Say what?

Appeasement/Munich Treaty is a good historical analogy.

But Deace had it right--this morning he compared it to Star Wars and the rise of... who else... me! Texas went all Palpatine on the college Big XII!

Texas stirs the pot by talking to the Big Ten and Pac 10, convinces distant rivals to leave the Big XII, scares the weaker schools into bending over for whatever Texas wants to give them.

And then the weaker schools have to give Texas (and others) their NU and CU money! It's amazingly priceless!

Somebody needs to make a book or a movie out of this, because this is one of the greatest stories in recent history!

I'm totally geeking out!

Is this how the convo went down?
Big12 (10)-Alright let's work on a new deal to hold us all together!!!
Baylor- Sounds like a great plan! It's just so rewarding to be together again with all my friends!
KSU- We're in for sure...better than playing a bunch of them east coast sissies
Kansas- Thank god we don't have to have OUR bball team play in those pathetic gyms of the MWC
Mizzou- (sits in the corner dejected) we're in...I guess
ISU- (runs around the room dancing) WE'RE SAVED!!! Guys have you seen my new renovations!! I'm bowling our endzone with all that extra money!!!
Texas- Ahh yes about that buyout money...
Big 12 (10)- Yes what about it?
Texas- we, meaning us and my two southern friends A&M and Okie...get all of it.
Big 12 (10)-WHAT?
Texas- yup
*Chorus of uproar followed by ISU yelling loudly*
*Texas begins to file it's fingers with a "PAC 16" nail filer*
Big 12 (10)- Well I'm sorry guys but UT is right they deserve whatever they want.
ISU- *crying* Okay fine
Baylor- wow you're lucky we're a religious institution...what I'd like to do to you right now Texas.
OSU- HEY we were going to leave too!!!
Oklahoma- Shut up OSU
OSU- Okay *sits down dejected*
Big 12 (10)- okay Mizzou are you in??...Mizzou??...has anyone seen mizzou??...*A&M drags mizzou kicking and screaming back into the room*...he was on the pay phone with the Big Ten it sounded like...
Big 12 (10)- alright so let's announce our compromise to the media!!

ISU has to pay for the privilege of remaining in the Big XII.

Right there. That sentence says it all.
Earlier today I posted that they should call the new Big XII the SPECTRE Conference, straight out of Ian Fleming's James Bond stuff:

Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion

With DeLoss Dodds as Number 1

Dan Beebe as Number 2

And Chip Brown as Number 3
Texas: Just sign on the dotted line.

Pollard: Ummm...ok! Is there anything else you want, like our share of the Big 12 pot this year? We will be glad to give it to you. Whatever you want is ok with us. Just so we can be a Big 12 member and tell everyone we belong to the BCS. Next year's money too...Ok, we can sign that away too. We don't need any money as long as we get to stay in the Big 12. What you want me to go in the back room too? What do you want me to do back there????


That's about the size of it.

What I don't get is why did Texas and the others decide to pull this move? I get wanting Nebby out of the way, I get them wanting their own network, but I don't understand grabbing the buyout money. That is chump change to a school like Texas - the only thing it does is rub salt in the wounds and further destabilizes the big 12. Someone explain this to me.
That's about the size of it.

What I don't get is why did Texas and the others decide to pull this move? I get wanting Nebby out of the way, I get them wanting their own network, but I don't understand grabbing the buyout money. That is chump change to a school like Texas - the only thing it does is rub salt in the wounds and further destabilizes the big 12. Someone explain this to me.

It is done just to remind them that they are peasants. All the wealth goes to the King to be distributed back to the peasants as he see fit....
That's about the size of it.

What I don't get is why did Texas and the others decide to pull this move? I get wanting Nebby out of the way, I get them wanting their own network, but I don't understand grabbing the buyout money. That is chump change to a school like Texas - the only thing it does is rub salt in the wounds and further destabilizes the big 12. Someone explain this to me.

Supposedly the flatulent 5 offered the money up to Texas as an incentive to stay.
Earlier today I posted that they should call the new Big XII the SPECTRE Conference, straight out of Ian Fleming's James Bond stuff:

Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion

With DeLoss Dodds as Number 1

Dan Beebe as Number 2

And Chip Brown as Number 3

So, who plays Bond, James Bond? What is Follard's role?
Watching Pollard polish this turd is gonna be priceless. Of course he's become an expert at polishing turds so I'm sure it'll be silky smooth.
That's about the size of it.

What I don't get is why did Texas and the others decide to pull this move? I get wanting Nebby out of the way, I get them wanting their own network, but I don't understand grabbing the buyout money. That is chump change to a school like Texas - the only thing it does is rub salt in the wounds and further destabilizes the big 12. Someone explain this to me.

You already summed it up pretty well. They're doing it because they can. People with the arrogance that those in Austin have don't let the power to dominate their peers collect dust.

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