

Well-Known Member
just turned the radio on and have it on kxno. just heard rome say he is going to talk on the iowa news later on this show. someone will have to listen and report as i won't be listening.
Can't stomach him for more than 35 seconds (yes, I've clocked it) so I'm afraid I'll be of no help.
Listen to Rome almost every day. From his Facebook status regarding today's show..."13 Hawkeyes going to the hospital should cost someone their job...".
Here's something that should cost someone thier job....

[ame=]YouTube - Sports' Most Shocking Moments #1: Jim Vs. Jim/Chris!![/ame]
If Rome had a shred of integrity, you'd be hearing something like this. (which is what he'd say about one of his pet programs) Read this in your best self-assured, cocky little Romey voice.

"If my kid is playing college football, I'd want him under a guy like Kirk Ferentz. You can bet this guy has his players' best interests at heart. Iowa's strength and conditioning coach Chris Doyle is one of the best in college athletics. This guy knows what he's doing.

And there's no better place for them to have at their disposal in this situation, than University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. This is a world class medical facility people. It just doesn't get any better than that. These kids are being well taken care of.

So relax folks. While on the surface this sounds's a very real part of big time athletics. ...probably happens more often than we know."

That is...IF he had a shred of integrity.
Jim Rome is actually very intelligent and is like very few radio broadcasters in that he has an opinion and isn't afraid to step on the feelings of professional athletes. He is widely respected amongst his field and has a laundry list of a black book providing perspective you won't find on other shows. He is one of the best interviewers on the radio. The fact that one guy can have insightful commentary about so many different sports, topics, players, teams etc... is incredible. He is on the pulse of nearly every sport and he doesn't just spew the same crap you hear from every other talk radio guy.

I get it if you don't like his show. Some people don't like his style of delivery. Some people don't like his callers. Some people don't like the amount of inside jokes that tend to go unexplained. I get that. But the host is far from an idiot and he's a better talent than anything we have locally.

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