Rodney Coe

he wants a shot at rb. the problem is that he doesnt understand he has his shot to prove he should be one at juco. and obviously the coaches arent seeing enough of him at rb to be satisfied with him there. so they probably (all guess) told him and the juco coaches that he would be better off playing dl next yr. if he doesnt make it to iowa i will be ok because i am not too sure he can keep the grades up anyway.

Yahtzee. I see this in too many kids nowadays, they want their "shot" at <insert goal here> without understanding they have their chance to impress right_now, they're already being evaluated right_now, whether it's attitude, grades, performance, work ethic, whatever.

That said, I have no reason to believe Rodney's a bad guy, at all. He just sounds frustrated to me. I actually like the way he engaged Rob et al on Twitter, straight up.
What the heck's happened to Rob lately? He used to be an okay guy, then the whole thing with Perault happened and it's seemed like ever since that, he's been on the wrong end of Hawkeye things ever since......pi$$ing off Ferentz, getting the Parker retirement thing completely wrong, etc, going after, when you fall, you fall hard and fast!

Rob Howe is a blogger at best. Sports journalists? Aboustuely not! Sports columnist, maybe. Whens the last time you've seen Rob how actually write something nice about the hawkeye football program. Last article I saw him type was titled "Hawkeyes are a Sinking ship".... He bans pro KF posters from his site, when I got banned he wrote me some rude PM's on why he is god and can do what he wants. Also notice if the hawks lose, Rob will put the worst picture he can find of KF next to the article.

Rob Howe tweets AJ Derby to linebacker, and Norm Parker retiring two years before it happens. He tweets Kozan to decide within 36 hours like two weeks ago. Calls out KF on a bogus DJK rumor and than crys that KF "came at him". I'd rather listen to Paul Clark's opinion on the Hawks knowing its ISU slander versus Rob Howe who spews negativity from god knows where.

Ummm Robert, I'd say Adrain Clayborn is a tough guy and he's right that your a coward. Don't rethink your retweet policy cause you know what you where doing the same way you know what you where doing when you were being an Idiot pushing KF after a loss on DJK a player who was no longer on our team for over 9 months.

JoePa must go? Cause you were touched as a child a guy who reported his rumor to his bosses that later came back and told Joe they found nothing. Plz don't rethink your retweet policy, rethink your profession. "Did KF blackball DJK?"- awesome article Robby, real smart!
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Twitter is a waste of time, and all you morons who follow and post on these young guys wall are ridiculous.
I generally like Rob's work but consider what he is doing today petty and unprofessional. Retweeting random dbag tweets from fans, and taking on AC?!/HawkeyeInsider

His position is that his "policy" is to RT the negative stuff to "expose" how silly these people look. He seems to be backing off a little with his latest tweet to Coe "Perhaps I will rethink my rt policy after seeing how it hit u. I just do it to call out ppl 4 ripping recruits on here. Sorry."

If Rodney Coe or anyone else wants to see random negative stuff from anonymous Internet poseurs, they can find it themselves, without help from a self-appointed tattletale. Journalists should report news, not provoke news.

I'm sure having a "reporter" that is loosely affiliated (even if at name only) with the program retweet posts from d-bag fans calling potential recruits a-holes would have no negative impacts.
Rob Howe is a blogger at best. Sports journalists? Aboustuely not! Sports columnist, maybe. Whens the last time you've seen Rob how actually write something nice about the hawkeye football program. Last article I saw him type was titled "Hawkeyes are a Sinking ship".... He bans pro KF posters from his site, when I got banned he wrote me some rude PM's on why he is god and can do what he wants. Also notice if the hawks lose, Rob will put the worst picture he can find of KF next to the article.

Rob Howe tweets AJ Derby to linebacker, and Norm Parker retiring two years before it happens. He tweets Kozan to decide within 36 hours like two weeks ago. Calls out KF on a bogus DJK rumor and than crys that KF "came at him". I'd rather listen to Paul Clark's opinion on the Hawks knowing its ISU slander versus Rob Howe who spews negativity from god knows where.

Ummm Robert, I'd say Adrain Clayborn is a tough guy and he's right that your a coward. Don't rethink your retweet policy cause you know what you where doing the same way you know what you where doing when you were being an Idiot pushing KF after a loss on DJK a player who was no longer on our team for over 9 months.

JoePa must go? Cause you were touched as a child a guy who reported his rumor to his bosses that later came back and told Joe they found nothing. Plz don't rethink your retweet policy, rethink your profession. "Did KF blackball DJK?"- awesome article Robby, real smart!

good stuff here.
Rob's antics are disgusting. In recent months he has been reporting the story less and less and instead has tried to become part of the story. On top of that he truly has an anti KF attitude. I've been a subscriber to HI since it was HN and Jon was still there. His tone the last few months has become increasingly critical. I'm glad that both Rodney and Adrian Clayborn called him out today.
I was amazed to see Rob call out AC as "tough guy". I mean, seriously? :eek:

One thing about Twitter and young guys, they may know better than anyone how superficial it is. Just checked Rodney's feed at!/COEsoCOLD27 there are a lot of positive comments now and even Coe seems to be having a chuckle at this point.

