Site is Infested with Trolls

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Here's how stupid that premise is.

Let me tell you how the ad things works.

For every 1000 ads that are shown, a site owner on a genre like this MIGHT make $.50 cents during the majority of the year. MAYBE. So a post that has a runaway troll with 1000 views makes me $.50 cents before costs. Do you really think that's what I am aiming for? No

I sell Digital Display ads to local companies and the going rate is 8-10 dollars per thousand impressions. Guess the middle man gets his share. My question for you Jon is this, does Chase for example get dinged 4 times when their ad comes up in every position on one page?
I sell Digital Display ads to local companies and the going rate is 8-10 dollars per thousand impressions. Guess the middle man gets his share. My question for you Jon is this, does Chase for example get dinged 4 times when their ad comes up in every position on one page?

They do, which is why the CPM's for message board based traffic is so low, due to higher frequency..and why I am looking into more local arrangements that are based on monthly fees in a rotation.

Can you moonlight? ;)
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