Site is Infested with Trolls

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I agree. I really like the conversation on this site, but after trying everything to remove the malware yesterday, I couldn't accomplish it.

So, viewing this site actually ended up costing me a lot of money. I'm still going to do some things to try to remedy the problem, but I've followed all of the advice and still have the problem.

As a token of appreciation and for your trouble, Im sure JD would reduce your annual membership fee to free for the next several years.
Honest question that probably won't be well received:So 1000 views makes $.50. I would gladly pay more than that if it meant there was a mirror site that doesn't have ads. While still having a free version. IE: apps on phone that have a paid version to avoid ads. I love the information & banter I get from this site. However, I don't want to risk a virus. I understand this isn't your fault but it is your site. Take my thoughts however you may but I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I agree. I really like the conversation on this site, but after trying everything to remove the malware yesterday, I couldn't accomplish it. So, viewing this site actually ended up costing me a lot of money. I'm still going to do some things to try to remedy the problem, but I've followed all of the advice and still have the problem.
So if viewing this site cost you a lot of money, why are you still here? If i had a virus i dont think i would return. Atleast not on my own computer.
So, I haven't logged in here in awhile. And it only took this thread, the first I've loaded, to remind me of what I didn't miss in the least.
This is stupid.

When I see garbage, I remove garbage. I don't see all of it because as I have said a few thousands times through the years, I don't see every post. I hadn't gotten on the site yet this morning as I was spending some time playing with my kids.

If you see something that you believe needs looked into, my email address is on every one of my posts. Email me the link. That's the 10,000th time I've posted that.

It takes less effort to do that than it does to say stupid things like I want trolls for hits.

So why don't you have other mods, like almost every other message board out there? You don't trust Stormin Spank or any other posters?
So why don't you have other mods, like almost every other message board out there? You don't trust Stormin Spank or any other posters?

I don't think it requires/would require even a fraction of the mods cyfan has, to maintain decency around here.
So why don't you have other mods, like almost every other message board out there? You don't trust Stormin Spank or any other posters?

Stormin is a mod, there was just something up with his ability to take care of that today. Not sure why
So why don't you have other mods, like almost every other message board out there? You don't trust Stormin Spank or any other posters?

There are a couple of us that are mods.
Me being one.
I'll take the fault on some of it... I give people a long leash for the most part. But, like Jon, I don't see everything all the time, esp the POL board. I don't venture on that board much at all.

And sometime, I run into permissions issues, like this AM. So I emailed Jon.

Also, like Scorpio said, I do have a paying job as well, so I can't be on here all the time even if it looks like it... ;) I'm usually not on the site that much overall even if my posts appear it to be.
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Not even close to true.
...and the list could go on (and include clown trolls who've been banned already)

Clown trolls on HN outnumber Hawkeye trolls on cyfan by 10-1, I would wager.

I'm no troll, dude. Trolls are sickos that make fun of dead people with mental illness.
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