I LOL'd at the guy who said Coe could play RB "before you grew love handles"...
My only problem with this is the aparent lack of respect Coe shows for a team that was willing to give him a free education to play football. This twitter thing has gotten out of hand, and these kids need to know that not everybody needs to hear or read there every thought. You don't want to come to Iowa fine, but don't rag on them. Ia held up its end of the bargain. Coe would have been given a shot, had he focused more on his acedemics in H.S. Obviously the staff has seen enough tape of his Juco skills to not even be bothered waisting the kids time giving him a shot at RB. I give Kf credit for not blowing smoke up Coe's a##. He told him like he saw it. Coe obviously doesn't agree, but he does'nt need to come out and start some drama over it.
My only problem with this is the aparent lack of respect Coe shows for a team that was willing to give him a free education to play football. This twitter thing has gotten out of hand, and these kids need to know that not everybody needs to hear or read there every thought. You don't want to come to Iowa fine, but don't rag on them. Ia held up its end of the bargain. Coe would have been given a shot, had he focused more on his acedemics in H.S. Obviously the staff has seen enough tape of his Juco skills to not even be bothered waisting the kids time giving him a shot at RB. I give Kf credit for not blowing smoke up Coe's a##. He told him like he saw it. Coe obviously doesn't agree, but he does'nt need to come out and start some drama over it.

i think some people can't think beyond page 1 regarding what they put out there on twitter, etc.
sounds like coe just wants his shot at RB and if it doesn't work he'd be open to switching. I don't think he likes Iowa is saying no shot. But they're just being honest, doubt anyone sees him as a RB.

I hope your right. I always lean that way also and give people the benefit of doubt. I hope he also sees that the coaches at Iowa are THE best at finding the right spot for you to succeed. That is why friends, our coaches are so good. Success is not measured on what you wanted or thought you could do, but rather on how you adapted and found a way. AKA "want to"
Many people have hit the nail on the head. If he would have qualified out of high school and had 4 or 5 years to play he would have been given a shot at RB. Since he's doesn't have all 4 years the coaches aren't willing to take the risk in trying him out. If he comes in at RB and doesn't have what it takes he would most likely never see the field at Iowa.

Then there's this:

Rodney Coe @COEsoCOLD27
@HawaiiHawkeye @HawkeyeInsider well they said id be given a chance when recruiting me so im expect to have a chance thats all im saying

Sorry Rodney but you lost that chance when you failed to qualify. Might need to take a look in the mirror to find out who's to blame.
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Many people have hit the nail on the head. If he would have qualified out of high school and had 4 or 5 years to play he would have been given a shot at RB. Since he's doesn't have all 4 years the coaches aren't willing to take the risk in trying him out. If he comes in at RB and doesn't have what it takes he would most likely never see the field at Iowa.

Then there's this:

Rodney Coe @COEsoCOLD27
@HawaiiHawkeye @HawkeyeInsider well they said id be given a chance when recruiting me so im expect to have a chance thats all im saying

Sorry Rodney but you lost that chance when you failed to qualify. Might need to take a look in the mirror to find out who's to blame.

Winner winner chicken dinner. Exactly, time is not of the essence young man.
Like to see where Rodney Coe and AJ Derby end up in 3 years. Both were top 100 recruits, Army All-Americans unwilling to take advice from Iowa and switch positions.

Then we have Marvin McNutt and Dallas Clark (just a couple of examples) who have done quite well in the NFL and college so far. McNutt a 2* QB recruit and Clark a walk-on LB.

Coe and Derby have the hype. McNutt and Clark had the drive.

Derby has the drive, too. He wants to prove he can play at QB, and I can respect that (similar to Tebow in that regard). Coe is not a guy who I think actually has the drive. Ballooning up to nearly 280 when you want to call yourself a running back shows a complete lack of discipline.
To the people that continue to say: "oh you guys are creepy that you saw a tweet from a recruit blah blah blah"

1. Like other people have mentioned... Many people don't follow them, but see things that Hawkeye News/Media sources retweet. (which is how I found out [and also from this thread])

2. I, personally, don't follow recruits, but if I come on here and see a post about some news on a recruit from their Twitter... I will sometimes check it out. Whether you want to believe it or not... Twitter is becoming a major source of news on many things. I guarantee a good number of people found out about Whitney Houston's death from Twitter. Same things goes for news on recruits. It is a way to find information. I follow Jon on Twitter and other Hawkeye/Sports accounts because it is a way to find out about breaking news/rumors/stories that I find interesting. I fail to see how that is creepy... but I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I just think many people assume people are obsessed/crazed individuals that practically stalk these kid's daily lives. In reality, most people (including myself) could care less about what they had for dinner.

However, there are crazy people out there that do cyber-stalk these kids and try to talk to them like they are friends and I would agree that that is strange, creepy, and unnecessary.


Not defending Howe's unprofessional behavior but he was not tweeting Coe insults.

He was retweeting them. I didn't really understand the point of it. He said something along the lines of: "if people are talking badly about him, he deserves to know"

I don't really understand his thinking on that. It makes Iowa fans, as a whole, look stupid/childish, when in reality, the majority of Iowa fans aren't. I see no reason to give a voice to the ignorant and at the same time show a kid all the bad things people are saying about him.

I wouldn't want to know every bad thing that was said about me. Why would Coe want to hear all the bad things being said about him? He repeatedly said that he did not mean to suggest that he was not going to attend Iowa and that he did not want to see anything disrespectful being said about him.

I think Rob was just making matters worse, whether he intended to or not.

In the end Coe said that he was just upset that he might not get a chance to prove himself at the RB position and that he said things he didn't mean and that his tweets came off differently than he intended them to. He apologized and said he meant no disrespect.

I don't blame the kid for wanting a chance to prove himself. He said he would switch positions if he wasn't worthy of a RB spot, but he just wanted a chance. I find it strange that the staff wouldn't be open to giving him a chance... considering how that particular position seems to be shaky when it comes to depth. If it doesn't work out THEN put him on the line, but what does it hurt to give him a fair shot at it?:confused:
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