
If Rome had a shred of integrity, you'd be hearing something like this. (which is what he'd say about one of his pet programs) Read this in your best self-assured, cocky little Romey voice.

"If my kid is playing college football, I'd want him under a guy like Kirk Ferentz. You can bet this guy has his players' best interests at heart. Iowa's strength and conditioning coach Chris Doyle is one of the best in college athletics. This guy knows what he's doing.

And there's no better place for them to have at their disposal in this situation, than University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. This is a world class medical facility people. It just doesn't get any better than that. These kids are being well taken care of.

So relax folks. While on the surface this sounds's a very real part of big time athletics. ...probably happens more often than we know."

That is...IF he had a shred of integrity.

If you had a shred of integrity, you would admit that the coaching staff is at least partially culpable for the problem.
BlckNGldHwk;351181[B said:
]Jim Rome is actually very intelligent[/B] and is like very few radio broadcasters in that he has an opinion and isn't afraid to step on the feelings of professional athletes. He is widely respected amongst his field and has a laundry list of a black book providing perspective you won't find on other shows. He is one of the best interviewers on the radio. The fact that one guy can have insightful commentary about so many different sports, topics, players, teams etc... is incredible. He is on the pulse of nearly every sport and he doesn't just spew the same crap you hear from every other talk radio guy.

I get it if you don't like his show. Some people don't like his style of delivery. Some people don't like his callers. Some people don't like the amount of inside jokes that tend to go unexplained. I get that. But the host is far from an idiot and he's a better talent than anything we have locally.

Compared to whom?!? Rome is a moron who regurgitates headlines that others have provided and adds his idiotic personal bias-fueled slant.
He's NOT an intelligent individual, sorry. He's the glenn beck of the sports world.
If you had a shred of integrity, you would admit that the coaching staff is at least partially culpable for the problem.

I heard all 13 players were wearing Green Bay Packers neckties. Therefore, they deserved their fate.
Compared to whom?!? Rome is a moron who regurgitates headlines that others have provided and adds his idiotic personal bias-fueled slant.
He's NOT an intelligent individual, sorry. He's the glenn beck of the sports world.

You know, we could insert your name in there, and it would work just as well. The next time you get a fresh line you didn't steal from OK4P will be the first.
Compared to whom?!? Rome is a moron who regurgitates headlines that others have provided and adds his idiotic personal bias-fueled slant.
He's NOT an intelligent individual, sorry. He's the glenn beck of the sports world.

Proof that you don't listen to the show enough to warrant an opinion. Matt Perrault is the Glenn Beck of the sports talk world.

Rome rarely displays any sort of 'bias' in his radio show. He's not a conference honk. He's not a team honk. He's not a specific sport honk. He makes it a point to say that he doesn't root for any teams because it's just not a part of doing his job well. The only thing he pimps consistently is his show's ever changing sponsors, which he should, that's part of the job.

If you listen to his show for a week you will get a better idea of who he is and what his show is about. His show isn't the 60 second Rome Report. He rarely ever says anything demeaning about others and provides more original insight about more diverse topics than most sports talk hosts.

If you don't listen to his show then that's fine. But be informed if you're going to have an opinion.
Compared to whom?!? Rome is a moron who regurgitates headlines that others have provided and adds his idiotic personal bias-fueled slant.
He's NOT an intelligent individual, sorry. He's the glenn beck of the sports world.

i will never understand the "i dont agree with what this individual says, therefore they are an idiot" approach.

the same thing can be said about nearly anyone whose job it is to comment on sports


"jon miller is a person I disagree with who regurgitates headlines that others have provided (u of I press releases/conferences) and adds his personal bias-fueled slant."

Many Hawkeye fans just dont like Rome because more often then not when anything Iowa is discussed on his show it isn't in the most positive light. But that'll happen when you're giving pundits like rome the amount of ammo to work with that Iowa has as of late.

and dont throw out "but rome has an agenda with Iowa because ferentz wouldnt go on his show like 10 years ago". I hate to have to tell you striaght like this, but you aren't that important, don't flatter yourself.

If you actually listen to Rome, and start to understand many of the inside jokes, callers, email responses, etc. it is one of the better shows on radio IMO. I dare you to listen to the smack off and not laugh your a$$ off
Jim Rome is actually very intelligent and is like very few radio broadcasters in that he has an opinion and isn't afraid to step on the feelings of professional athletes. He is widely respected amongst his field and has a laundry list of a black book providing perspective you won't find on other shows. He is one of the best interviewers on the radio. The fact that one guy can have insightful commentary about so many different sports, topics, players, teams etc... is incredible. He is on the pulse of nearly every sport and he doesn't just spew the same crap you hear from every other talk radio guy.

I get it if you don't like his show. Some people don't like his style of delivery. Some people don't like his callers. Some people don't like the amount of inside jokes that tend to go unexplained. I get that. But the host is far from an idiot and he's a better talent than anything we have locally.

The only thing I will give credit to Jim Rome for is knowing that controversy is what keeps him getting paid, but I am also not convinced that he actually knows that. His opinions are too often misguided and most times unoriginal. He's an angry, angry man with no filter or sense of reason.

The Jim Everett piece is really indicative of his character as is the "bounty" he put out on Gordie Howe. I wish we would have seen Howe's 70 year old *** (at the time) do what Everett did.
i will never understand the "i dont agree with what this individual says, therefore they are an idiot" approach.

the same thing can be said about nearly anyone whose job it is to comment on sports


"jon miller is a person I disagree with who regurgitates headlines that others have provided (u of I press releases/conferences) and adds his personal bias-fueled slant."

