Sounds like some bad news on the OL depth front.

Shadas Revenge...Classic Pic...this is the reason you're "tailgating" fun is now ruined. You have one of your own, busting your colleges butt b/c of logo that supports underage drinking c'mon, stupid silly people who live under a rock.

HawkfromNorwalk...just like you posting you've lived in Ames, of course not Iowa City...thanks for letting ISU take your money...typical TH.

All in good fun.
Also MesaClone is also a hawk/Clone, that is legend poster on many boards. May want to lighten up since he does have some great insight.

Finally I do hope he is ok and CH should have went to ISU, he'd probably be starting as thin as we were up front. He followed Neilsen, to IA, which in the end, he is packing up shop, great wasted HS talent.

Right...go to ISU and be a part of two or three coaching changes, or go to Iowa and be a part of a team that wins a BCS game. If Cody has left, I'm guessing it's not because he wishes he went to Iowa State.

If you're referring to my avatar, do you even know what that picture is from? If you do, what does it have to do with Iowa tailgating?
You graduated from Iowa, choose to root for ISU, then come onto a Hawkeye board and create a username with "clone" in it. And you then expect people to respect you? Are you ******* serious? Seems like a ***** move to me.

I grew up not far from Ames and drove down for every game...starting back in the days of Clyde Williams field. For my dad and myself, it was the greatest father-son bonding thing imagineable...just some great times. And the loyalty I developed than for ISU will always be with me...till the day I die. But he never taught me to hate Iowa, and I remember being huddled over the radio listening to Hawk football and basketball games back in the 70's...I grew up listening to Zabel scream about Bruce "Sky" King. So I grew to love the Hawks as well...and going to school at Iowa cemented that.

I'm sorry if you disapprove of the fact that I'm still loyal to ISU...that's your problem, not mine. I enjoy rooting for both teams and will continue to do so, whether you approve or not. Ditto for posting on the board here.

And considering your childish and rude behavior, I'm guessing more than a few of your fellow Hawk fans would prefer YOU go away before I do.

I bet they do. You still haven't answered my question. Why create a screen name that has clone in it if all you wanted to do was come over here and talk Hawks? Seems counter productive if you ask me and others have said the same thing. You didn't have to reveal you were an ISU fan did you? No. But you did because you wanted to get a rise out of people. If a clone fan comes over and creates a screen name with ISU/Clone in it and talks ****, I can understand that. That's what they came here to do. If a so-called Iowa fan comes over and creates a screen name with clone in it and somehow wants the same respect as ShadasRevenge, or HawkeyeShane, they have another thing coming.
I judge people not by the color of their screen name, but by the content of the posts. Therefore, I think it is wise to respect Mesaclone.
I like every team I hope everyone does really well. I hope that everone wins what they have to it a super bowl or championship...whatever. My dad took me to a game when I was younger and now Im a huge fan...when I ride my unicorn to the casino they let me play black and red with the same dollar. Yes its a tie game everyone wins.
Thanks jumper.

I like every team I hope everyone does really well. I hope that everone wins what they have to it a super bowl or championship...whatever. My dad took me to a game when I was younger and now Im a huge fan...when I ride my unicorn to the casino they let me play black and red with the same dollar. Yes its a tie game everyone wins.

Apart from being written by someone only partially literate, your post is precisely the opposite of everything I stated.
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Hmmm because you are on only one side of the fence? Also grammar has nothing to do with the topic. Sorry if I diiddnnt sssssppeel sumthin good enough for ya sir. Did I use the wrong pretence for fooootbul talk? When you have a valid point you may respond.
Thanks jumper.

I like every team I hope everyone does really well. I hope that everone wins what they have to it a super bowl or championship...whatever. My dad took me to a game when I was younger and now Im a huge fan...when I ride my unicorn to the casino they let me play black and red with the same dollar. Yes its a tie game everyone wins.

Apart from being written by someone only partially literate, your post is precisely the opposite of everything I stated.
I just don't think you can be a Hawk fan and a Clone fan. It defies the laws of "fan" physics.

I am a diehard Hawk fan.

Do I hate the Clones? Only when they play the Hawkeyes.

Do I root for them to win otherwise? Yes, they have the word "Iowa" in their name - they are an Iowa school. I live in Iowa. It is great when they beat Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, or other teams I don't care about from out of the state.

But do I go to their games? No. Am I a fan? Not really. Do I hate them when they play Iowa? Yes.

I just don't think you can be a real fan of both schools.

In fact, I can't think of anyone I know who is both an Iowa fan and an Iowa State fan. I don't think those people really exist anywhere.
I definitely think this is an argument of semantics.

