So if Fran bails who's on shortlist?


Because I am good looking, charismatic and I know everything about basketball.:)
If Fran were to leave, which i do not think will happen, the question to me is what else would a new coach bring to the table? By that, I mean what system would they run? As of now, here is how you win in college basketball:

1. Talent at a blue blood. Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, they all rely on a continuous stream of talent. There is zero chance that we can compete doing this.
2. Pay for talent. You could lump #1 in here too because they probably play that game (when mid level recruits like the bowen kid from louisville and smart from LSU get 6 figures, why would these others play for free?), but the problem here is that we dont break the rules and if we did we would be made an example of. Like SMU in the 80's didnt do anything different than texas or a&m, its just they didnt like an upstart peeing in their cheerios.
3. Transfer U. Texas tech, nevada, even Iowa st. Maybe could work, but from what i gather the big ten admission as well as university requirements make it harder to do than the other schools.
4. Develop. Try to recruit mid level players, lose badly for a couple years, be competitive for 1 and try 1 senior laden run at it. Problem here is that at the beginning, that works because a fan base had been starving for any type of success. But after that initial successful run, nobody wants to go through the losing of the next cycle. We all expect to skip that part and re load. But to re load is #1-3.
5. The foreign route. Try to bring over raw talent from africa mostly but other countries as well. This seems more of a west coast or old Georgetown thing, but is a route.

Add to the above, the requirements of the Iowa fan base that we like offense and only like defense when we have to. Lick's defense first game was not accepted from the get go, but even if he had won more consistently, we all still would have thought it to be boring.

When you add it all up a new coach has an almost impossible task in a state that does not consistently produce in state D1 talent. There are a lot of really good bench coaches out there, but without the talent it isnt going to happen.

So what do you all think would work here, if anything?
I think we should give Mary Ferentz a look. Think of all the trouble that hire could save the UofI. They already have her mailing address and it's in Johnson county. They already have the direct deposit info for her bank. Everyone in the AD already knows her, so that will cut time on the meet and greet. seems like the obvious Gutless Gary choice. Get er done.
In no particular order -

Roy Williams
Jay Wright
Mark Few

Obviously your list is sarcasm, but Mark Few would be my dream hire. I know he loves Gonzaga, but maybe if the offer was big enough. If we had a vacancy there is zero reason we shouldn't put a hard press on Few. Maybe he would be motivated to build another program to greatness to cement his legacy.
Chris Jans - would be #1
Chris Jans-- He would have alot of better offers than Iowa so it would be a long shot.
Respectfully, there ain't no way the Iowa administration would approve a guy who Bowling Green fired for getting hammered at a bar and grabbing a girls ass (on video), calling a group of them a bunch of bitches, and trying to get "several" women to come home with him.

I'm not saying he's a bad dude at heart and it might have been an isolated drunk shit show night like a lot of people have had, but there's zero chance our donor base and BOR would go for it. They like the squeaky-clean, Ferentzy, aww shucksy stuff, at least as far as legal issues go. The chicks he was hitting on and grabbing were college students (at a different school), and this deal is no different that Larry Eustachy's.

And Fran isn't going anywhere until it becomes apparent that Pat can't play P5 basketball at 180 lbs. Then you may see Fran move on.
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seems like the obvious Gutless Gary choice. Get er done.
Better tuck your shirt in; your naivete is showing again.

Gary's a gigantic douche canoe, but a basketball coach isn't his choice no matter what he says at press conferences.
Better tuck your shirt in; your naivete is showing again.

Gary's a gigantic douche canoe, but a basketball coach isn't his choice no matter what he says at press conferences.
I don't speak this^. Can anyone translate into English? Thanks.
Obviously your list is sarcasm, but Mark Few would be my dream hire. I know he loves Gonzaga, but maybe if the offer was big enough. If we had a vacancy there is zero reason we shouldn't put a hard press on Few. Maybe he would be motivated to build another program to greatness to cement his legacy.

I agree. You make the call. But I would put the odds of him coming here as a long, long shot.

He's turned down other P5s, including Oregon and Arizona, two schools that he told people earlier in his career were dream jobs.
Better tuck your shirt in; your naivete is showing again.

Gary's a gigantic douche canoe, but a basketball coach isn't his choice no matter what he says at press conferences.

Do you have the names of those who are in charge of hiring the next coach so everyone knows where to direct their anger when/if said coach fails?

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