Seriously, what's with all the fluff pieces

I want change at the top. I'm not a Ferentz hater but I feel like the program is stale and I think KF has taken this program as far as it will go. I'm afraid that it will slip back to around the
place the KF took over after Fry. However, this isn't going to happen unless Kirk retires, and that isn't happening any time soon.

With that being said, out of the OC that KF could have possibly hired, I think Brian is the best possible scenario. Maybe what people are saying is right and Kirk loosens the reins on his son. It's certainly possible. Time will tell. Therefore this hire, for me, is Meh.
But...since that runs contrary to what you think, or the opinions you hold, folks aren't thinking clearly or critically...which, unfortunately, is a sign of the times. It's not enough just to agree to disagree any more. We live in times where if you disagree with me, you're stupid or you have some hidden agenda.

Wow, this rings incredibly hollow considering you have Steve Deace on your podcast every week and he makes his living doing exactly what you're describing, hell he spends half of your podcasts doing it.
There have been multiple pieces talking about BF being the "perfect" hire, being "brilliant", being "groomed" for this position, etc.

Look, I like the guy as well. Local kid, part of 2 conference titles, got a cup of coffee in the League, spent 4 years on the NE staff, position coach here...seems smart, aggressive, etc.

But let's be real...we're hiring a guy who has never in his life, at any level of football, designed an entire offense, called a single play in any game, or mentored a single skill player outside of TE. And not only are Jon and Rob okay with this, but are singing his praises as if he's the 2nd coming of Bill Snyder. Have we just decided that critical thinking is not required because his last name is Ferentz?

At the end of the day, BF is only the 6th OC in the last 39 years at Iowa and it's not even close that he's the least qualified of all of them by a country mile. Heck, even KOK was a former HC that had a 79-10 record and won a national championship and he was coming to a team coming off a 3-8 season and had a stable of 250lb OL. After 18 years of KF, and coming off a 12-2 season just a year ago, this is what we end up with? BF may be the best fit, but was he really the best we could do? Seems like another "union card" situation to me...
No. He's not the best we can do. He's all that KF is willing to do.
Same argument could be made in reverse...he fits your narrative, so you refuse to even acknowledge or bring up the critical questions that should be asked. And I like how you artfully dodged my comment...that BF is, in fact, our least qualified OC in 39 years:..
Exactly right. Don't accuse others of having an agenda or shaping facts to fit your narrative, while you (Jon) does the exact same thing with your opinions. It's an insult to intelligent people. Which usually works for most of the posters on this board, but I digress.
Kirk is a lot of things. Stubborn is one of them. He also has a vision for what he believes can consistently be accomplished at Iowa...and after 18 years of his era, and another 20 years of watching Iowa and Big Ten football before that, I have come to agree with him.

Iowa can consistently and repeatedly find and or build offensive linemen...and they have done a great job on the LOS on defense. I think it begins there. So when you know that is going to be the area that you can most likely and confidently get players every year, you build your program around that identity. It's what Hayden did at Iowa, too, although people just remember the occasional flea flicker or statue of liberty play...those were outliers. Iowa won with OL play and stout defense under Hayden Fry, and they also had two QB's in a 6 out of 7 year span (82-85 and then 87-88) where they had slingers at QB...

Iowa has struggled my entire lifetime in recruiting and or retaining playmakers on the outside...and I think they probably always will.

One of the most important lessons I have learned in my life was to recognize what I was not and quit trying to be something I was not wired or meant to be. I think Kirk gets this as it relates to Iowa football...and I know Brian understands who and what Iowa is and what they can be...and I think Brian, more than any other person out there, can make tweaks within that framework that can work.

Iowa is a great place...a unique place...the fans help make it so. But it is also not without its challenges, inherent challenges that have spanned decades and will span decades more; demographics. You can't just close your eyes and wish those challenges don't exist. I have been writing about these things for nearly two decades...and they have...not...changed.... Not that Kirk hasn't changed, but the demographics have not, or will not.

Iowa's best chance is to win at the LOS...and they do that far more than they don't over a span of five or ten years. That is their advantage area. It's not the state that produces enough skill position players to where you tailor your program in that way. You have to go to other states, where the Iowa brand is not #1, and kids don't grow up dreaming about playing for Iowa, to get those players. For every Amara Darboh, there are 8 offensive lineman that you can bring in and hit with. This is just how it is, it's Iowa's lot in life.

So you match a coordinator in a good marriage with your head coach and the realistic lot in life you have....and that is why I think Brian is the perfect fit.
Spare us the "little OL Iowa , can't recruit skill position players" nonsense. That's bull spit.
Yup. Davis was trying to fit square pegs into round holes here at Iowa. While I agree he lacks experience, Brian Ferentz is extremely familiar with Iowa's philosophy and how to match it, and has the leverage to stand up to Kirk on some things that an outside hire wouldn't. I wouldn't call myself optimistic with his hiring, but it certainly makes sense to me and leaves me at least a bit hopeful.
That's a reflection on KF and his incredibly poor hire. That has absolutely nothing to do with going out and hiring the best candidate for the job, rather than just hand it to your son.
I want change at the top. I'm not a Ferentz hater but I feel like the program is stale and I think KF has taken this program as far as it will go. I'm afraid that it will slip back to around the
place the KF took over after Fry. However, this isn't going to happen unless Kirk retires, and that isn't happening any time soon.

With that being said, out of the OC that KF could have possibly hired, I think Brian is the best possible scenario. Maybe what people are saying is right and Kirk loosens the reins on his son. It's certainly possible. Time will tell. Therefore this hire, for me, is Meh.
I want change one step above KF. An AD that wants to win rather than maximize the amount of money he can wring from the fans. That AD alone will send KF packing in short order. An AD that won't tolerate the offensive results that have been a staple under KF.
That AD alone will send KF packing in short order. An AD that won't tolerate the offensive results that have been a staple under KF.
You're talking about Briar Cliff or Luther, right?

