Sad, sad, sad.......

Just some sidenote thinking to myself: Is Indiana any good this season? I'm sure they want revenge from last season's game. Maybe Iowa could play the second string QB the entire game so, when Indiana attempts to hurt our QB, we'll still have CJ. You see I didn't put any negative references to KF and ultra conservative playcalling to negate adverse game situations.
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Considering how many players we put in the NFL...that's one of the best returns, if not the best in the country. Now if we can just change the rules on entrance to a BCS bowl to factor this in...we will be golden.
Considering how many players we put in the NFL...that's one of the best returns, if not the best in the country. Now if we can just change the rules on entrance to a BCS bowl to factor this in...we will be golden.

Except that the primary goal is not NFL placement. You won't find the words "NFL" or "professional football" anywhere in KFz's contract.

"Look how many guys with put in the NFL"...has become Iowa's version of ISU's "at least we beat Iowa".
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This thread seems to ignore the simple fact that the distance to the states where a given program travels/recruits likely is the single biggest factor in total cost. It has little to do with effort; it has little to do with wins; Occam's Razor strikes again: It is geography.
This thread seems to ignore the simple fact that the distance to the states where a given program travels/recruits likely is the single biggest factor in total cost. It has little to do with effort; it has little to do with wins; Occam's Razor strikes again: It is geography.

True. And with one of the lowest rated recruiting classes in the conference, I think it's fair to say.... KFz and crew need to cover a little more geography. They're not getting it done where they are.

If you're in sales, have poor results and you turn in minimal expense reports. The first question is always..."Aren't you out working?". I think that's a fair analogy here.
Don't ya know, Deanie? We're Iowa? BTW, what a BS of an excuse that is.

Speaking of indiscriminately bashing someone, like you and ISU, do you understand Iowa could very well be in the same boat this season with a good to great start until injuries occur?

So now you are a Clown defender?
I can appreciate the "bash fatigue", fair enough. But you have to admit, those documented numbers paint a consistent picture...and it's one of woefully weak performance for a guy who's the dean of coaches in the conference.

How much increased spending would help is an unknown, money alone doesn't guarantee success.(insert your favorite example here) But you don't know if you don't try. I think it's reasonable to expect leveraging of all available resources considering the results we're getting...and IOWA football has the resources.

Or we could run the stretch to the short side of the field again.

My point is it doesn't matter what the report said, it was gonna be bash central. If we spent the most in the nation is it gonna be bash away about "well look at what our money is getting us.", "we are wasting money on his salary, and on his crappy recruiting", blah, blah, blah. Since we don't spend a ton, it is bash away at that.

Like I said, some will take a story about the #1 rated recruiting class for the baseball program (a huge positive), and turn it into open season on bashing KF. It doesn't matter what the article is, it is spun or turned into a KF bash fest on here by the same group of posters every time. So sorry if I just tune that out like white noise, because that is all it is at this point.
My point is it doesn't matter what the report said, it was gonna be bash central. If we spent the most in the nation is it gonna be bash away about "well look at what our money is getting us.", "we are wasting money on his salary, and on his crappy recruiting", blah, blah, blah. Since we don't spend a ton, it is bash away at that.

Like I said, some will take a story about the #1 rated recruiting class for the baseball program (a huge positive), and turn it into open season on bashing KF. It doesn't matter what the article is, it is spun or turned into a KF bash fest on here by the same group of posters every time. So sorry if I just tune that out like white noise, because that is all it is at this point.

Nuff said. As for baseball, this has been a really fun club to watch. I was at the first Big Ten tourney game. The walk off homer was definitely a great Hawkeye moment. Heller was a great hire.
While trying to be insightful, you actually miss the entire point. The reason our spending is low has EVERYTHING to do with effort. We are in a low population, low talent state. Therefore, common sense dictates that we should have the highest recruiting budget of anyone. Unlike OSU or MSU or PSU, who can recruit in their own back yard and keep costs down, we HAVE to travel for every recruit. Unless, of course, you have a lazy coaching staff who signs 50% of their recruits from the low talent state of Iowa and then calls it a day. That, by definition, is lazy recruiting when you are desperately in need of speed and skill players that simply don't come from Iowa.

This thread seems to ignore the simple fact that the distance to the states where a given program travels/recruits likely is the single biggest factor in total cost. It has little to do with effort; it has little to do with wins; Occam's Razor strikes again: It is geography.
My point is it doesn't matter what the report said, it was gonna be bash central. If we spent the most in the nation is it gonna be bash away about "well look at what our money is getting us.", "we are wasting money on his salary, and on his crappy recruiting", blah, blah, blah. Since we don't spend a ton, it is bash away at that.

Like I said, some will take a story about the #1 rated recruiting class for the baseball program (a huge positive), and turn it into open season on bashing KF. It doesn't matter what the article is, it is spun or turned into a KF bash fest on here by the same group of posters every time. So sorry if I just tune that out like white noise, because that is all it is at this point.

Both of the "bashing" scenarios you describe would be justified. Being from a low populous state, if we don't have one of the highest recruiting budgets, it deserves criticism. If we had the highest bidget and have these results to show for it, it deserves criticism. The truth is, the reason everything turns into a bash fest is because Kirk is under preforming at every aspect of his job.

