Ryan Braun tests positive for a PED

That along with the loss of Fielder means that the Brewers can go back with the Pirates at the bottom of the division. I'm almost thinking with Pujols gone to the AL, if the Cubs get Prince, maybe they can compete right away. Maybe??
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise...

Flight Attendant: Would you like something to read?
Passenger: How about something light.
Flight Attendant: Here, take this pamphlet on famous Jewish Athletes.
Flight Attendant: Would you like something to read?
Passenger: How about something light.
Flight Attendant: Here, take this pamphlet on famous Jewish Athletes.
Suck on that Brewers fans! They are like Clone fans. They have one good year and they think they have always been good.
Seems to be a theme in the state of Wisconsin. Former Badgers guard moffitt, who is in NFL got busted this week too.
He has a nice restaurant in Milwaukee. Reasonably priced, good food, etc. This is all that matters...
He needs to take his own advice:

"... The best thing he can do is come out, admit to everything and be completely honest," Braun said. "The situation will die a lot faster if he tells the whole truth."
Matt Kemp should now get the MVP award. He deserved it anyway over this juicer.
No no no.. Braun is an upstanding citizen and the test results are BS. None of these guys are ever guilty. They are all framed. Don't you guys know that by now? :rolleyes:
I really hope there was some glitch with the test which there rarely is. He will lose his appeal. I don't see the body development in Braun that most PED users have. He's pretty average in size but was posting big numbers and got the contract he wanted.
I really hope there was some glitch with the test which there rarely is. He will lose his appeal. I don't see the body development in Braun that most PED users have. He's pretty average in size but was posting big numbers and got the contract he wanted.

MLB really needs to put clauses into their contracts protecting teams from this. Contracts should be able to get voided if busted for drugs.
this league is a joke you can't give anyone praise for playing good anymore because you just have to assume they are on drugs

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