Social Issue/Political Discussion Relating to Iowa Football

So you sit here and ask people if they know KF or BF personally because they defend them but you defend Akrum(who you’ve probably never met) over me saying something negative about him and then say his life in 5 years at Iowa playing Football that he signed up for and had a free ride is harder than my whole entire life, in which you know absolutely nothing about, will ever be?? That’s the route you take? See what I’m saying man? You don’t know how hard my life has been or what I’ve overcome to be the man I am today.
Yep. That's the "route I take." Tell me what you've done (with proof) that makes you qualified to say a starter on a P5 football program is a crybaby and not man enough. You're calling him out for not being tough, so tell us what makes you so tough. This is great that you're so butthurt about about a little insult when you're literally doing the same thing yourself.

You try to belittle people here on this board when they disagree with you.
The only people I belittle are the ones who don't even try to use reason. Like someone calling Wadley a weak crybaby, but getting mad when somebody does the same thing to them. That's worth belittling because it's stupid, friendo. Didn't your dad ever give you old, "don't dish it out if you can't take it" speech?

I just know you’d be the guy at the party that I’d avoid.
You're assuming I'd be heartbroken if you didn't come chat me up at a party. Not seeing a downside here for either one of us...
Well around the country it sure is. I'm not so sure we've really seen the beginning of it with Iowa yet. I mean KSU athletes put the hammer down all organizing and saying till they get what they want they won't suit up.

What if Iowa's athletes all said we aren't playing if KF is still the coach? Basketball baseball women's sports etc etc.. That'd be all it'd take right there. Will it happen? Could it? I dunno but I won't say it's impossible. What if former players want coach gone but current ones don't? (which seems to be the case but maybe some current ones do too but haven't said so) It's an absolute train wreck at the moment that's all I know for sure.

Well that would be an interesting situation to be in as an AD.
I would simply say, ummm no you do not make the rules at the University, you sit and you lose your scholarships. You want to talk? That's one thing, but you want to act like a thug or a spoiled brat? It won't be here.
But I don't put up with shit, I didn't get away with it, my kids didn't get away with it, my nephew's didn't get away with it. So I dang sure wouldn't put up with it.
Well that would be an interesting situation to be in as an AD.
I would simply say, ummm no you do not make the rules at the University, you sit and you lose your scholarships. You want to talk? That's one thing, but you want to act like a thug or a spoiled brat? It won't be here.
But I don't put up with shit, I didn't get away with it, my kids didn't get away with it, my nephew's didn't get away with it. So I dang sure wouldn't put up with it.
Yeah and I hope Barta has been thinking about the what if scenarios... That's certainly one way to go about it. Not sure Barta would play it that way but man that'd be a hard line approach if their ever was one.
Well that would be an interesting situation to be in as an AD.
I would simply say, ummm no you do not make the rules at the University, you sit and you lose your scholarships. You want to talk? That's one thing, but you want to act like a thug or a spoiled brat? It won't be here.
But I don't put up with shit, I didn't get away with it, my kids didn't get away with it, my nephew's didn't get away with it. So I dang sure wouldn't put up with it.
No players = no football season = no athletic revenue = no athletic department = no job for Gary Barta. He isn't doing shit.
Actually, being a minority more so than AK ever was at Iowa is nothing like saying I have one black friend..
I believe there was an old school culture that could be seen as bullying. 95% of any players stories have been shown that it had nothing to do with race, Doyle would belittle anybody. What specifically do you think was racist and only pinpointed black players?

Saying go back to the Ghetto
Asking a black player if he was going to rob a liquor store
Telling a player to join the rowing team then saying black people dont like boats in water
Asking a player if he gangbanged in the off season
Why are you walking with that swagger, ill put you back on the streets
Black player spits on turf gets berated and kicked out of practice, next day white player spits on turf and nothing happens.

Now, this is all Doyle, but he was KFs boy and you cannot tell me KF doesnt know what was happening in his program.
The bottom line is these players perceptions are their reality. There is a perception among the black players that the staff promotes a "white" culture and black players need to conform to that. That in itself is a t minimum racial "insensitivity and could be called racist.

The stories are plentiful enough now that we see there is a problem. Someone asked why it took the George Floyd murder for this to happen? Well, for one, that was the straw that broke the camels back. Another reason is these players were afraid of crossing KF because of his power over them. They were not comfortable enough to say anything. 2 or 3 or 4 years with a culture that demeans you and silences you is hard to overcome. You have a fear of confronting the people that controlled you.

Change is coming, the question is will it be enough or will it be lip service and it ultimately protects the white dudes that make millions for the athletic department. Even though the money is made off the back of the players.
No players = no football season = no athletic revenue = no athletic department = no job for Gary Barta. He isn't doing shit.

