So Aaron White scores a Career High starting at the 3

It would be nice if there were a lineup where White is catching the ball at the high post against the zone like Woodbury was. Woodbury did a good job, but I think White would really do well in that position.
But I thought everyone said he can't play the 3.

He can do it against SOME teams. Penn State blows and they played a fair amount of zone. He struggles when manned up by players more athletic than what we saw last night. Or at least he does when the only thing he's willing to do is drive to the hoop; if he's going to actually shoot more, then he'll open things up more for himself.
I didn't see him on the block much at all.
I did see him splash a three out of the corner as 3 on the floor and also run the baseline like a 3, though.

I don't care what he does as long as he is not asked to defend a quick wing player out on the perimeter or asked to try to dribble drive as a 3 against the top wings in the league.

Aaron is going to score his points the same no matter what offensive position you play him on the court. He is going to just find a way to get tip in's, cut to the hoop, maybe knock down 1-2 three point shots per game.

Why are you pushing this so much Spank? It's like you are trying to proove something. You can't seriously think White is a consistent 3 against the top 3 teams in the league? I mean I could care less what happens against Penn State or the other scrub non conference teams.
I didn't see him on the block much at all.
I did see him splash a three out of the corner as 3 on the floor and also run the baseline like a 3, though.

Storm. You're fighting an uphill battle. We're dealing with too many former coaches, talent scouts, etc within this post. At the end of the day, all I know is the results showed 27 points from a kid that is obviously clueless at the 3 :rolleyes:, a win, and some decent defense. But that's just not good enough for most. A Win in the BIG is a win.
The point I'm making (and have been trying to drill through people's heads for over a year now) is that Aaron White can play the 3 or 4.
You don't need to label him one or the other. He can play both spots. It really doesn't matter.
Yes, they are significantly different spots, but he can play both depending on the matchup.
The point I'm making (and have been trying to drill through people's heads for over a year now) is that Aaron White can play the 3 or 4.
You don't need to label him one or the other. He can play both spots. It really doesn't matter.
Yes, they are significantly different spots, but he can play both depending on the matchup.

Yes I agree with you. I guess some people around here don't realize basketball is simply based on match ups.
I didn't see White on the block much at all, most of his points were from running the short corner and getting behind the defense against the zone. Plenty of teams use their 3's in this role against the zone.

I didn't see him on the block much at all.
I did see him splash a three out of the corner as 3 on the floor and also run the baseline like a 3, though.

I think another astute poster pointed this out earlier Spank.
People are quick to point out that White matches up poorly with the best 3's in the conference but doesn't he also match up poorly with the best 4's? You can't say White's not a 3 because he would look bad against Michigan because most people look bad against Michigan.
People are quick to point out that White matches up poorly with the best 3's in the conference but doesn't he also match up poorly with the best 4's? You can't say White's not a 3 because he would look bad against Michigan because most people look bad against Michigan.

Please explain. Are you attempting to say that White is not one of the top 4s in the BIG?
People are quick to point out that White matches up poorly with the best 3's in the conference but doesn't he also match up poorly with the best 4's? You can't say White's not a 3 because he would look bad against Michigan because most people look bad against Michigan.

White creates more favorable mismatches from the 4 (more often than he will from the 3, anyway). Yes, he's capable of playing either spot depending on the matchup. But most coaches, and Fran is included, don't like to shake up their lineup too much. They tend to prefer keeping the starting lineup as solid as possible.

What will they do when White matches up better at the 4? Move him back and put Clemmons in, moving Basabe back to the 6th man role? That's fine. But I have a hard time believing Fran will want to move Basabe back and forth like that, since he wasn't sure for awhile if it was a good idea to put him back in the lineup to begin with (since he's been playing maybe the best basketball of his career off the bench). If he wants the lineup to stay set (barring really poor play or injuries), then I don't agree with Aaron starting at the wing.
Storm. You're fighting an uphill battle. We're dealing with too many former coaches, talent scouts, etc within this post. At the end of the day, all I know is the results showed 27 points from a kid that is obviously clueless at the 3 :rolleyes:, a win, and some decent defense. But that's just not good enough for most. A Win in the BIG is a win.

It's not really an uphill battle, I think the sample we have is Penn State. I am not saying he can or can't play the 3, but I can't say one way or the other that the 3 spot is the best for him or isn't.

I am not knocking White or the night that he had, but it took him to have a career high for Iowa to win and against a team like PSU is a reflection of the other players not getting the job done.

Iowa doesn't have a "classic" 3-man on their roster, but that is not to say White can't become a player that can be a nightmare match-up at that spot. College basketball is a funny thing, guys that aren't prototypical can flourish in unconventional ways.

Earlier in the year when White was at the 3, Basabe wasn't in the lineup, I am not a huge fan of this starting lineup, but will give it a shot, trust the guys that see them everyday. I thought Gesell struggled last night, he doesn't seem like a natural PG, not a bad thing, but I think he really struggles running the fast break and playing man defense. Also, I don't know what to think of Marble, if he is indeed injured...well, not sure he can make the impact he is capable.

The new lineup gives the bench more defined roles, not a bad thing either.

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