
i used to listen, but his delivery, and the extremely long pauses combined with him repeating everything at least 3 times, just got to be too much for me.
i don't consider him that great of an interviewer. dan patrick is significantly better, IMO, with significantly better guests.

just my 2 cents. oh, and Rome definitely holds grudges, there are certain people he picks on relentlessly. that's just human, but to deny that is silly.
"He rarely ever says anything demeaning about others"

I don't mind Rome in small doses and I agree that he does a heck of job with his interviews.........but you are crazy if you think he rarely says anything demeaning about others.

I'll reword that. He doesn't insult people for the sake of insulting them. If he says anything negative about a person, situation etc... then it is generally within an overall 'take' or opinion that he has about that situation/person. He isn't afraid to call people out for their actions, no matter who the player/team etc... As he will often say, "saying someone is an idiot is not a take." If he has a problem with a situation then he will lay it out and explain it. Something most of you lack the ability to do.
Yeah, that is why you are on here and not clowndorkfanatic right?

I LOL'd at this!

they aren't discussing rome on "clowndorkfanatic", this thread peaked my interest. and I dont think what I said there was incorrect, was it?
Proof that you don't listen to the show enough to warrant an opinion. Matt Perrault is the Glenn Beck of the sports talk world.

Rome rarely displays any sort of 'bias' in his radio show. He's not a conference honk. He's not a team honk. He's not a specific sport honk. He makes it a point to say that he doesn't root for any teams because it's just not a part of doing his job well. The only thing he pimps consistently is his show's ever changing sponsors, which he should, that's part of the job.

If you listen to his show for a week you will get a better idea of who he is and what his show is about. His show isn't the 60 second Rome Report. He rarely ever says anything demeaning about others and provides more original insight about more diverse topics than most sports talk hosts.

If you don't listen to his show then that's fine. But be informed if you're going to have an opinion.

I've listened to/watched Rome enough to have a legit opinion.
He's superficial and clearly plays his favorites. Just like Cowherd, only Cowherd actually is fairly bright.
I don't care for either one, however. Way too irritating.
Give me Dan & The Danettes, SVP & Ryen, and Bill King.
There's no need to be a dick because I have a differing opinion. I get it, you like him and I don't. I've listened to his show, and I've seen his TV show. That's my opinion of him. I'm not trying to get you to change your mind. I'm sure there are plenty of people that I like and you don't, however wrong that may be.

I don't care if you don't like him or the show, but if your explanation for not liking him is a 15 year old interview...then I'm not being a dick by saying you're ignorant...I'm just telling the truth. Sorry.

Sending my best to my teammates for a speedy recovery. From experience I know there is no better or more caring coaches then Coach Ferentz,Coach Doyle, and the rest of the coaching staff. Go Hawks!

MattBowen41 Matt Bowen

See that @jimrome is planning on being next in line to take shots at Iowa, Ferentz. As I have said before, I stand behind my coach + school
You know, we could insert your name in there, and it would work just as well. The next time you get a fresh line you didn't steal from OK4P will be the first.

When did BTR express this opinion about Rome that I've allegedly parroted?
Seems like I'm inside your head a bit. Sorry, chica, but that's a YOU problem.
I don't care if you don't like him or the show, but if your explanation for not liking him is a 15 year old interview...then I'm not being a dick by saying you're ignorant...I'm just telling the truth. Sorry.

I think what you may still be missing is my opinion is not solely based on a 15 year old interview. You're being a dick for calling an informed person with an opinion ignorant which, for lack of a better word, is ignorant.
I've listened to/watched Rome enough to have a legit opinion.
He's superficial and clearly plays his favorites. Just like Cowherd, only Cowherd actually is fairly bright.
I don't care for either one, however. Way too irritating.
Give me Dan & The Danettes, SVP & Ryen, Bill King and Rush Limbaugh.
Sorry couldn't resist.
i used to listen, but his delivery, and the extremely long pauses combined with him repeating everything at least 3 times, just got to be too much for me.
i don't consider him that great of an interviewer. dan patrick is significantly better, IMO, with significantly better guests.

just my 2 cents. oh, and Rome definitely holds grudges, there are certain people he picks on relentlessly. that's just human, but to deny that is silly.

Thank you for having an actual opinion and sharing it, legitimately, not being snide. I get that a lot of people don't care for his tone, delivery, style etc... That's a fair reason to not like his show. I agree, DP is also a great interviewer. I won't say that he doesn't pick on any person relentlessly, I'll just tell you that if you asked me who he picks on a lot I wouldn't have a legitimate answer for you because nothing comes to mind. So maybe he does but I don't catch it that often.

Anyway, not trying to start a shouting match. I just don't care for people calling others idiots and bashing them out of ignorance.
I think what you may still be missing is my opinion is not solely based on a 15 year old interview. You're being a dick for calling an informed person with an opinion ignorant which, for lack of a better word, is ignorant.

The Jim Everett piece is really indicative of his character as is the "bounty" he put out on Gordie Howe. I wish we would have seen Howe's 70 year old *** (at the time) do what Everett did.

You referenced "The Jim Everett piece" (1994) and the "bounty he put on Gordie Howe" (1997) as being indicative of Jim Rome's character and thus an explanation for your dislike of him and his show.

That's not me being ignorant...that's just me copying and pasting what you wrote and then providing proper context for you. Sorry again.
You referenced "The Jim Everett piece" (1994) and the "bounty he put on Gordie Howe" (1997) as being indicative of Jim Rome's character and thus an explanation for your dislike of him and his show.

That's not me being ignorant...that's just me copying and pasting what you wrote and then providing proper context for you. Sorry again.

Thank you for having an actual opinion and sharing it, legitimately, not being snide. I get that a lot of people don't care for his tone, delivery, style etc... That's a fair reason to not like his show. I agree, DP is also a great interviewer. I won't say that he doesn't pick on any person relentlessly, I'll just tell you that if you asked me who he picks on a lot I wouldn't have a legitimate answer for you because nothing comes to mind. So maybe he does but I don't catch it that often.

Anyway, not trying to start a shouting match. I just don't care for people calling others idiots and bashing them out of ignorance.

i guess i'm neutral on Rome, and Cowherd for that matter. i don't spend time listening to what i don't prefer, because i don't have that kind of time. i podcast what i like and listen when i have the time.
"idiot" is an easy out. name calling automatically assumes defeat IMO.

as an aside, i like Rome's t.v. show significantly better than the radio one. more condensed and less random, and far less repetitive.
When did BTR express this opinion about Rome that I've allegedly parroted?
Seems like I'm inside your head a bit. Sorry, chica, but that's a YOU problem.

Look out Vin, seems like you might have a stalker or maybe she is just a woman scorned trying to get a little more "attention" from you? :)

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