Seriously, what's with all the fluff pieces

I did not expect that reply. I forget which of my many posts riled you up. Refresh my memory regarding what I said.

Just curious, Josh, are you and your dad the exact same person? Do you hold every thought, every ideal, every belief the exact same as your father? You never have a different opinion that your old man?

If true, I would say even your dad is sorry that you couldn't grow up to be your own man...
Just curious, Josh, are you and your dad the exact same person? Do you hold every thought, every ideal, every belief the exact same as your father? You never have a different opinion that your old man?

If true, I would say even your dad is sorry that you couldn't grow up to be your own man...

1) You're assuming Brian thinks what his father has done with the offense for 18 yrs is lacking and needs to be changed. You have no evidence to back that up.

B) You're assuming he has more talent as on OC than GD/KOK. Again, you have no evidence to back that up.

3) You're assuming that even if 1 & B are true, that Kirk wants a gunslinger offense. Again, you have no evidence to back that up.

Could things change for the better with BF? I agree it's possible. But I don't think he brought in his son to argue with him about strategy and execution. I think Kirk likes yes men. I think his son knows that about his father. I think his son has shown an ability to bow to conformity.

I do think Kirk opened his mind a teeny tiny bit in 2015. But that was in response to a warming seat.

Will Iowa be better next year on offense? Well considering they were at or near the bottom this year it seems likely. Will next year be better than this year in terms of results? IMO no. Probably the same.

How do you think next year will compare to this year?
1st of all, I would like to thank you for that peek inside my head. ;) You know a lot more about my assumptions that I do. Now to answer your questions:

1. I don't know if he thinks that. His press conference answers seemed to indicate that he believes the offense needs to be evaluated and changes need to be made, especially in the areas of changing the game plan from week to week to be more unpredictable.

2. No thought at all as to whether he is better than KOK or GD. Very excited that he is younger and seems to have a idea of what modern football looks like. Especially excited that he was tutored under BOB and Belichick. The Patriots offensive schemes seem to adapt from week to week and opponent to opponent. They don't always have the all-pro at skill positions, but still scheme their way to victory.

3. NEVER believed that Kirk wants to air it out. I KNOW from 18 years of watching that he wants to run the ball and not turn it over. He wants to make the other team go the length of the field to score and try to win the special teams battles. Again, based on his 4 years in the NFL, I believe Brian will have some ideas that can fit a run first, limit mistakes offense, that you or I wouldn't be able to defend because we can recognize the play the second the Hawks offense sets up at the line of scrimmage.

I continue to answer all of your questions. You still haven't answered mine...:rolleyes:
Wow, this type of Clavin is the reason I haven't been here in a long time and won't come back for a while. You gotta be kidding me. Lmao. Won 20 games in 2 years. Disappointing this year, and still did some good things. Over the last 10-15 years, where does Iowa stand in big ten wins? Overall wins? I'm asking, I don't know, but this schmuck doesn't know either. Good grief. I'm out.
Good luck with these no clues Jon.

KFs core philosophy is why our recruiting stinks. Conservative, boring brand of football. Plays the less talented guys that practice well over a guy that gets it done during the games, but might not practice as well, absolutely horrible game day coach. Of course the OC needed to be someone that understood this, and of course who would understand it better than his own kid? He's proven nothing as a coach. He cannot recruit worth a damn, just like daddy. Never designed an offense, developed a receiver, or a qb. Yet he is the most qualified candidate? What a joke. He's the most qualified candidate to keep the status quo of boring football, poor recruiting, and an offense that no talented receiver will ever want to be a part of. 120th in offense and we hire from within the system? What other program in the nation would do that? Of course candidates aren't breaking down the door to come here, but that doesn't mean you just give up and hire from within to fill the spot. Of course, this was the plan all along. Have Davis stay here just long enough to get sonny in the OC position, and KF will try and hang on long enough to get sonny in as the head coach when he finally retires. Why does anyone think Brian will be able to recruit when he hasn't been able to recruit yet? Talent doesn't want to come here because of who is at the helm, and thats KF. Having another Ferentz coaching, I believe will hurt recruiting more than help it. Of course next year the excuse will be new qb and new OC. What will be the excuse after that?
--------He's an unknown at that position because he has never had a similar one anywhere he's been.

I will tell you what IS KNOWN,.,,,we will NEVER come close to ever being a part of what we saw last nite between Clemson and Alabama until Ferments Sr. is no longer a part of Iowa ANY capacity.

We've already "been close to it" three times in KFs tenure. Good Lord, intellectual honesty certainly gets "deader and deader" with each successive thread on these boards.
Well I think this post hit the nail on the head. This hire was really fast and it makes it surely seem that KF did not talk to anyone else's agents or any other OCs. Did they even post this as an open position?

Now Brian F has done a very good job as run game coord but not so good coaching his Off Line to pass block. I am only hoping that he has absorbed a lot of Bill Obrien and his time with the Pats so he will start using the middle of the field in the passing game. If BF can improve the passing game by 30-50% we should be better.

