Rudock and Leshun Daniels bits

Me too. I'm just not sure which of those guys fit that bill. I don't think that any of them have probably shown that they are clearly the best so far. Jake gets the first shot, it seems. I hope he can do enough to win the first game.

Agreed as well. I will be upset if Jake sputters, and they don't give the #2 a shot. It has to be fluid, and if one guy isn't getting the job done, maybe the next guy can.
anyone have anything to say about schimonek(sp?)? obviously not in the starter race, just curious how he looks and how bright his future is

I believe Rob Howe said that he had an effortless release. Also said his upside is huge, but needs to redshirt.
good to hear. thanks for responding. hopefully he can be groomed into something special. wasn't he pretty much hand picked by GD?

I believe he pretty much was. I don't expect him to be in the mix for at least another 2 years but it sounds like he has what you would look for in a QB.
BTN's Dave Revsine tweeted Kirk wants to let the QB battle play out a little longer, and that Jake is in the lead.
His motion is fine. This isn't a beauty contest, pal. Have you ever seen TMart play at Nebraska? He happens to be the leading passer in Nebraska history, with almost 10,000 passing yards at year end. Sokol looks like Tom Brady compared to him. Chuck Long didn't have a text book motion either. There are tons of examples. Let me guess you'd bet on the preppy country club player against Lee Trevino, right?

Once again you show that all you can do is quote stats. The coaches look at practice, and they see the same things every day, SOKOL GETTING PICKED OFF BECAUSE HIS RELEASE IS SLOW AND TOO ELONGATED.

That is why they picked Rudock to be the starter, and if he fails in the games do you know who will replace him? C.J.B. Do you know why? BECAUSE HE IS A BETTER QB THAN SOKOL. Reason being that Sokol TAKES FOREVER TO GET THE BALL OUT COMPARED TO BOTH JAKE R, and CJB and will fumble when pressured because HIS MOTION IS AS BAD AS TAYLOR MARTINEZ.

Do you know why T-MART plays? BECAUSE HE IS THE BEST ATHLETE ON THE FIELD and his running more than makes up for his horrid pocket passing. The guy can barley throw the ball over the linemen, look at all his passing yards, they come when he is outside the pocket, Sokol cannot do that because he is not as fast and agile as T-Mart.

Try watching football as opposed to reading the box-scores.
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1. Stats are hardly objective. They can be twisted pretty easily when you elect to ignore all the variables (which you've repeatedly shown a willingness to do in this thread alone).

2. You're betting that Sokol has complete more attempts on passes longer than 10 yards based on absolutely nothing. That's not an objective measure that supports your argument; it's projection based on speculation.

3. Being the leading passer at Nebraska doesn't say a whole lot. The previous record was 5,850 yards, and that was set by a JUCO transfer who played just 2 years (which tells you how "storied" Nebraska's passing attack was prior to Zac Taylor's arrival). Nebraska is an option program; always has been.

1. Just because YOU think I ignored something doesn't make it so. If you're talking about YPA that is much more correlated with strong QB play than WRs (like you seem to think).

2. I know it's true for the Spring game. It's pretty simple, if someone has over 10.0 ypa each game and the other guy is at 4.72 ypa and 6.0 ypa, the other guys isn't likely to have more passes over 10 yards.

3. Taylor Martinez is projected to have 9,500 - 10,000 yards passing by the end of this year. That's a lot of yards passing. Who cares about #2? I think Chuck Long had somewhere around 10,500 and he threw almost as many 300 yard games as the entire KF era of QBs combined (according to another thread).
Leshun will need to show his ability to block in the passing game before he gets on the field. That is what they will wait for. I think they RS him with Malloy and hill already there and 3 guys ahead of those 2. When Greene came to Iowa I thought he was the best back on the team as a frosh but I would bet that blocking was something that kept him off the field. Similar build if he can deliver the pounding and have a little more burst he will be great.

<<(B)ut I would bet that blocking was something that kept him off the field>>

You won THAT bet.

