Some Insight into the fiasco


Well-Known Member
From a very reliable source in IC( i know that term is being thrown around a lot lately), I have come to find out that Gatens DID threaten to transfer and his family met with Barta about it on Tuesday, I believe. I was told that he had entertained transferring to Mich St ( i know intraconference transfer rules apply). Basically it has been re-hashed that Lick just didn't really have a relationship(outside the practice gym) with his players. There was certainly a feeling of disconnect and lack of understanding of roles and yesterday proved to be a definite head scratcher...

Subs at the end of the game?

I have been very neutral on this whole situation, but it seems as if damage is done beyond repair(media frenzy yesterday pretty much sealed the deal) and the time to try a different approach has come. The ADepartment will certainly make a run at Pearl, but he has about 2.4 million in buyout and if Lick doesn't go along with the "resigning for health reasons" the U of I could be stuck with a hefty 2.4 million owed to Lick also. That would make it very, very difficult to get Pearl even if he IS interested in the job, which he is, just the level of interest is to some degree, that degree is just not known.

Forgot to add, the next men's BB hire at the University WILL have ties to Iowa.

Thought I'd share what I deem came from as close to the horse's mouth without being in it.
Great point on the Bruce Pearl thought. Not only do we have to come up with the $$$ to fire Lick we also have to pay the buyout for Pearl.
This is pure speculation,but Matt Gatens has a lot of allies among ex-players like Kenyon Murray and Jess Settles, guys that he played against at the Rec Center his whole life...and is it clear that the ex-players who have gone on the record feel something is not right with Iowa bb is easy to see many that are not on the record feel the same way,like Horner,Bru ect. I could see the Gatens having a lot of support in the community as well. Barta is a newcomer,as is Lick..carpetbaggers of sort...while Matt is true hawkeye family.
If Barta is being bullied by Matt Gatens to make a coaching change, then he has no business running the department.
What if he's being bullied by Gatens AND memories of 9 other players who have already transferred?

He said a month ago he wanted to stick with Lick. If the thing that made him change his mind is one player blackmailing him, and he buckles to that, he needs to go. If the Gatens family is runnign the basketball program, then let them run it, and cut out the middle man.
What would you do after the last 3 years this program has had, if indeed the two best players on the team have said they wont play for Lick anymore, and the fans and probably the donors have spoken too? Not much choice really
I would like to send the Gatens family a nice thank you card.... anyone have that address? For the record, given what I've seen the past 3 years I'd be OK with Matt getting a shot to run the program.

He said a month ago he wanted to stick with Lick. If the thing that made him change his mind is one player blackmailing him, and he buckles to that, he needs to go. If the Gatens family is runnign the basketball program, then let them run it, and cut out the middle man.
He said a month ago he wanted to stick with Lick. If the thing that made him change his mind is one player blackmailing him, and he buckles to that, he needs to go. If the Gatens family is runnign the basketball program, then let them run it, and cut out the middle man.

Wait a second, I thought you only deal in substance and not speculation, because that's a waste of time? What are you doing here?
If he doesn't have enough B---S to remove Lick he shouldn't be running the department either.

How would firing Lick demonstrate balls? Is having balls bowing to pressure? Having Balls is sticking to your plan when everyone else is against it.

What, do you think he is afraid to fire Lick because then Lick won't like him anymore? Is that why he doesn't have balls? If you ask me, Barta is showing tremendous sack by standing up for his guy when no one else will. I don't nessecarily agree with it, but I respect it.
If Barta is being bullied by Matt Gatens to make a coaching change, then he has no business running the department.

More like a last straw. Those 10k empty seats every nite are hard to ignore or hide. The 15 wins vs 42 losses in 3 years to Big Ten teams is hard to ignore...

If players communicated their plans to transfer to Barta,before going public,I appreciate it,don't you?
and people are making some pretty big leaps on the gatens front and I dont think that is fair to matt. he has busted his *** the last two years and has gone through the ringer.
If he doesn't have enough B---S to remove Lick he shouldn't be running the department either.

In your mind sure, but last time I checked you weren't the AD. It's his choice and his choice alone, I am sure that he will listen to players but if Gatens or his family gave him sort of ultimatium then Matt isn't the type of guy I want on our team no matter how good he is. Let's not forget nobody forced him to sign with Iowa out of HS.

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