The deal is done so I hope he can do the job.
Shouldn't we be "better" if he improves it by 1%? :) I'm sure he must have, and some stat geek knows or will look it up, but did beathard even have a 300 yard passing game? Sure, he must have, but it tells you something if one has to wonder? Brian Ferentz will improve the offense because there is NO WHERE to go but up when your passing game has been dead, buried 6 feet deep.
A big key for any coordinator is properly summed up by lyrical poet Kenneth Rogers in his sonnet, The Gambler. "You've got to know when to hold em (technique)...*EVERYBODY*...know when to fold em (smashmouth). Know when to walk away (pass)...know when to run. You never count your money..when you're sittin at the table (Be diversified). There will be time enough for counting...when the dealings done (victory).
Cheese-tactic right? Lol

Good coordinators....
1. Know when to "milk it til it's dry" -H. Fry. If it's working, exploit it.
2. Have a knack for mixing it up on occasion with a new set of downs. Note, stick to point number one when it screams to you.
3. Use your predictable strengths to set up counters, reverses, screens, draws.
More importantly, the better OC calls that play one play before the rest of AMERICA or the defense starts thinking about it.
4. Have a legitimate 2-minute offense that could be utilized even at the start of the 2nd half when needed for a competitive edge.
5. Employ a passing game that exploits each level of the defense. This includes stretching a defense vertically and horizontally. Recognize the defense and know where when and how to attack it. Each type of coverage has a down side to it. Recognizing the weakness in coverage as the game is coming at you as an OC is so so so important.
6. Recognize your shortcomings. Work to improve them during the week, but minimize their effect vs. a game day opponent when they've got your number. If it's that you are struggling with a pass rush, know how to slow them down with play calling. Make them change or suffer. Easier said than done. Old school example, screen vs. a team that blitzes often, run a reverse vs a team that has backside defenders who chase the run away, etc.

These aren't the only things...but a few. In the end....a good OC has a good feel for the game and uses the defense's tendencies against them or brings them out of their comfort zone with play calling.
Does anyone really think Brian's brief NFL coaching "experience" had nothing to do with Kirk?
Of course there is some truth in that. And if he got a video scout editing assistant job to start...sure. But he moved up the chain under Bellichick. That would have ZERO to do with KF.
Offensive play calling is easy and requires no experience. The art is the scheme and the sets. What separates the starving artists from the Picasso's is when and how to deploy your brushstrokes. There is no success to be had long term in constant blitzkrieg or air raid offense. This has been proven. It's a few year run until your gimmick is exposed and shut down. Instead build yourself on balance and then become unpredictable. A great strategy is run from a running set. Then pass from a run set (underneath stuff drags, slants crosses or outs). Then run again from a run set. Then pass again underneath from a run set. By this time the defense will not be likely to predict run or pass from your run sets. Now it's time to go 3 or 4 wide. Looks like pass. Nope, it's an interior run. Next play 3 or 4 wide again...outside sweep. If your players executed these plays properly then you should be past mid field. Now back to your running set. Play action deep to your best WR. That should put you in the end zone or in a goal to go situation with a defense that has no idea what to expect. I learned this from Eddie Robinson himself over drinks at Hilton Hotel bar and lounge in Atlanta in 2002. Lucky I was wearing my Dallas Clark jersey. While I had no idea Eddie was an Iowa alum he was not shy about it. That guy had a great football mind. Even in his final years. R.I.P. Eddie.

P.S. This strategy never fails in Madden. My kids still can't beat me. It drives them nuts.
There have been multiple pieces talking about BF being the "perfect" hire, being "brilliant", being "groomed" for this position, etc.

Look, I like the guy as well. Local kid, part of 2 conference titles, got a cup of coffee in the League, spent 4 years on the NE staff, position coach here...seems smart, aggressive, etc.

But let's be real...we're hiring a guy who has never in his life, at any level of football, designed an entire offense, called a single play in any game, or mentored a single skill player outside of TE. And not only are Jon and Rob okay with this, but are singing his praises as if he's the 2nd coming of Bill Snyder. Have we just decided that critical thinking is not required because his last name is Ferentz?

At the end of the day, BF is only the 6th OC in the last 39 years at Iowa and it's not even close that he's the least qualified of all of them by a country mile. Heck, even KOK was a former HC that had a 79-10 record and won a national championship and he was coming to a team coming off a 3-8 season and had a stable of 250lb OL. After 18 years of KF, and coming off a 12-2 season just a year ago, this is what we end up with? BF may be the best fit, but was he really the best we could do? Seems like another "union card" situation to me...

Here's another fluffer

Schwartz thinks that BF will be scrutinized more and given less forgiveness by the media. David hasn't been reading Hawkeyenation apparently.
Here's another fluffer

Schwartz thinks that BF will be scrutinized more and given less forgiveness by the media. David hasn't been reading Hawkeyenation apparently.

He hasn't started yet. Once he starts calling plays, and we have 240 total yards and lose 17 to 13, the cat calls will come. Heck your screaming and whining has already begun, and he hasn't even been OC for a week yet. All the heat KF gets, will be doubled now with Brian as OC.
He hasn't started yet. Once he starts calling plays, and we have 240 total yards and lose 17 to 13, the cat calls will come. Heck your screaming and whining has already begun, and he hasn't even been OC for a week yet. All the heat KF gets, will be doubled now with Brian as OC.

One thing apparent - KF doens't care what Josh Brown or about what anyone else thinks. Josh, back away from the ledge. I'll miss you.
I think the operative word is hope as in 'you hope things go well for Brian' since there isn't any solid evidence that he's been a successful coach on any level for a sustained length of time.
Yep, and many others have come up the exact same way. I imagine people hoped for them too.
Sometimes people just bitch for the sake of bitching. Just incredible. What did they do before message boards.

In the old days before message boards, there wasn't as much fluff. Coaches gave more meaningful interviews. Pit Bulls weren't as common so some kicked da dog.