So if Fran bails who's on shortlist?

Wow Spokane is now a large metro area? Now I have heard it all.
They get a lot of their players out west as schools are more spread apart out there. Gonzaga also has an international pull to it. Neither of which he’d likely have at iowa, unfortunately.
Gonzaga is in Spokane not Seattle so no it's not in a large metro area. Spokane is 4+ hours away from Seattle. Iowa City is actually closer to Chicago. Iowa City is also about 4 hours from St. Louis so purely in terms of location Iowa is better located for recruiting than Gonzaga.
That hasn’t mattered as we haven’t had a basketball coach that could recruit anywhere, let alone these areas, since the Rav.
If you can convince the athletic director, president, and the majority of the boosters you may be on to something. I have said several times it's time to stop with the notion that Iowa can be a "destination job". We need a hot up and comer who can recruit, coach, own a town, win games and championships of relevance, and flip his finger at the whole state of Iowa when his run ends after five or six years and he moves on. Calipari at U Mass in the early to mid 1990's was like that. So was Pitino at Providence in the 1980's, Rick Majerus at Utah is a fringe example, but his health forced him out of coaching too early and took his life too early as well.

I enjoyed the run this year, more than most of the last decade to say the least. But it shouldn't be an anomaly. It should be something to expect more years than not, and greater in it's best years. It happened from the 1950's to the 1980's, it can happen again.
I could care less if this is a destination job. In fact, that’s part of my issue with the football program. I want a coach that wants to improve so that he is a hot commodity and leaves because that means there’s been a high level of success. Why wouldn’t we want that? And when there is success, you attract assistants and when the head coach leaves, the head job is attractive. This was hayden’s model. The ferentz model is that of a local high school coach that no one in town will ever ask to leave but many can predict everything that’s coming and want something new.
They get a lot of their players out west as schools are more spread apart out there. Gonzaga also has an international pull to it. Neither of which he’d likely have at iowa, unfortunately.

Your rationale for the perceived recruiting advantage at Gonzaga is beyond goofy. The only recruiting pull that Gonzaga has is Mark Few. The tradition of great Basketball that he built at Gonzaga. He did it all without blue chip one and done's. He is a master evaluator of system players. He is a fantastic development coach. What Iowa needs to be successful without cheating is someone like Mark Few. I already said that it was unlikely that we got Few. It's as if you are arguing that Mark Few isn't a fantastic coach. It's beyond reason.
That hasn’t mattered as we haven’t had a basketball coach that could recruit anywhere, let alone these areas, since the Rav.

Ncaa is all about recruiting. Anybody could coach at Duke, N.Car., Kentucky etc... with all the talent they get. Do you think Coach K. has trouble recruiting, hell no. 5*****'s line up to go to blue blood schools. Nobody wants to come to Iowa
Ncaa is all about recruiting. Anybody could coach at Duke, N.Car., Kentucky etc... with all the talent they get. Do you think Coach K. has trouble recruiting, hell no. 5*****'s line up to go to blue blood schools. Nobody wants to come to Iowa
Of course, we could also pay 5*'s moms for their "consulting services".
Of course, we could also pay 5*'s moms for their "consulting services".

Right! Coach K has no problem recruiting. He shows up and points and gives his baby whinny face a contortion and Nike employees start popping out of clown cars and from under the bleachers with money falling out of their fanny packs. The game hasn't been hard for the brand names since the 80's.
I could care less if this is a destination job. In fact, that’s part of my issue with the football program. I want a coach that wants to improve so that he is a hot commodity and leaves because that means there’s been a high level of success. Why wouldn’t we want that? And when there is success, you attract assistants and when the head coach leaves, the head job is attractive. This was hayden’s model. The ferentz model is that of a local high school coach that no one in town will ever ask to leave but many can predict everything that’s coming and want something new.
I wasn't questioning your opinion on whether Iowa should be a destination job. I was questioning the opinions of the athletic director, president and majority of the boosters. I could care less if a coach does a pigeon routine on us as long as he gave us his all and won big while he was here. I think all of us could live with that.
Whoever Iowa hires has got to bring in great, tough as nails system players.
Which Fran cannot do cause he has no system.
I wasn't questioning your opinion on whether Iowa should be a destination job. I was questioning the opinions of the athletic director, president and majority of the boosters. I could care less if a coach does a pigeon routine on us as long as he gave us his all and won big while he was here. I think all of us could live with that.

A coach that plans on using Iowa as a stepping stone is just as likely to leave after 3 years of Fran type success than he is to give us championships and elite 8s. If he gives us the latter, it's obviously worth it. If he gives us the former, it's probably not.
A coach that plans on using Iowa as a stepping stone is just as likely to leave after 3 years of Fran type success than he is to give us championships and elite 8s. If he gives us the latter, it's obviously worth it. If he gives us the former, it's probably not.
I can't speak for Providence or Seton Hall or UMass, but I'm sure Rick Pitino, PJ Carlisemo, and Jon Calipari are still revered at those schools for the Final Four runs each achieved, even if they were only at those schools for brief periods of time.

Interestingly enough, Jim Calhoun was in that same group of cosches. But he stayed at UConn for nearly a quarter century and had multiple NCAA championships, an NIT title, and other final four appearances. Unlike the others, he chose to stay at one place for a long time.
A coach that plans on using Iowa as a stepping stone is just as likely to leave after 3 years of Fran type success than he is to give us championships and elite 8s. If he gives us the latter, it's obviously worth it. If he gives us the former, it's probably not.

Historically speaking how do programs fair after a drive by coach builds them up and then splits? Do they maintain success?

My fear is that my perception of this scenario is it almost always sends that program back into the cellar.

I would be interested if anyone can find a program that isn't a blue blood that bucks this perspective of mine.

My thoughts, I would only want a drive by coach if he could win us a National Championship before leaving. I don't want to embark on that mess for some random elite 8 appearance. Win huge with a short termer or stick with trying to find a lifer.
Historically speaking how do programs fair after a drive by coach builds them up and then splits? Do they maintain success?

My fear is that my perception of this scenario is it almost always sends that program back into the cellar.

I would be interested if anyone can find a program that isn't a blue blood that bucks this perspective of mine.

My thoughts, I would only want a drive by coach if he could win us a National Championship before leaving. I don't want to embark on that mess for some random elite 8 appearance. Win huge with a short termer or stick with trying to find a lifer.

It also depends on who the short termer was following. If he followed Lick, I would take a short termer that got us a sweet 16 in there years then left. I wouldn't take that with someone following Fran.
It also depends on who the short termer was following. If he followed Lick, I would take a short termer that got us a sweet 16 in there years then left. I wouldn't take that with someone following Fran.

Agreed. Starting foundation definitely matters.

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