Dude, what is your problem with me? I'm not a perfect person and I'm much better than I used to be. Heck, this is the first basketball game all season I've gotten upset. I don't even recall getting too upset in football after the first two games. Either way though I will stay out of game threads per your request.
“Dude,” you completely melt down about “F this team” “cancel the season” “ this team sucks” in literally every game thread where the Hawks don’t play well, basketball or football.
And you know what’s really hilarious (and stupid)? You said, “This is the first basketball game all season I’ve gotten upset,” and then immediately after that you went and deleted a bunch of posts where I and others called you out on it in the past. You can bitch about me all you want (I can definitely take it) but don’t go calling people liars and say you don’t do whatever it is you’re getting accused of and then go delete a bunch of posts to the contrary like a little bitch.
You went to the trouble of going way deep in your post history last night and deleting posts from game threads where people called you out on it. Like this little gem you deleted last night about how you have a long history of dumb “F this team” meltdowns... (December 5)

These are all getting undeleted, btw. I totally understand posting something, regretting it, and deleting it. That’s natural when someone gets mad. But you’re doing it to cover your tracks and make people look dumb and that ain’t happening. You post something you can own it.
Look “dude,” you can hate me all you want and you can disagree with me calling you out, but don’t call me a fuckin liar and then go back to delete posts that prove my point. It’s not just me, other people have called you out plenty (I can quote if you want). Melting down like a five year old is one thing, but trying to lie your way out of it is another.
Last thing, just find another team. Honestly. You say it’s being such a huge passionate fan that gets you upset, but it’s not. Everyone gets really pissed sometimes (myself included), but you’re nothing but “F this team” “cancel the season” “this team sucks and they’re not even gonna make the NIT” “F these motherfuckers, the season’s over” every game thread where they’re losing. Don’t tell me you’re not that way either, or I can just simply go through and show you all your deleted posts and un-delete ‘em. That’s not being a fan, that’s a mental issue with either temper tantrum control or booze, probably both if I had to guess. And trying to cover up your shit to make people look dumb after the fact (repeatedly) is a whole separate level of dumb.