Many Hawkeye fans just dont like Rome because more often then not when anything Iowa is discussed on his show it isn't in the most positive light. But that'll happen when you're giving pundits like rome the amount of ammo to work with that Iowa has as of late.

and dont throw out "but rome has an agenda with Iowa because ferentz wouldnt go on his show like 10 years ago". I hate to have to tell you striaght like this, but you aren't that important, don't flatter yourself.

If you actually listen to Rome, and start to understand many of the inside jokes, callers, email responses, etc. it is one of the better shows on radio IMO. I dare you to listen to the smack off and not laugh your a$$ off

I am guessing that he got a long winded call, mostly annoying but with a few semi-clever statements, and then he proceeded to repeat those semi-clever statements of the caller for the next 15 minutes until a commercial.
The only thing I will give credit to Jim Rome for is knowing that controversy is what keeps him getting paid, but I am also not convinced that he actually knows that. His opinions are too often misguided and most times unoriginal. He's an angry, angry man with no filter or sense of reason.

The Jim Everett piece is really indicative of his character as is the "bounty" he put out on Gordie Howe. I wish we would have seen Howe's 70 year old *** (at the time) do what Everett did.

Again, your post is indicative that you don't listen to his show and thus are simply ignorant.

He has talked about ad nauseum the Jim Everett interview and knows it was a stupid thing to do and that he's lucky to have professionally survived the incident. You realize how long ago that was right? If 'The Jim Everett' piece is what you're basing your opinion of his show on then you are the one with misguided opinions.

The fact that you say he is and angry, angry man just shows how completely ignorant you are to who he his as a radio host and what is show is about. You would do best to stop talking about something you are clearly clueless about.
Proof that you don't listen to the show enough to warrant an opinion. Matt Perrault is the Glenn Beck of the sports talk world.

Rome rarely displays any sort of 'bias' in his radio show. He's not a conference honk. He's not a team honk. He's not a specific sport honk. He makes it a point to say that he doesn't root for any teams because it's just not a part of doing his job well. The only thing he pimps consistently is his show's ever changing sponsors, which he should, that's part of the job.

If you listen to his show for a week you will get a better idea of who he is and what his show is about. His show isn't the 60 second Rome Report. He rarely ever says anything demeaning about others and provides more original insight about more diverse topics than most sports talk hosts.

If you don't listen to his show then that's fine. But be informed if you're going to have an opinion.

"He rarely ever says anything demeaning about others"

I don't mind Rome in small doses and I agree that he does a heck of job with his interviews.........but you are crazy if you think he rarely says anything demeaning about others.
It seems as if some people are a fan of the show and will defend it, while others are not fans and will deride it. I expect a well-reasoned debate that will change some minds through enlightened conversation based in reason and facts.

I am guessing that he got a long winded call, mostly annoying but with a few semi-clever statements, and then he proceeded to repeat those semi-clever statements of the caller for the next 15 minutes until a commercial.

Rome rarely takes callers and most of the time if he talks about the caller then it's generally about something ridiculous and lame they said.
The only thing I will give credit to Jim Rome for is knowing that controversy is what keeps him getting paid, but I am also not convinced that he actually knows that. His opinions are too often misguided and most times unoriginal. He's an angry, angry man with no filter or sense of reason.

The Jim Everett piece is really indicative of his character as is the "bounty" he put out on Gordie Howe. I wish we would have seen Howe's 70 year old *** (at the time) do what Everett did.

the everett piece is from like 15 years ago. if that is "indicative" of who rome is now and what he is about, then I suppose the lego structures I built when I was ten would mean that I am now an architect?

I'm just trying to gauge the logic that's being used here
Again, your post is indicative that you don't listen to his show and thus are simply ignorant.

He has talked about ad nauseum the Jim Everett interview and knows it was a stupid thing to do and that he's lucky to have professionally survived the incident. You realize how long ago that was right? If 'The Jim Everett' piece is what you're basing your opinion of his show on then you are the one with misguided opinions.

The fact that you say he is and angry, angry man just shows how completely ignorant you are to who he his as a radio host and what is show is about. You would do best to stop talking about something you are clearly clueless about.

There's no need to be a dick because I have a differing opinion. I get it, you like him and I don't. I've listened to his show, and I've seen his TV show. That's my opinion of him. I'm not trying to get you to change your mind. I'm sure there are plenty of people that I like and you don't, however wrong that may be.
i will never understand the "i dont agree with what this individual says, therefore they are an idiot" approach.

the same thing can be said about nearly anyone whose job it is to comment on sports


"jon miller is a person I disagree with who regurgitates headlines that others have provided (u of I press releases/conferences) and adds his personal bias-fueled slant."

Many Hawkeye fans just dont like Rome because more often then not when anything Iowa is discussed on his show it isn't in the most positive light. But that'll happen when you're giving pundits like rome the amount of ammo to work with that Iowa has as of late.

and dont throw out "but rome has an agenda with Iowa because ferentz wouldnt go on his show like 10 years ago". I hate to have to tell you striaght like this, but you aren't that important, don't flatter yourself.

If you actually listen to Rome, and start to understand many of the inside jokes, callers, email responses, etc. it is one of the better shows on radio IMO. I dare you to listen to the smack off and not laugh your a$$ off

Yeah, that is why you are on here and not clowndorkfanatic right?

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