Says you. I think most fans and more importantly most donors, you know the ones who were here before and will be still here long after the kids in college have graduated, would support such a stance. Why? Because it's the right thing to do.
Says you. I think most fans and more importantly most donors, you know the ones who were here before and will be still here long after the kids in college have graduated, would support such a stance. Why? Because it's the right thing to do.
Your post was literally saying that if players protested and refused to play ball that Barta "wouldn't put up with it."

So tell me how there would be a football season and an athletic department if players sat out. Athletics doesn't survive if football doesn't happen.
Your post was literally saying that if players protested and refused to play ball that Barta "wouldn't put up with it."

So tell me how there would be a football season and an athletic department if players sat out. Athletics doesn't survive if football doesn't happen.

The hell I did. I said that's what I would do.
I have no idea what you would do or anyone else would do that's why it's called a conversation.
I certainly did not say what Barta would do. in the second post I said I think you might be surprised just by how many fans and donors would support such a stance ,should Barta take such a stance.
Saying go back to the Ghetto
Asking a black player if he was going to rob a liquor store
Telling a player to join the rowing team then saying black people dont like boats in water
Asking a player if he gangbanged in the off season
Why are you walking with that swagger, ill put you back on the streets
Black player spits on turf gets berated and kicked out of practice, next day white player spits on turf and nothing happens.

Now, this is all Doyle, but he was KFs boy and you cannot tell me KF doesnt know what was happening in his program.

I’m not here to defend Doyle but he never said go back to the ghetto, he said go back to his hometown and the guy interpreted that to mean the ghetto. This is something he evidently said to all players, black or white.
Asking someone if they’re going to rob a liquor store when they’re wearing a ski mask is not racist. .. Unless you’re saying only black people rob liquor stores? That’s racist.
Washed Up Walkon’s already debunked the spit on the turf myth, telling the story of how Doyle did the exact same thing that Hankins complained of.
What we know “allegedly”.....AW claims CD, KF, & BF are all problems with separate incidents for the 5 years he was at Iowa. One of the examples given by AW about Reggie Spearman was used already by another player but that player said it was Brandon Simon.
What we also know is AW and his mother were attempting to beg the Iowa football program to bring in Wadley’s younger brother. Yes, the same Iowa program Wadley and his mother are now trashing. That’s where I am confused. Confused as in what the goal is here. Confused as in that doesn’t align.

Furthermore....I have personally signed National Letters of Intents when I competed in college. What I do know and think, that relates to AW is...... why didn’t he leave? The NLI that you sign is renewed every year. This allows players to transfer after the NLI expires but obviously tarnished the scolly. If you are NFL caliber, you should have know trouble finding another school that would grant you an athletic scholarship to play for them and I have no doubt a school would have given him a full ride for his talents.

What we also know is Wadley has ripped fans off with the merchandise he fake sold them. He also ripped off someone who designed his True Vision logo. That being said, form your own opinions on this but I’d highly consider the source.

Wadley has shifted the focus on fixing “racial injustice” within the Iowa program to....its all about me because I didn’t make an NFL roster, XFL, and my brother didn’t get a scholarship from a shitty racist school.
I’m not here to defend Doyle but he never said go back to the ghetto, he said go back to his hometown and the guy interpreted that to mean the ghetto. This is something he evidently said to all players, black or white.
Asking someone if they’re going to rob a liquor store when they’re wearing a ski mask is not racist. .. Unless you’re saying only black people rob liquor stores? That’s racist.
Washed Up Walkon’s already debunked the spit on the turf myth, telling the story of how Doyle did the exact same thing that Hankins complained of.

Defending any of this is white privilege at its finest. Again, these players perceived these comments as being racist. Who are we to say any differently?

Next your going to tell me calling Kallenberger Simple Jack was a compliment because it was based on a movie character which made a lot of money in a movie.

It doesnt matter what YOU think is racist. The players, who are black, felt these things WERE racist.

Just like the pissing match going on in here between Fryowa and 4thandgoal. One guy said something and the other perceived in a different way than was it meant to be interpreted.

THAT and the culture of whiteness are the problem.
What we know “allegedly”.....AW claims CD, KF, & BF are all problems with separate incidents for the 5 years he was at Iowa. One of the examples given by AW about Reggie Spearman was used already by another player but that player said it was Brandon Simon.
What we also know is AW and his mother were attempting to beg the Iowa football program to bring in Wadley’s younger brother. Yes, the same Iowa program Wadley and his mother are now trashing. That’s where I am confused. Confused as in what the goal is here. Confused as in that doesn’t align.

Furthermore....I have personally signed National Letters of Intents when I competed in college. What I do know and think, that relates to AW is...... why didn’t he leave? The NLI that you sign is renewed every year. This allows players to transfer after the NLI expires but obviously tarnished the scolly. If you are NFL caliber, you should have know trouble finding another school that would grant you an athletic scholarship to play for them and I have no doubt a school would have given him a full ride for his talents.

