Rodney Coe

the book is still open on Derby, the book on Coe was closed when he got to 280, but i guess the image of William The Fridge Perry carrying the ball lingers
Even the Iowa Western coaches were talking about moving him to DL this spring.

Kid is obviously not real sharp, and I think Iowa has learned their lesson on bringing kids in at positions they can't play and then trying to move them later.

that may be his best chance for success (DL), but you can't blame the kid for pursuing what he wants - (playing RB)
tired of the snow? He grew up in Illinois, that's not exactly SoCal.

I'm starting to see a parallel between recruiting and dating. You can chase the hottest chick in school...but she's likely to be high maintenance and have an inflated opinion of herself...having been spoiled by all the attention.

The above-average looking gal who has a sense of humor, intelligence and perspective is usually a better "get" in the long run.

tired of the snow? He grew up in Illinois, that's not exactly SoCal.

I'm starting to see a parallel between recruiting and dating. You can chase the hottest chick in school...but she's likely to be high maintenance and have an inflated opinion of herself...having been spoiled by all the attention.

The above-average looking gal who has a sense of humor, intelligence and perspective is usually a better "get" in the long run.
What about the fat and ugly ones????
that may be his best chance for success (DL), but you can't blame the kid for pursuing what he wants - (playing RB)

Rodney Coe @COEsoCOLD27
@That1Guyy07 guess it's just time for me to hit some mofos my brotha, running the rock days are over #justwannamakethatcash

From that tweet, it appears he realizes he's not a RB anymore.
What about the fat and ugly ones????

There ain't nothing wrong with a slumpbuster and after two 7 win regular seasons in a row and losses in the past two years against Northwestern, Minnesota (2) and ISMoo, Iowa football could use a slumpbuster right about now.
Jacobs is 6'4" of solid 265 lbs of muscle. Coe was 250 lbs of solid muscle out of high school, i'm guessing if he is 280, that he didn't put on 30 lbs of muscle.
I'm going to tell Coe what I told Paris Hilton......... Lose 15lbs than come talk to me
Jacobs is 6'4" of solid 265 lbs of muscle. Coe was 250 lbs of solid muscle out of high school, i'm guessing if he is 280, that he didn't put on 30 lbs of muscle.

coe could easily trim to 265 if he is truly 280 and not solid muscle.

point being, i doubt his weight is the reason he is not being recruited to RB. Plenty of other reasons, probably, but weight (too little or too much) outside the 'norm' is not a reason that a player can't excel at a position.

I just picked Brandon Jacobs given he is a most recent example of such. Plenty of others out there. And in Coe's case, we aren't even discussing NFL - just college. Point is moot as to how long he or any back can last in the NFL - good enough to make it and play at the highest level in said league. Plenty of small guys don't even make it there, let alone 3 years, etc.
If there is one thing the Iowa coaches seem to be very good at, it is determining possible position changes and getting guys ready for the pros, even if that isn't translating to wins on the field for the current Iowa teams. If Derby and Coe can't see that, then that is their loss because because they both have the frame and ability to be good, but probably not at QB and WR.