Say something nice bout Nebby..I dare ya

They always . . . no, that's not it.
They are the first to . . . no, not that either.
They have never . . . sorry, that's not right.
They are quick to . . . nope.
They universally will be the . . . close, but that could be a negative, too.
They are able to . . . wow, this is getting hard.

Sorry. I tried.
Went to college in Nebraska. Dated a girl in college that said that there wasn't anything to do in Nebraska, so instead of trying to find stuff to do on dates, she just liked to screw.

Sand Hills Golf course, Mullen, Nebraska
Ole's Big Game Bar (as it used to be known) in Paxton.........more so before it became "known" and expanded.
I should also say something nice since my brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nieces, and nephews live there, but I'm gonna drop it right there (every damn one of them are diehards and will not hesitate to throw some $hit my way)...:p
In summer and fall you don't have to look for rest stops. Just pull over and use the nearest corn field for even more privacy!
In summer and fall you don't have to look for rest stops. Just pull over and use the nearest corn field for even more privacy!

Yep, that's how I met my wife, no just kidding, but she is from North Platte (I can't believe I've been married to her for 31 years), ha ha, she's a true Hawk fan though, no Husker influence whatsoever
Most of their two-lane roads have a 60 MPH posted speed limit and the patrolmen usually don't bother you if you're going five over the limit.

The Omaha Zoo is pretty cool too.

I can't think of anything else.