Sally Mason is CEO


is Sally Mason hampering Ferentz and Barta's, the entire athletics department abilities to be successful?
  • Look at our records in FB and men's Bb since she took over.
  • Number of B10 Championships since she took over..
  • Compare her to Mary Sue Coleman and David Skorton.

  • Ferentz and Barta can't get kids into IA that coaches at other schools can get.
  • We focused on building a $7 million boat house over replacing a 30 year old football practice and offices/operations facility.
  • The U of IA no longer has the largest freshman class for universities in our state. ISU does.

My point, there is a bigger problem at the U of IA than KF and that is contributing to the problems in FB.
All 3 need to go. It all starts from the top though, replace Mason, and the rest is cleaned up promptly.
Look at the enrollment. Less than 1/2 of the freshman are from Iowa. The school is becoming less about Iowa. Short term it means more tuition dollars, but they're eroding the core of the university, or at least morphing it into something different. It's subtle, but it's occurring.
Agree on Mason being a huge negative for the University but I also question what the Board of Regents is doing? They must be satisfied with her performance?
Sally Mason is a HUGE part of the problem. Those arrogant azz bags felt is was a good idea to "crack down" on teh festive game day atmosphere after the great 2009 season.

“We will still follow the general guidelines that one hour past the emptying of Kinnick Stadium people should cease consuming alcohol in university owned parking lots and ramps. And then, at two hours, they should be packed up and starting to depart,” Moore said. The new limits on tailgating were introduced prior to last week’s season opener as officials look to target people who take gameday drinking too far.
Police have also pledged to crack down on open container violations on streets and sidewalks and conduct postgame vehicle checkpoints.

Only in academia is it a good idea to take the golden goose and freaking strangle it to death until you kill that golden goose. She should be fired, so we can get some competency in place around this university. Then the new President needs to hire an aggressive and take charge AD who will have the ballz, because the football hire he will make needs to be a home run....
Agreed, Mason is a big problem. I'd wager she won't be there inside of two years.

Why does it take inside of 2 years? She is either performing her entire duties well as Prez or not. Does the BOR not evaluate that performance routinely?

I have yet to hear from anyone I have heard comment on her praising her performance or leadership?
Agreed, Mason is a big problem. I'd wager she won't be there inside of two years.
Agreed, Mason is a big problem. I'd wager she won't be there inside of two years.
I am still waiting...this is the third or fourth time I have asked for examples to show how Mason is discouraging success on the playing field. I could list some serious mistakes I have seen her make in her role as president, but none of my examples relate to athletics.
Agreed, Mason is a big problem. I'd wager she won't be there inside of two years.

She coddles and protects bad actors. She's a complete hack. Feretts and Burta aren't even on the radar when it comes to ejecting that porkins. She's done way worse things than retain those two.

Its a a testament to @$$ kissing cowardice at the Board of Sleazegents that's she's still taking our tax dollars as prez of the Uof I. If I were governor, I wouldn't try to take out the impeccably qualified and respected work comp commissioner. I'd try to remove her.
Look at our record since Obama was elected! Turrible!! Thanks Obama, for ruining our football team!

Damn Obama.

Although... I think I'm comfortable trading the substantial growth of my portfolio over said interloper's tenure in exchange for crappy Kurtball.

Life, sometimes , is about trade offs.
I think you may be on to something.
Since jimmy carter
D in office, 103-110-1
R in office, 163-79-5

Dow mfking Jones.

Matters moar.

Look, I hate Obama as much as any god fearin' straight white Christian male should, but dude is absolutely blowing up my net worth.

Kurt tho...
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