Because that's the only way you can save face after that post.
What's funny is how people think who the offensive coordinator is makes any real difference...

Greg Davis, Ken Keefe.... Bill Walsh

As long as Ferentz is here you are going to get what you get... it isnt changing for better or worse.
What's funny is how people think who the offensive coordinator is makes any real difference...

Greg Davis, Ken Keefe.... Bill Walsh

As long as Ferentz is here you are going to get what you get... it isnt changing for better or worse.

Exactly. The OC needed to be someone that understood KF's core philosophy and could work within it, something Davis could not do. IMO, Brian is the most likely person to be able to do that. Is there someone else out there better? Maybe. But it's a bird-in-the-hand saying at work here.

Look, it's not like candidates were breaking down the door in '12 when KOK left. Coaches around the country know the setup here. You're going to need to coordinate the offense around the head coach's system. It's not easy to find people that A) can do that, and B) are willing to do that.
Same argument could be made in reverse...he fits your narrative, so you refuse to even acknowledge or bring up the critical questions that should be asked. And I like how you artfully dodged my comment...that BF is, in fact, our least qualified OC in 39 years:..
This exactly is how I feel
You're talking about Briar Cliff or Luther, right?

Because that's the only way you can save face after that post.
I'd take Chuck long in a NY minute. Someone like Barry Alvarez. Played at Iowa. Cares about Iowa football on a personal level. Has achieved greatness and will expect the same thing from whomever is coaching Iowa football in the future. Do you think it's an accident or blind luck that Wisconsin has surpassed Iowa in football?
Me having to explain this to you means you have no understanding of pride in competition and no "face" to save in the first place! You're an insult to real competitors.
KFs core philosophy is why our recruiting stinks. Conservative, boring brand of football. Plays the less talented guys that practice well over a guy that gets it done during the games, but might not practice as well, absolutely horrible game day coach. Of course the OC needed to be someone that understood this, and of course who would understand it better than his own kid? He's proven nothing as a coach. He cannot recruit worth a damn, just like daddy. Never designed an offense, developed a receiver, or a qb. Yet he is the most qualified candidate? What a joke. He's the most qualified candidate to keep the status quo of boring football, poor recruiting, and an offense that no talented receiver will ever want to be a part of. 120th in offense and we hire from within the system? What other program in the nation would do that? Of course candidates aren't breaking down the door to come here, but that doesn't mean you just give up and hire from within to fill the spot. Of course, this was the plan all along. Have Davis stay here just long enough to get sonny in the OC position, and KF will try and hang on long enough to get sonny in as the head coach when he finally retires. Why does anyone think Brian will be able to recruit when he hasn't been able to recruit yet? Talent doesn't want to come here because of who is at the helm, and thats KF. Having another Ferentz coaching, I believe will hurt recruiting more than help it. Of course next year the excuse will be new qb and new OC. What will be the excuse after that?
I'd take Chuck long in a NY minute. Someone like Barry Alvarez. Played at Iowa. Cares about Iowa football on a personal level. Has achieved greatness and will expect the same thing from whomever is coaching Iowa football in the future. Do you think it's an accident or blind luck that Wisconsin has surpassed Iowa in football?
Me having to explain this to you means you have no understanding of pride in competition and no "face" to save in the first place! You're an insult to real competitors.
You missed the point. Gary Barta has no power to fire KF. He works for Kirk, not the other way around.
Exactly. The OC needed to be someone that understood KF's core philosophy and could work within it, something Davis could not do. IMO, Brian is the most likely person to be able to do that. Is there someone else out there better? Maybe. But it's a bird-in-the-hand saying at work here.

Look, it's not like candidates were breaking down the door in '12 when KOK left. Coaches around the country know the setup here. You're going to need to coordinate the offense around the head coach's system. It's not easy to find people that A) can do that, and B) are willing to do that.
Nobody knows what kind of oc we could have gotten when they didn't keep an open mind in the search process. I really hope Brian works out but in my opinion there isn't even a sample size to compare to or help draw a reasonable conclusion that he can succeed. Inevitably what it comes down to is we still have kirk so the offense is going to be the same as the last 18 years.
Exactly. The OC needed to be someone that understood KF's core philosophy and could work within it, something Davis could not do. IMO, Brian is the most likely person to be able to do that. Is there someone else out there better? Maybe. But it's a bird-in-the-hand saying at work here.

Look, it's not like candidates were breaking down the door in '12 when KOK left. Coaches around the country know the setup here. You're going to need to coordinate the offense around the head coach's system. It's not easy to find people that A) can do that, and B) are willing to do that.
From the git go when Davis stepped down and Brian's name was floated out there. The people that didn't like the idea of it never had any one better in mind to me. Nobody that currently is really good and currently has a job would be remotely willing to take it. The coaching frat house is just that they all have a good idea of what's what. Look at how they hired Davis. They got him off the scrap heap after he'd sat out awhile. Nobody was banging down his door to get him then either. His ties to HS coaches in TX was his best asset. Too bad we couldn't have taken more advantage of it but as far as him as a coordinator.... Well that chapter is closed thankfully. I'm fired up for the new one now.
I think Kirk coaches 3-5 more years, then rides off into the sunset. If he has a 9-win or more season within that 3-5 year season, the baton will be passed to Brian. Brian needs to have a few years as an OC before Kirk can legitimately turn the reigns over to Brian as far as how it looks to the public, so hence the 3-5 years.

I can walk and chew gum at the same time. I think it's the right hire but I also think a lot of this is grooming Brian to take over and rule the Ferentz monarchy.