So Aaron White scores a Career High starting at the 3

Do you think it was a match issue? That is what the commentator said about 15-20 times. Which was only the 2nd most overstated thing to "If only Frazier was playing, this would be a different Penn State team."
I sorta wish he would shoot the 3 more. He has so many open looks and always does his pump-fake dribble-drive, and it really isn't working too well. He CAN shoot the three. Hell even if he misses it's just like everyone else from beyond the arc - or anywhere else for that matter.
Do you think it was a match issue? That is what the commentator said about 15-20 times. Which was only the 2nd most overstated thing to "If only Frazier was playing, this would be a different Penn State team."

I couldn't take anything the commentator said with any confidence after I saw this chart....

Northwestern, a team Iowa crushed on their home floor is in a higher tier than Iowa. So ridiculous, it isn't even funny.
If there are 4 tiers in the B1G, Iowa isn't in the 4th. If there are 3, you can argue they are in the top of the 3rd. But to put NW up that high means this commentator looked at the standings only and then made tiers. Hasn't watched the games and if he has, doesn't pay attention. Anyone watching B1G BB can see that Iowa is somewhere between 6th and 9th in the conf. Prob in the lower end of that range. But they are not in the 4th tier of a 4 tier conf. So stupid.
I couldn't take anything the commentator said with any confidence after I saw this chart....

Northwestern, a team Iowa crushed on their home floor is in a high tier than Iowa. So ridiculous, it isn't even funny.
If there are 4 tiers in the B1G, Iowa isn't in the 4th. If there are 3, you can argue they are in the top of the 3rd. But to put NW up that high means this commentator looked at the standings only and then made tiers. Hasn't watched the games and if he has, doesn't pay attention. Anyone watching B1G BB can see that Iowa is somewhere between 6th and 9th in the conf. Prob in the lower end of that range. But they are not in the 4th tier of a 4 tier conf. So stupid.

Adrian Branch was terrible. I enjoyed his commentary after Basabe's technical where in a two minute span he argued both that it was the right call and then argued that the ref should just let them play. A very impressive flip-flop. Also, the fact that he sounded like he wanted to **** coach Dillard creeped me out.
I couldn't take anything the commentator said with any confidence after I saw this chart....

Northwestern, a team Iowa crushed on their home floor is in a higher tier than Iowa. So ridiculous, it isn't even funny.
If there are 4 tiers in the B1G, Iowa isn't in the 4th. If there are 3, you can argue they are in the top of the 3rd. But to put NW up that high means this commentator looked at the standings only and then made tiers. Hasn't watched the games and if he has, doesn't pay attention. Anyone watching B1G BB can see that Iowa is somewhere between 6th and 9th in the conf. Prob in the lower end of that range. But they are not in the 4th tier of a 4 tier conf. So stupid.

There's a pretty good argument to be made that Iowa is better than every team in that third tier (though I wouldn't put them ahead of Illinois...yet)
There's a pretty good argument to be made that Iowa is better than every team in that third tier (though I wouldn't put them ahead of Illinois...yet)

Yes there is, but I didn't want to be called out for being a homer.
However, I think any B1G fan would agree that Iowa in that 4th is just ignorant.
Yes there is, but I didn't want to be called out for being a homer.
However, I think any B1G fan would agree that Iowa in that 4th is just ignorant.

I don't really get how any commentator could put Purdue or Northwestern over Iowa except for looking at standings. They both have better conference records but Iowa's had an extremely tough go at it so far. I'm pretty sure, once we get to the soft portion of the schedule, we'll finish above both.
Yes there is, but I didn't want to be called out for being a homer.
However, I think any B1G fan would agree that Iowa in that 4th is just ignorant.

I think the whole tier thing is dumb anyway.

Michigan State
Ohio State

Those are the best teams as far as I am concerned in terms of what they have done and talent. After that I don't care how you want to rank teams. I do know that Nebraska and Penn State are clearly at the bottom.
But I thought everyone said he can't play the 3.

He isn't a consistent 3. He can play it when the match up works out for him offensively and defensively. I like him at the 4 a lot more as I think he can create a few more problems with more consistency from the 4.

What I like best about him is offense does not need to run through him for him to get points. It's nice having players like that on teams.
But I thought everyone said he can't play the 3.

Great point Storm. I got beat up for suggesting the world wouldnt end if White goes back to the 3 (not that he left it to begin with as he still was seeing limited minutes there). The kid was recruited to play the 3 and when the match-up presents itself, he will dominate, no different than last night. There will also be nights where he struggles due to the opponent. That can be said of anybody at any position. Sometimes the match-up favors you. Sometimes it doesnt. But to say White can never play the 3 blah blah blah like many seem to think (no names Tm) is just comical. The kid proved that last night. Period.
White scored a career high but the Hawks couldnt beat the worst team in the B1G by double digits on their home court with him starting at the 3.

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