Point #1: I would not characterize myself as a Cyclone "fan", however I do root for them in every contest they play that does not include Iowa or another big ten team...(however the MN ISU bowl game was tough to choose from:) I did root for ISU in that scenario. What good does it do us or our rivalry/schedule if ISU is consistently poor or thought to be weak. I have always hoped that the Iowa vs. ISU rivalry could grow into a national talking do that ISU needs to improve it's national image.
Point #2: I am a fan of Paul Rhoades and think that he is the right person/fit to succeed at ISU. I like his intensity and feel that since they let go of MAC (mistake) he is someone that ISU should be proud to have landed. I don't understand how you can "hate" the Cyclones when they have good leadership and quality people at the helm (obviously not referring to ADs here-I think Pollard is kind of an idiot:). Chizek was the type of leader you could "hate" over in Ames, but I feel like Rhoades is a return to a MacCarney type of solid guy. I save my hatred for the FLAs and USCs of the college football world.

So, yes I understand what you are saying Chosen, and in some ways we agree, but really it all comes down to arguing word choice doesn't it? Whether we are playing them or not, I do not "hate" Iowa State. Perhaps that is because, even though recent history gives them a slight record advantage, I do view them through the "little brother glasses". I expect tough games, and we have lost more than a few we shouldn't have, but from an image standpoint it is hard not to still see the 15 in a row Hayden hung on em!
I like every team I hope everyone does really well. I hope that everone wins what they have to it a super bowl or championship...whatever. My dad took me to a game when I was younger and now Im a huge fan...when I ride my unicorn to the casino they let me play black and red with the same dollar. Yes its a tie game everyone wins.

If you bet equally on red and black each time, you will eventually lose all of your money.
Mesaclone is a Hawk fan guys. He was just starting a thread to see if anyone had heard anything about a rumor. Are you going to jump on the person that started another thread about the same thing?
Mesaclone chose his username on this board. If he roots for Iowa so much he could have chosen a different username on this board. he could have chosen a neutral name.

Its like someone having "Nazifan" and trying to come across "objective" on a jewish message board.
Really? You graduated from Iowa, choose to root for ISU, then come onto a Hawkeye board and create a username with "clone" in it. And you then expect people to respect you? Are you ******* serious? Seems like a ***** move to me. Why don't you wander your ISU lovin' *** back to Cyclone Fanatic where you can sit there and pet each other thinking about how great your 2010 4-8 season is going to be?

You are wasting a lot of energy on Mesa's screen name. He says he's an Iowa fan, and I take him at his word for that.

Your screen name is a bit misleading, as well. Are you actually from Norwalk, or do you just live there now? I'm from Iowa, but no longer live there. But when somebody asks where I am from, I say Iowa because that is where I am from. You could be insulting a lot of native Norwalkians with you screen name and should be banned for it.

This is silly. Mesa's a fan and he wished a player good will. There is nothing wrong with that.
Mesaclone chose his username on this board. If he roots for Iowa so much he could have chosen a different username on this board. he could have chosen a neutral name.

Its like someone having "Nazifan" and trying to come across "objective" on a jewish message board.

Who cares what his screen name is.....It is pretty easy to understand he is a fan of both, and has ties to both. Not mind blowing stuff here, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Nazifan? You really want to compare the Holocaust to Iowa VS Iowa St.? :confused::confused:
Thanks for being respectful about it, even though I know deep down you're probably satisfied.
You couldn't be more wrong. I cheer for the Hawks every weekend but one...and I absolutely would never be happy to see a kid hurt or leaving school..any school. So that was somewhat uncalled for...I want Iowa's OL to be as strong as possible and if the Hawks have an awesome year...I'll be damn near as excited as anyone on the board.

I will admit I never ever cheer for the Hawks. It's just how I'm wired. But I hope like hell he recovers fast. They're just kids trying to win for their school. I hate to see players go through things like that. Best of luck to his recovery.
You are wasting a lot of energy on Mesa's screen name. He says he's an Iowa fan, and I take him at his word for that.

Your screen name is a bit misleading, as well. Are you actually from Norwalk, or do you just live there now? I'm from Iowa, but no longer live there. But when somebody asks where I am from, I say Iowa because that is where I am from. You could be insulting a lot of native Norwalkians with you screen name and should be banned for it.

This is silly. Mesa's a fan and he wished a player good will. There is nothing wrong with that.

I own a home in Norwalk, I have Warren county plates, and this is where I will raise my family. Therefore, I am from Norwalk. Anything else you want to add to the conversation there buddy?
Why are so many folks being dicks to Mesaclone?

Just because he has "clone" in is username?

Come on! Grow up! There's a little thing called courtesy ... surely you've heard of it.

Contrary to what Dexter and others have mentioned ... there was no such obvious "tone" to Mesa's post. You sir are reading something in your tea-leaves that simply isn't there. It's like that UI law-school individual who attempted to create a stink about the pink locker rooms ... she was perceiving things that simply weren't there!
wow...this thread is pretty ridiculous.

he started a thread asking about a couple players. hawk fans do it EVERYDAY(wegher threads). but since his name says clone, he gets torn to shreds.

some of you need to do some growing up
I agree that this thread is ridiculous. However, I must say if you are going to throw Clone in your username, without any Hawk reference, you are kind of asking for your threads to be interpreted a certain way.

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