Roman candle question


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get some Roman Candles on Saturday for the upcoming celebration of our nation's independence. My dog goes bananas over fireworks going off, so I was wondering if y'all had any suggestions for Roman Candle brands that aren't too loud.
Simpler solution.


Simpler solution.



My dog only weighs like 11 pounds, but I'm pretty sure whoever tried to put those on her would lose a hand. Petsmart won't cut her nails anymore and I had to pay $15 for some prescription sedative that I have to give her before the vet will see her in the future. I appreciate the thought, though. Thanks.
My dog only weighs like 11 pounds, but I'm pretty sure whoever tried to put those on her would lose a hand. Petsmart won't cut her nails anymore and I had to pay $15 for some prescription sedative that I have to give her before the vet will see her in the future. I appreciate the thought, though. Thanks.

She sounds pleasant. What breed of dog it she?
She sounds pleasant. What breed of dog it she?
Primarily chihuahua, but no idea what else she is. My guess is part satan spawn or something. She came from somewhere in rural Kentucky and was probably mistreated at some point. We got her as an adult. She likes people other than the vet, but when she doesn't like something, primarily dogs and cats, she goes absolutely batshit nuts.
I'm going to get some Roman Candles on Saturday for the upcoming celebration of our nation's independence. My dog goes bananas over fireworks going off, so I was wondering if y'all had any suggestions for Roman Candle brands that aren't too loud.
These ones were rated "most dog-friendly" on Amazon:

Primarily chihuahua, but no idea what else she is. My guess is part satan spawn or something. She came from somewhere in rural Kentucky and was probably mistreated at some point. We got her as an adult. She likes people other than the vet, but when she doesn't like something, primarily dogs and cats, she goes absolutely batshit nuts.

I should have freaking guessed. I have never met one of those that I liked or didn't think was a total azzhole. Chihuahua's are the cats of the dog world. Sorry to all you Chihuahua owners. I'd rather own a Pit Bull on death row.

I should have freaking guessed. I have never met one of those that I liked or didn't think was a total azzhole. Chihuahua's are the cats of the dog world. Sorry to all you Chihuahua owners. I'd rather own a Pit Bull on death row.


The night we went to get her Ma had her eye on another dog. It was a fine dog. But it was young and had a lot of energy. That chihuahua was sitting alone in a small cage and she had been there for 5 months. She looked so sad. She was so polite when we got her out to play with her.

The guy at the shelter was like "wow, she must really like you guys, you might want to be careful around other dogs with her though."

I take her out for a walk a few hours after we got her home and she was instantly Cujo as soon as we saw another dog. I walked her past starbucks and there were two dogs outside and she went absolutely ballistic. This gal sitting there goes "I work at a shelter and that might be the most aggressive dog I've ever seen." Yeah, thanks, lady.

I'm totally convinced that the shelter must have sedated her that night we were in there. She is really good around people. There is a chihuahua two houses down that is the biggest azzhole ever and they just leave it out front all the time. That thing barks all the damned time.

True. Mah dog will go ballistic and then get a much bigger dog to submit. Then, if the bigger dog wants to play and it starts jumping and stuff, my dog will let out the highest pitch most scared yelps you've ever heard. Their evolution is clearly based around either acting totally insane or totally submissive.
Do your dog and other pet owners.a favor and skip the fireworks.
Are you asking me not to do fun stuff because your shih tzu gets shaky and pees on the floor?

That sounds like a pet owner problem rather than a someone legally doing fireworks problem.
Are you asking me not to do fun stuff because your shih tzu gets shaky and pees on the floor?

That sounds like a pet owner problem rather than a someone legally doing fireworks problem.
Agreed. I'm specifically doing them a safe distance away from the dawg (who will be inside). I just want to mitigate the sound.
I'm going to get some Roman Candles on Saturday for the upcoming celebration of our nation's independence. My dog goes bananas over fireworks going off, so I was wondering if y'all had any suggestions for Roman Candle brands that aren't too loud.
The most important thing is to make sure you point the thing the correct way. Some people with lower IQ's have been known to think they are like a Saturn rocket and think the fuse is at the bottom.