Loved SG, but his early blocking skills, or lack thereof, were painfully on display a few times. But he definitely got better, and by 2008 it didn't matter, because he usually had a ball in his hands and was mowing folks down.
Do you think that Sokol has Tmart's running ability, as that is the only reason he is an effective passer at all. Tmart wouldn't start at QB on a pee wee football team if he ran like Sokol, or CJ, or Rudock for that matter.

The point is there's more than one way to be a successful QB in college football (in case you missed it). I think Sokol is a much better passer than TMart but TMart is of course a better pure runner. I think Sokol has a similar ability to avoid the rush, keep his eyes downfield and find receivers, to improvise so to speak when passing.
The point is there's more than one way to be a successful QB in college football (in case you missed it). I think Sokol is a much better passer than TMart but TMart is of course a better pure runner. I think Sokol has a similar ability to avoid the rush, keep his eyes downfield and find receivers, to improvise so to speak when passing.

I agree, there are many ways to be successful in college football as a QB. Sokol is a traditional QB who can move out of the pocket when needed. I wouldn't even call Sokol a running QB, let alone a Tmart comparison???

This whole argument is tired though....It seems it is a two man race at this point between JR and CJ. You should have some fun though telling us all year how Sokol would be better than both if just given a chance....
1. Just because YOU think I ignored something doesn't make it so. If you're talking about YPA that is much more correlated with strong QB play than WRs (like you seem to think).

2. I know it's true for the Spring game. It's pretty simple, if someone has over 10.0 ypa each game and the other guy is at 4.72 ypa and 6.0 ypa, the other guys isn't likely to have more passes over 10 yards.

3. Taylor Martinez is projected to have 9,500 - 10,000 yards passing by the end of this year. That's a lot of yards passing. Who cares about #2? I think Chuck Long had somewhere around 10,500 and he threw almost as many 300 yard games as the entire KF era of QBs combined (according to another thread).

1. Again, that's painting with a very broad brush. In an offense that is DEPENDENT on receivers making plays after the catch (which is Greg Davis' offense), that balance between strong QB play and strong WR play is shifted pretty drastically. This offense relies heavily on passes that are shorter than 10 yards and letting the receiver make something happen. You know, kind of how Vandy went from averaging 7.48 ypa as a junior to 5.78 last year. Guys dropped passes and didn't make much happen when they did catch it, which greatly affected his YPA numbers.

2. So you're sticking with a sample size of 2 days? For someone who's so obsessed with the effectiveness of using statistics to tell the full story, you're pretty willing to shrug off the fact that small sample sizes are the bain of statisticians' existence.

3. Let's not throw out final career numbers until the season's actually over. I'm sure Vandy was PROJECTED to have a much better year than he had last year. The bottom line is that Martinez has broken a record where he has been a starter since Day 1 and the bar was set very low. Since you love stats so much, here are some to consider:

Player throws for 3,720 yards and 23 TDs in his first two seasons as the starter. He completes 57% of his passes and throws 15 interceptions in that time. That gives him a pass efficiency rating of 131.48. BUT, he averaged 7.8 YPA.

Literally EVERY stat I just listed, save for your personal favorite, suggests that the aforementioned player was a pretty average quarterback in those two seasons. His efficiency rating is lower than Stanzi's was in 2009 when he threw 15 picks in a single season. Any guesses as to who the player I just outlined is?

Martinez's career passing yardage mark is a product of longevity, not elite passing ability. My point regarding Zac Taylor was that he was in Lincoln for two years and broke the career record. That's how low the bar has been for passing at Nebraska. Big fish, small pond.
AIRBHG will lay waste to Le Shun (proper French iteration) directly, so don't grow too attached. You know it, I know it, AIRBHG knows it.
Player throws for 3,720 yards and 23 TDs in his first two seasons as the starter. He completes 57% of his passes and throws 15 interceptions in that time. That gives him a pass efficiency rating of 131.48. BUT, he averaged 7.8 YPA.

Literally EVERY stat I just listed, save for your personal favorite, suggests that the aforementioned player was a pretty average quarterback in those two seasons. His efficiency rating is lower than Stanzi's was in 2009 when he threw 15 picks in a single season. Any guesses as to who the player I just outlined is?


