SEC puts offer out to Missouri

I don't see Mizzou fitting with the SEC very well.
They are not getting an invite from the B1G and the Big 12 is falling apart...they don't have much of a choice at this point. It's either go to the SEC or get left behind with the Iowa State's of the college football world.
I don't like it ... I'd like to see MU and KU stay together ... and in the Big10 if we decide to go to 16
I would like to see missouri in the Big 10 but it doesn't appear that the Big 10 is going to offer... Too bad IMO.

With the Big 12 falling apart, they probably don't have much choice. The SEC gets a nice market in the middle of Big 10 country.
Don't you think if ND would have said yes to join the B1G Missouri would be grabbed by the B1G after that and the conference would be done expanding?
It doesn't look like that is going to happen now but it makes the most sense.
I would like to see missouri in the Big 10 but it doesn't appear that the Big 10 is going to offer... Too bad IMO.

With the Big 12 falling apart, they probably don't have much choice. The SEC gets a nice market in the middle of Big 10 country.

Missouri is in the middle of BigTen country??? I think you've been in Argentina too long.
This is interesting. I have no doubt that there is an offer on the table for Missouri from the SEC, but Missouri definitely leaked this story to see if the Big Ten would be interested as well. And the Big Ten should be interested. The SEC is serious about expanding into the Midwest, and Missouri makes good sense. They are a member of the AAU (which would make the 3rd SEC school with Vanderbilt and Florida), and it opens up the St. Louis and Kansas City market.

If you're Missouri, the situation couldn't be better. Worst case scenario, they end up in the SEC. Best case, they have the Big Ten and the SEC after them. Not a bad spot to be in.
Now there is a report out that the SEC did NOT offer Missouri. Hard to believe there would be conflicting reports in conference realignment. Also saw a report that says the Pac 12 does not really want TT and OSU. What are the odds nothing else changes and the Big 12 lives on???
Now there is a report out that the SEC did NOT offer Missouri. Hard to believe there would be conflicting reports in conference realignment. Also saw a report that says the Pac 12 does not really want TT and OSU. What are the odds nothing else changes and the Big 12 lives on???

The new report is the SEC being ****** that Missouri spilled the beans and making this public. Just like with A&M, the SEC wants to appear that they are not responsible for blowing up the Big 12 (which they're not). Ideally, Mike Slive wants to wait for the Big 12 to implode before acting. Probably not happy with Missouri playing the SEC against the Big Ten.
The new report is the SEC being ****** that Missouri spilled the beans and making this public. Just like with A&M, the SEC wants to appear that they are not responsible for blowing up the Big 12 (which they're not). Ideally, Mike Slive wants to wait for the Big 12 to implode before acting. Probably not happy with Missouri playing the SEC against the Big Ten.

You would have thought Missouri learned their lesson by now. I guess we shall see what happens next soon enough.
This is the one move that I do not want to see happen, Mizzou ending up in the SEC. This is Big Ten land, not SEC.
We know, better than most, just how Missouri roles. (A certain 4 game series, anyone?) So this should not surprise us at all. It'd be funny of they overplayed their hand, like Texas just did, and ended up in the MWC with ISU and the KS schools.
This is the one move that I do not want to see happen, Mizzou ending up in the SEC. This is Big Ten land, not SEC.
Actually Missouri is Big12 land. I live here in KC and I never hear any reports/talk about the B1G on sports talk radio. Maybe STL is different since Illinois is sort of near there but on the West side of the state it is far from a B1G land.
Actually Missouri is Big12 land. I live here in KC and I never hear any reports/talk about the B1G on sports talk radio. Maybe STL is different since Illinois is sort of near there but on the West side of the state it is far from a B1G land.

You are right as long as the Big 12 can stay together. If they fall apart ideally it would be best if Missouri would be anything but SEC land.

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