Sad, sad, sad.......

You do realize each of your points are opinions, not facts. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, but every one you think is a "fact" is actually just your opinion.

You think it's an opinion that iowa has to do more travel than most schools because of location? Or is it opinion that travel costs money?
You think it's an opinion that iowa has to do more travel than most schools because of location? Or is it opinion that travel costs money?

If you don't actually know the data, then yes I would say that is an opinion.....and I'm just messing with you anyway PC on this.
If you don't actually know the data, then yes I would say that is an opinion.....and I'm just messing with you anyway PC on this.

You're definitely right on me not knowing the data. I'm just going off what other people have said. I should clarify and say that this is my opinion based on the assumption that what was said in this thread is correct.
WTF!? Then explain why Wisconsin has won more than double the games, 50 games, the last five years while ISU has won only 22 while spending less than half of what ISU did?
I don't think you understood what I said, either. Here's what I said which was a response to your post listed at the top:
ISU's first string was on par with Iowa's first string in 2014.
Mebe ISU is trying to shore up the second string through hamburger squad members so injury won't take such a bite out of performance?
Like what might happen to Iowa when injuries occur this season? Derp?

In other words, ISU needs to spend more than Wisconsin on recruiting just to build up many comparable strings or units to Wisconsin's so a few injuries won't create a catastrophe for the season - like ISU's season in 2014..

ISU's first string was a good as Iowa's. Not the 2nd or 3rd or hamburger, though.
This season, due to ineffectual recruiting, Iowa's squad will be of the same quality as ISU's squad from last year.
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It's because half of Wisconsin's team is comprised of in state legit D-1 players and they're not competing against any other D-1 schools. There's now way Iowa could do that. (although it looks like they're trying with the current class) Iowa doesn't produce enough D-1 athletes and they got the clowns snagging guys like Campos and Lazard up. If you're a school that's in a state with a low population base and competes with another major college in the same state, you should be among the schools spending the most. Especially when the money is more than available. That's just my opinion.

My point. All the farther they have to travel is to Wisconsin and Ohio. They don't need California players.
It wasn't always. Barry turned it around and not because hr traveled to Florida, Texas and California.

Iowa State is one of the most pathetic programs there is and they always have been. Wisconsin has always been way better than them.
Iowa State is one of the most pathetic programs there is and they always have been. Wisconsin has always been way better than them.

OK so you've proved you were not alive when Dexter Green played at ISU and they won more games than Wisconsin and Wisconsin was under .500 during that span.
OK so you've proved you were not alive when Dexter Green played at ISU and they won more games than Wisconsin and Wisconsin was under .500 during that span.

ISU COULD have been good in the early 1980s, with Crutch and David Archer, et. al. Unfortunately for them, Donnie Duncan was usually 0-for-November. Probably really more like 0-for-anything-after-October 20th.
OK so you've proved you were not alive when Dexter Green played at ISU and they won more games than Wisconsin and Wisconsin was under .500 during that span.

I wouldn't say a few year span is enough to classify one program as better than another. Even if it did, I'm not sure it has any relevance other than to prove I'm not 100.
PC said......

------Iowa State is one of the most pathetic programs there is and they always have been.

And KF is 7-9 against them. At any real program, this alone would have been reason enough to show him the door two (2) years ago....buyout or not.

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