Let me guess, T-Mart. Those are good stats, not sure your point. That indicates Nebraska ran the ball a lot and he didn't have as many passing attempts. I would take those stats. 7.8 ypa is right where we need to be to have an effective offense.

Btw, we should be rushing more to. If you look at the Alabama's, Wisconsin's and Nebraska's of the world they run the ball 65-70% of the plays. We're almost always around 50% which is too low.

Our best years scoring wise we were above 60% rushing. 2001, 2002 and 2008 were the only years we rushed more than 60% of the plays (under KF) and we finished 1st, 1st and 3rd in scoring in the Big Ten. Every other year we have finished bottom half Big Ten in scoring except 1 where we finished 5th.
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We just disagree then. What JV did last year was avoid any risk at all. What most QB do when they gain experience is learn when to take their shots, and that is dictated by what the D is giving them, and what their experience tells them is there. It doesn't mean they take any less shots, but yes they do avoid some of the stupid risks they took....I guess I think that is a good thing. Not all risk is good, and to act like all risk taking is good, is just insane.

Basicaly everything you said up untill the last line does not dissagree with what i said at all and i nor anyone else said anything remotely close to all risk taking being good.
Let me guess, T-Mart. I'm not sure what your point is. That indicates Nebraska ran the ball a lot and he didn't have as many passing attempts. I would take those stats. 7.8 ypa is right where we need to be to have an effective offense.

His ACCUMULATING statistics in those two seasons were a product of not throwing the ball a ton (passing yards, touchdowns, interceptions, etc.). But his efficiency rating was every bit as average as his yardage/touchdown/interception numbers were. The only reason his efficiency rating was as good as it was, was because he had a good YPA. But he was an average passer (at best) his first two seasons. He's improved since then, but if your argument depends upon propping up Taylor Martinez as an example of a good passing quarterback, you don't have much of an argument at all.

Martinez was not efficient at all in his first two seasons. He was better last year, but he still wasn't anything special as a passer. A 23/15 TD/INT ratio is a long ways from good, hence his average pass efficiency rating. YPA is a completely random stat to base your evaluation of a quarterback's effectiveness upon and it doesn't account for a ton of other valuable information.

Stats can tell a story, but YPA doesn't even come close to telling the whole story. You cling to it all you want, but it's not going to make Sokol the starter. And nor should it.
His ACCUMULATING statistics in those two seasons were a product of not throwing the ball a ton (passing yards, touchdowns, interceptions, etc.). But his efficiency rating was every bit as average as his yardage/touchdown/interception numbers were. The only reason his efficiency rating was as good as it was, was because he had a good YPA. But he was an average passer (at best) his first two seasons. He's improved since then, but if your argument depends upon propping up Taylor Martinez as an example of a good passing quarterback, you don't have much of an argument at all.

Martinez was not efficient at all in his first two seasons. He was better last year, but he still wasn't anything special as a passer. A 23/15 TD/INT ratio is a long ways from good, hence his average pass efficiency rating. YPA is a completely random stat to base your evaluation of a quarterback's effectiveness upon and it doesn't account for a ton of other valuable information.

Stats can tell a story, but YPA doesn't even come close to telling the whole story. You cling to it all you want, but it's not going to make Sokol the starter. And nor should it.

Wow, go off on tangents much. I've already addressed every one of these issues again and again so I guess we just agree to disagree.

The point of mentioning TMart was to show you don't have to be orthodox to be a successful QB. There are many other examples but TMart is the one that came to mind. TMart is on schedule to pass for almost 10,000 yards and that's really good considering Iowa's all-time leading passer is around 10,500.

Sokol is a better passer than TMart but really you have to take everything into consideration with QBs not just pretty spirals.

I would take TMart's stats his first two years with 7.8 yards per attempt. I hope Iowa runs the ball a lot (and succesfully) so we can afford to have as few passing attempts as TMart did his 1st two years.
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AIRBHG will lay waste to Le Shun (proper French iteration) directly, so don't grow too attached. You know it, I know it, AIRBHG knows it.


bit I wana know how to pronounce it


LE shun


I just can't read anything with his name on it because it is a speed bump. And for a speed reader for me a speed bump can put in spinning into a new dimention.