So what about this site and local news sporting coverage?

The thing about this is that many more people have it or had it without knowing. Those people haven't been tested for the virus, and the vast majority of them never went to the doctor because the symptoms were so mild (80% experience mild symptoms similar to the common cold), not to mention those that were scared of being quarantined. These people are not factored into the death rate. The same reality applies to the seasonal flu. Most people that get the flu do not get tested for the flu because they never go to the doctor.

As more and more cases of the corona appear after testing, the more the death rate drops. That statistic will never be close to accurate because the vast majority of those infected will not see a doc to get tested. This is simply the reality. The death rate for the flu is also significantly lower than reported due to these common sense reasons. It's really not that difficult to understand when you calm the F down and look at it objectively and rationally. Please stop feeding into the hysteria.
See what I'm talking about?....

South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.
See what I'm talking about?....

South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.
Honestly, the biggest "problem" with this virus is how mild most cases are. If every single person who got it got sick enough to go to the hospital, the death rate would have been nowhere near enough to cause a panic. It's kinda ironic that the reason for all the fear is the virus is too mild.
oh you mean South Korea that’s declared War on the virus and shut down everything to help contain it?
You mean how Wuhan was in complete lockdown but somehow it still got out? I get it, you're married to the idea that government will save us.

By all means though, please explain how locking shit down affects the death rate.
You mean how Wuhan was in complete lockdown but somehow it still got out? I get it, you're married to the idea that government will save us.

By all means though, please explain how locking shit down affects the death rate.
It’s helped South Korea
Helped with what? The virus is widespread in South Korea.
Correct, they’ve shut shit down and provided tests. They did it too late, but they are doing much more to be proactive and work to contain it then Italy or China. Hopefully we’ll learn from rest of the world but I have my doubts
Correct, they’ve shut shit down and provided tests. They did it too late, but they are doing much more to be proactive and work to contain it then Italy or China. Hopefully we’ll learn from rest of the world but I have my doubts
Yet, somehow the death rate for those tested is only .6%. Did you read the article or my other post? Try to take a step back and think about this objectively.
Yet, somehow the death rate for those tested is only .6%. Did you read the article or my other post? Try to take a step back and think about this objectively.
I did read the article. They are also shut the F down at this point. Like we should be if we want to save people. I’m not saying no one leave their house, but maybe right at the top of this we don’t gather hundreds of thousands of people together a night in several cities. At least til we have a better grip. I’m not saying panic, I’m saying give up some entertainment. (I just want to work from home selfishly and I’m in a field where I am in contact with people who travel constant)
I feel like I’m one of the few people looking at this objectively. I can’t help people that don’t get why saving potentially thousands of people is important. As long as there is something worse it’s overreacting. There is no vaccine for this, at least yet. Please keep in mind this is Coronavirus's rookie season. I hope it goes away but Ya expect him to set career records in his rookie year? Give him a couple decades, he'll shatter records. Coronavirus is the Don Coryell of diseases. I just hope we can slow it down at first so we’re able to get a vaccine. We got pretty smart people, I just don’t want to lose someone close to me in the mean time. If you hard mothers are cool with it, that’s cool to. I hope you’re not impacted
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See what I'm talking about?....

South Korea has tested 140,000 people for the coronavirus. That could explain why its death rate is just 0.6% — far lower than in China or the US.

We all know the mortality rate is hard to pin down. But you also have to acknowledge that the 0.6% mortality rate that South Korea is reporting after extensive testing is a really big deal. Flu mortality rates are 1 in 10,000, and you are arguing that those #s are inflated due to under-diagnosis. So in comparison, the rate determined by South Korea with extensive testing is 1 in 150, for a virus that spreads almost as fast as flu (compared to SARS/MERS/Zika, which did not spread rapidly). How do you not see that as something worthy of a response?

And of course an illness being undiagnosed in many cases means we are over-estimating the mortality rate, but it also means we are under-estimating rate and extent of spread.

I agree with your argument (and that of others on here) that the panic is over the top, and the media is hurting more than they are helping. And at the beginning of the week, before I had done any work on trying to understand why this epidemic was any different than SARS/MERS/Zika/H1N1, I was thinking all of these cancellations were overkill as well. But as you seek information, it is really clear the effects of this will be pretty substantial. You don't need to go crazy and hoard enough toilet paper to last through the next ice age, but maybe cancel that Egyptian cruise.
PS, this is actually starting to hit me financially from my side gig. We had a huge concert planned at The Slow Down outdoors for the CWS. :( Was my biggest pay day I had ever booked, exposure to thousands of people, hookers, blow, green m&m’s, private trailers etc :(

I just got a message this morning from another club, bigger venue in town, they are discussing canceling our show next Friday.