As far as your baseball comment goes, when people constantly say on here that you can't recruit to Iowa, it is understandable that someone points out that the baseball coach brought in the number 1 class. It's probably in bad taste to turn a positive into a negative like that, but it's no secret that people care more about football than baseball.
Both of the "bashing" scenarios you describe would be justified. Being from a low populous state, if we don't have one of the highest recruiting budgets, it deserves criticism. If we had the highest bidget and have these results to show for it, it deserves criticism. The truth is, the reason everything turns into a bash fest is because Kirk is under preforming at every aspect of his job.

As far as your baseball comment goes, when people constantly say on here that you can't recruit to Iowa, it is understandable that someone points out that the baseball coach brought in the number 1 class. It's probably in bad taste to turn a positive into a negative like that, but it's no secret that people care more about football than baseball.

You are the perfect example of what I am saying. You use your confirmation bias to take any story and make it about bashing:

Iowa spends too little on recruiting: Confirmation bias that Iowa that our "effort" isn't there
Iowa spends the most on recruiting: Confirmation bias as you say that should be criticized as the results aren't there
Iowa BB has a great recruiting class: Confirmation bias that you it can be done, and you take a positive and turn it into a football bashing thread.

Sorry, but it is all just white noise now. When you cry wolf about everything, I don't bother even bat an eye any longer when the posters start howling at the moon.
I think you are all missing the point which is Iowa has been aiming low in football recruiting the last 5-6 years. Iowa doesnt have to spend a lot of dough to recruit kids who do not have any power 5 offers. If you had an offer to play at bowling green or Iowa where would you go, how much effort and $$$ would Iowa have to spend. And some of these recruits still pick the MAC and small southern conference teams over the hawks.

All these 2* and many 3* recruits the hawks are after do not need a lot of effort to pull in compared to going far and wide looking for 4* recruits.
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I think you are all missing the point which is Iowa has been aiming low in football recruiting the last 5-6 years. Iowa doesnt have to spend a lot of dough to recruit kids who do not have any power 5 offers. If you had an offer to play at bowling green or Iowa where would you go, how much effort and $$$ would Iowa have to spend. And some of these recruits still pick the MAC and small southern conference teams over the hawks.

All these 2* and many 3* recruits the hawks are after do not need a lot of effort to pull in compared to going far and wide looking for 4* recruits.

I'm not missing anything. We all know recruiting hasn't been good. I don't see what that has to do with money spent on recruiting. Spending a lot doesn't = results (see ISU) and spending little (Wisconsin, or heck Iowa from '99-'09) doesn't = results.

Recruiting poorly is independent of money spent on recruiting
This thread seems to ignore the simple fact that the distance to the states where a given program travels/recruits likely is the single biggest factor in total cost. It has little to do with effort; it has little to do with wins; Occam's Razor strikes again: It is geography.

I think it was understood that travel is the expense.

The point is what there doing isn't working.
There really isn't a conversation about Iowa football that matters outside of new coaching candidates.

Untill then were stuck on mediocre auto pilot.
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Pot meet kettle. You defend a clown daily. Initials are KF.

I don't defend KF? How did I once defend KF in this thread? I want him gone. Doesn't mean we need to turn every subject under the sun into a KF bashing thread, just gets old. I mean there are lots of things in this world I don't like, I don't find the need to obsess over them at every moment, all the time.
You are the perfect example of what I am saying. You use your confirmation bias to take any story and make it about bashing:

Iowa spends too little on recruiting: Confirmation bias that Iowa that our "effort" isn't there
Iowa spends the most on recruiting: Confirmation bias as you say that should be criticized as the results aren't there
Iowa BB has a great recruiting class: Confirmation bias that you it can be done, and you take a positive and turn it into a football bashing thread.

Sorry, but it is all just white noise now. When you cry wolf about everything, I don't bother even bat an eye any longer when the posters start howling at the moon.

I honestly don't understand your point.

Do you really think people are going to try to pick out the sprinkles in the bowl of turds that is Iowa football?
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You are the perfect example of what I am saying. You use your confirmation bias to take any story and make it about bashing:

Iowa spends too little on recruiting: Confirmation bias that Iowa that our "effort" isn't there
Iowa spends the most on recruiting: Confirmation bias as you say that should be criticized as the results aren't there
Iowa BB has a great recruiting class: Confirmation bias that you it can be done, and you take a positive and turn it into a football bashing thread.

Sorry, but it is all just white noise now. When you cry wolf about everything, I don't bother even bat an eye any longer when the posters start howling at the moon.

I don't think iowa (or ISU) would go from poor recruiting to awesome recruiting soley by upping their budget. What I do think is any school that spent more on recruiting would do better than said school spending less in recruiting.

You can't say "ISU spends more in recruiting and it doesn't help them". You're comparing ISU to other schools. You need to compare them to how you think they would do if they spent less in recruiting. I understand it's just a guess but you have to assume they are doing better than if they were to cut their budget in half.
I don't think iowa (or ISU) would go from poor recruiting to awesome recruiting soley by upping their budget. What I do think is any school that spent more on recruiting would do better than said school spending less in recruiting.

You can't say "ISU spends more in recruiting and it doesn't help them". You're comparing ISU to other schools. You need to compare them to how you think they would do if they spent less in recruiting. I understand it's just a guess but you have to assume they are doing better than if they were to cut their budget in half.

That is like the government saying if you throw more money at it, then it gets better. NOT TRUE AT ALL. Working smarter, and worker more efficiently will always trump just throwing money at something. IE, does it really make sense to spend money flying to California every other day to try to recruit kids who are only going to come here if they have no other options? To just say all you have to do is spend more money and results will get better is beyond dumb, and you are smarter than that PC.