What we also know is Wadley has ripped fans off with the merchandise he fake sold them. He also ripped off someone who designed his True Vision logo. That being said, form your own opinions on this but I’d highly consider the source.

Wadley has shifted the focus on fixing “racial injustice” within the Iowa program to....its all about me because I didn’t make an NFL roster, XFL, and my brother didn’t get a scholarship from a shitty racist school.

Very much a possibility. But he said he wanted to leave but was talked out of it. Maybe he thought no one would touch him if KF told them not to. Who knows? Maybe he is just a bitter former athlete.

But he isnt the only one speaking. Im not sure why we are hammering away at one player who may be bitter. That does not explain the other 49 players who have spoken out.

And look at the black players leaving the program? I have a theory that this staff got real comfortable and felt they could do whatever they wanted. And why not? KF got the greatest contracts ever signed. Doyle survived almost killing players and was paid more. BF had Daddy give him everything he had. I believe this staff felt like they were untouchable. And they were until now. Then again, they have their scapegoat, so they may still feel untouchable.
Defending any of this is white privilege at its finest. Again, these players perceived these comments as being racist. Who are we to say any differently?

Next your going to tell me calling Kallenberger Simple Jack was a compliment because it was based on a movie character which made a lot of money in a movie.

It doesnt matter what YOU think is racist. The players, who are black, felt these things WERE racist.

Just like the pissing match going on in here between Fryowa and 4thandgoal. One guy said something and the other perceived in a different way than was it meant to be interpreted.

THAT and the culture of whiteness are the problem.

Just like the false narrative of the customer is always right, something can’t be racist just because it’s inaccurately accessed that way. By that logic I could tell someone to have a nice day and they could perceive that to mean something racist/homophobic, and they would be right (by your logic) because they interpreted it differently. Society can/will never function that way, you’re just taking the woke approach which is also just the easy way out.
Just like the false narrative of the customer is always right, something can’t be racist just because it’s inaccurately accessed that way. By that logic I could tell someone to have a nice day and they could perceive that to mean something racist/homophobic, and they would be right (by your logic) because they interpreted it differently. Society can/will never function that way, you’re just taking the woke approach which is also just the easy way out.

But that is our reality. Its like when you tell a kid that was a stupid move and they say you called them stupid.

Perception is reality. And, yes, some of it doesnt make sense. But, again, multiple players felt there was underlying racism. That cannot be chalked up to misinterpreted speech.
I guess it goes back to a generational gap. When we were kids we were told sticks and stones can break our bones but words will never hurt you, or whatever it was.

Kids today are constantly told about bullying and how words can hurt you.

That is where we are. These kids were hurt. They went to an institution of higher learning and were berated and demeaned. Racist or not, there is no place for that at a University. These kids are learning who they are and to get there self esteem crushed is a major blow to them.
Defending any of this is white privilege at its finest. Again, these players perceived these comments as being racist. Who are we to say any differently?

Next your going to tell me calling Kallenberger Simple Jack was a compliment because it was based on a movie character which made a lot of money in a movie.

It doesnt matter what YOU think is racist. The players, who are black, felt these things WERE racist.

Just like the pissing match going on in here between Fryowa and 4thandgoal. One guy said something and the other perceived in a different way than was it meant to be interpreted.

THAT and the culture of whiteness are the problem.

What is the culture of whiteness exactly?
Defending any of this is white privilege at its finest. Again, these players perceived these comments as being racist. Who are we to say any differently?

Next your going to tell me calling Kallenberger Simple Jack was a compliment because it was based on a movie character which made a lot of money in a movie.

It doesnt matter what YOU think is racist. The players, who are black, felt these things WERE racist.

Just like the pissing match going on in here between Fryowa and 4thandgoal. One guy said something and the other perceived in a different way than was it meant to be interpreted.

THAT and the culture of whiteness are the problem.

Winner winner chicken dinner.
So what do we do about that?
I'm sensitive about physical traits also, I would guess everyone is. Is that everyone else's problem or a sensitivity issue within oneself? Maybe it's both. But really guys razz each other and for sure cross the line, but only an asshole keeps going when they are told that something bothers the other person. I just don't see that in any of this.
While I can't say I condone the posting of grades like that (and that's the worst transgression I've heard about) I also can't say he wouldn't have done the same thing to a white guy or a Mexican guy. So yeah it wasn't to cool but I don't think it had anything to do with race and that's where the over sensitivity comes in.
A girl doesn't want to go out with you.
First thing you do is call her a bitch. Why? Because you are sensitive about your weight and think that's why she rejected you. You are sensitive about your financial situation and your piece of s*** car and think that's why she rejected you. You think that it's about your race and that's why she rejected you.
When really maybe it's that she already met the love of her life. Or that she doesn't want to date anyone and wants to focus on her career. Heck maybe she is gay and that's why. Maybe it has nothing to do with you as a person. But it doesn't feel that way and so you take it personally.

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