I work for a small OTR trucking company. This is killing us. I could very well lose my job. But I’m pretty awesome, I’ll be fine. Now and then later, cause I save and I have tons of family and a huge support system. A lot at high risk tho that I don’t want to die if we can avoid it.

I’ll be the first to say, I’m going on w life like usual, but who knows how long I’m able to. I’m very conscience of it, washing my hands even more often than I did. I just don’t see a lot of down side to ME personally to being cautious considering what’s happened every where else. The market will bounce back, consumers will still consume. If you lose your gig, you’ll get another one, so will I. I think it’s good science to slow down the spread of this like Dr’s are saying we should. If you don’t, that’s cool too. You might be right. Gonna be hard to tell at this point since we are in the midst of a country wide shut down.

I’m not panicking, I don’t think i need to, but to say "F it lets just ignore it and go on like usual" and not take precautions seems incredibly flawed too. I don’t know enough about this to be to passionate, I just know there currently is no cure.

I miss talking Iowa sports. So I’m gonna just come back here for that.
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What will ESPN and Fox Sports air? They will have no college or pro games and scores to report on. The Big 10 Network will just replay old games.
They already force feed irrelevant Lebron news. Probably just go to his house now and report on his bowel movements.
I did read the article. They are also shut the F down at this point. Like we should be if we want to save people. I’m not saying no one leave their house, but maybe right at the top of this we don’t gather hundreds of thousands of people together a night in several cities. At least til we have a better grip. I’m not saying panic, I’m saying give up some entertainment. (I just want to work from home selfishly and I’m in a field where I am in contact with people who travel constant)
I feel like I’m one of the few people looking at this objectively. I can’t help people that don’t get why saving potentially thousands of people is important. As long as there is something worse it’s overreacting. There is no vaccine for this, at least yet. Please keep in mind this is Coronavirus's rookie season. I hope it goes away but Ya expect him to set career records in his rookie year? Give him a couple decades, he'll shatter records. Coronavirus is the Don Coryell of diseases. I just hope we can slow it down at first so we’re able to get a vaccine. We got pretty smart people, I just don’t want to lose someone close to me in the mean time. If you hard mothers are cool with it, that’s cool to. I hope you’re not impacted

If you're going to mention Don Coryell, I am not going to ignore it. :) Thank you for that!

So, South Korea has tested 140,000 people and more than 6,000 tested positive. That's 4.28% of the population. If they tested every single person in the country (51.27 million), that would result in 2,194,356 people testing positive if the same percentage remained. 35 deaths out of 2,194,356 people is a death rate of .001595%. That's roughly 1 in every 62,695 people. Folks this virus isn't going to slow down until it's widespread, but let's keep it in perspective. The death rate is a lot lower than the initial calculations so far. Remain calm and don't panic.
So, South Korea has tested 140,000 people and more than 6,000 tested positive. That's 4.28% of the population. If they tested every single person in the country (51.27 million), that would result in 2,194,356 people testing positive if the same percentage remained. 35 deaths out of 2,194,356 people is a death rate of .001595%. That's roughly 1 in every 62,695 people. Folks this virus isn't going to slow down until it's widespread, but let's keep it in perspective. The death rate is a lot lower than the initial calculations so far. Remain calm and don't panic.

Yea, the thing is, is that until a vaccine is here and effective we can expect to go thru this again next year or the year after that. What are we going to do, cease everything in the country again. Economy would never survive.
Yea, the thing is, is that until a vaccine is here and effective we can expect to go thru this again next year or the year after that. What are we going to do, cease everything in the country again. Economy would never survive.
About that vaccine...

As pressure for coronavirus vaccine mounts, scientists debate risks of accelerated testing

"Studies have suggested that coronavirus vaccines carry the risk of what is known as vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood and is one of the stumbling blocks that has prevented the successful development of a coronavirus vaccine."
About that vaccine...

As pressure for coronavirus vaccine mounts, scientists debate risks of accelerated testing

"Studies have suggested that coronavirus vaccines carry the risk of what is known as vaccine enhancement, where instead of protecting against infection, the vaccine can actually make the disease worse when a vaccinated person is infected with the virus. The mechanism that causes that risk is not fully understood and is one of the stumbling blocks that has prevented the successful development of a coronavirus vaccine."

Crap, I was unaware about that phenomenon. Thanks for posting.

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