the first place?

Was Willis Reed a splash hire by your criteria when he took the Creighton job in 1981, after a Hall of Fame career in the NBA as a player and a two-year stint as Knicks head coach? Creighton had a decent program going when Eddie Sutton was there. Reed put Creighton back on the map (at least the hire did), and then he got Benoit Benjamin to play for them. Benjamin was the biggest recruit in the country when he committed to Creighton. Reed didn’t do much at Creighton, relatively speaking, however. Was Dana Altman a splash hire for them in succeeding Tony Barone? No. How did that work out for Creighton over the last 16 years?

If you had lived in KC when Ron Prince was hired to succeed Bill Snyder as head football coach at KSU, he came in with so much fanfare and enthusiasm. He was a media darling and he talked to everyone and had a certain charisma about him. He went on in that first year that he was hired to snag Josh Freeman as QB AFTER he had already verbally committed to Nebraska. All of the parameters you mention applied to the KSU Prince hire. He was a home run hire in your world, clicheusername3.

Well, how did that work once they started playing games?

Enough said.

I don’t think you meant any harm by your question, and I don’t mean to denigrate you (at least not too much) in my reply. But, chew on my comments for a while and get back to me.

I will say that if uniting the fan base was one of your measuring sticks, that WAS ACCOMPLISHED. Most people on this board (the rabid fringe in Iowa fans in many ways) were going a little overboard in criticism of the hire when word leaked out on Sunday. By the time he had his press conference on Monday, reaction on this site by the same knee jerk reactors that were ticked off on Sunday was probably 80% in favor of him.

I would also point out that one way to determine a good hire (other than waiting on results) is to look at who says what about the hire. There are people like Dick Vitale that never put down anything, so it is hard to say it was a good hire because he says so. There are others who pretty much always tell it like it is and pull no punches. Doug Gottlieb is one of those guys. He seems almost impossible to please and he thinks this is a great hire, and not because we shouldn’t expect to get anything better than a guy like FM. He may not be right or he may be right, but if a guy that really knows something about basketball says what he said, than I will be satisfied enough to think highly of this appointment and will wait on the results without casting premature judgment based upon superficialities.

I’ll leave you with Gottlieb’s words on this hire:

“Fran McCaffery is a good solid hire for the University of Iowa. Iowa has been hoping for a winner and I believe one has arrived. He's won at Lehigh, UNC-Greensboro and Siena -- if you can win at those places, you can win anywhere. His teams are enjoyable to watch with their style of play; he lets his kids play free. If Iowa fans give Fran a little time, he'll get the Hawkeyes back to the NCAA Tournament on a yearly basis.”

Doug Gottlieb
College Basketball Analyst, ESPN
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I was going to post a lengthy reply, then I realized you're goofing on everyone.

How clever of you props for seeing what I did there. Look at how red everyone's ***** got though. Insecure? worried about something? hilarious. And to the guy that wrote the novel to me...im flattered but I don't have time to read that.
How clever of you props for seeing what I did there. Look at how red everyone's ***** got though. Insecure? worried about something? hilarious. And to the guy that wrote the novel to me...im flattered but I don't have time to read that.

Book a one-way ticket for you and Ghost on the "Too Cool for the Rest of You" Barnicle Bus, please.
Based on what, exactly? That statement has no basis in reality other than that he may have said that at his presser today.

You're all missing it.

The OP was talking about the time before any basketball is played. Now. One day after Hoiberg's presser, and just a couple of weeks after Fran's.

He's talking about the splash, not the season. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. --Iverson

Which hire is having the biggest splash right now. Right... now... Now. Not in October, not next March, not in five years.
I was kind of "eh" right away, disappointed in the lack of experience. Really impressed me today at the presser. As long as he surrounds himself with quality assistants, he should be okay. I would have prefered someone with postseason experience, but am 100% behind the hire. If the hire fails, JP goes. He put his neck out on the line.
Interesting because my clone friends say this was not a decision Pollard made. It was more a bone thrown to the $ for backing a less than stellar program.
You're all missing it.

The OP was talking about the time before any basketball is played. Now. One day after Hoiberg's presser, and just a couple of weeks after Fran's.

He's talking about the splash, not the season. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. --Iverson

Which hire is having the biggest splash right now. Right... now... Now. Not in October, not next March, not in five years.

Well of course ISU is going to create a bigger splash right now since it is a day after the press conference and has been 5 weeks since FM had his. If you really want to compare then lets wait and see if everyone is still talking about ISU basketball like they are now on June 1st.
It all doesn't mean anything until either of these guys start pulling in recruits. Fan bases can feel good a out changes in the off-season, but the key is if the changes result in better players, which leads to more wins.
Not much of a "splash hire" outside of Story county. A big "so what" to the rest of the country.
If any of Kevin McHale's management acumen rubbed off on Freddie, the clones are doomed.
My question is what will the Fred Hoiberg name mean to recruits? Players outside the state have likely never heard of him. Recruits inside the state were babies or little tots when he played.

Exactly. The class of 2012 were born in 1994 when Hoiberg was a Senior at ISU. He had a serviceable NBA career but even that ended 6 years ago so these kids were 10 the last time he played, even then he was a reserve, not a star so I doubt they idolized him and wanted to grow up to be like him.
I was kind of "eh" right away, disappointed in the lack of experience. Really impressed me today at the presser. As long as he surrounds himself with quality assistants, he should be okay. I would have prefered someone with postseason experience, but am 100% behind the hire. If the hire fails, JP goes. He put his neck out on the line.

He has already named 2 of the 3 assistants (TJ O. and Grayer). So he has one seat left. HE also named TJ O. as associate head coach so an experienced X and O coach is probably not in the picture. Grayer does not have strong X and O experience this staff seems extremely light in that area.

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