Rob Howe Having it Out With Perrault...

As far as correcting you, what would it matter? How would you know? Haven't you heard, everyone on the internet is 6'2" or taller, a former jock or perhaps astronaut. I guess if my opinion is to be disregarded because you feel you can sniff out former ballplayers by their posts so be it.

I have met many posters on this and other boards. I do not pretend to be something I'm not.
Oh no he didn't...he went after Rick, saying HE specifically had to have known it was going on. He wasn't using him as an example of "a player should have known". Get your facts straight Cliche...

Correct, he specifically chose Stanzi. Miller tried to change it to "another senior" but Perrault went right back to Ricky specifically
Rob Howe is a stand up man, that has always been the case!

The same cannot be said about the other individual.
I listened to the presser this morning on KXnO and listened to the "commentary" afterward. When their show came on this afternoon and Perrault was still talking the same crap I switched over to 1700 - pretty sad when you switch over to Marty for the voice of reason.

Fortunately, I happened to be in my car to hear Rob Howe and I was openly cheering him on. Perrault has been trying to "gin" up the story and its becoming sickening!

Perrault tried to make way to much of this story and I don't necessarily blame him because it is something that attracts listeners. I also don't buy for a second that Stanzi didn't know what DJK was up to. They are both seniors and they have a lot more in common than they don't. As for Miller, why do people like him? What sport is supposed to be his best? The dude doesn't seem like he knows much about any sport.
My overall point is, why does it matter? If he would have said some no name on the special teams second unit no one cares. Yet on the moral high ground that everyone is taking it should matter just as much. But it wouldn't. Stanzi gets a mention and because he is high profile, a "star", people get upset about it.
Just stop. You don't know Itheus, you have no idea what kind of guy he is. Just freaking stop.

When did I say anything about what kind of guy he is?? He said something about what kind of guy I am or am not as it were. Maybe you're getting your posts mixed up? I was just poking some fun. :D
My overall point is, why does it matter? If he would have said some no name on the special teams second unit no one cares. Yet on the moral high ground that everyone is taking it should matter just as much. But it wouldn't. Stanzi gets a mention and because he is high profile, a "star", people get upset about it.

Because by saying Ricky should have known you are implying he acted irresponsibly because he did not confront DJK or bring it up to the coaches. It paints Ricky in a bad picture and that is unfair to Ricky, or any other player that would have been named outright. Plus some people hear what he says as gospel and they run to the message boards and twitter and that's how fires like the one we had this weekend get started.
My overall point is, why does it matter? If he would have said some no name on the special teams second unit no one cares. Yet on the moral high ground that everyone is taking it should matter just as much. But it wouldn't. Stanzi gets a mention and because he is high profile, a "star", people get upset about it.

I would say the high profile , star and "leader" And it doesn't matter at all. Had Howe not immediatley gone to the defensive ( I just re-listened to the podcast, he raised his voice asking why Perrault thought that, this board would be much shorter and a lot different tempo.

Again Perrault is a goofball. He is not very good at what he does, and rubs a lot of people the wrong way. Show this to KXNO by not listening.
When did I say anything about what kind of guy he is?? He said something about what kind of guy I am or am not as it were. Maybe you're getting your posts mixed up? I was just poking some fun. :D
Sorry, if it was a joke. Sometimes msg boards speak doesn't translate w/o smiley faces and junk. My apologies.
I would say the high profile , star and "leader" And it doesn't matter at all. Had Howe not immediatley gone to the defensive ( I just re-listened to the podcast, he raised his voice asking why Perrault thought that, this board would be much shorter and a lot different tempo.

Again Perrault is a goofball. He is not very good at what he does, and rubs a lot of people the wrong way. Show this to KXNO by not listening.

He's actually very good at being a shock jock.
My overall point is, why does it matter? If he would have said some no name on the special teams second unit no one cares. Yet on the moral high ground that everyone is taking it should matter just as much. But it wouldn't. Stanzi gets a mention and because he is high profile, a "star", people get upset about it.

People are always going to get more upset if they know the person who's being wronged...why in the heck wouldn't they? There's no need to take a different off ramp here, just pull the car over and stop!
In comparison to the back up, long snapping, freshman walk-on? Damn right I stop trying to cloud everything that's said because you're painted into a're better than that Cliche, holy crap.

I hope you don't take offense shane, I just have a tough time with this whole rumor people vs. truth people thing as it pertains to internet message boards and sports talk radio. You are a great poster and I wouldn't want you to think I'm trying to slag you off personally or anything like that.
Thats not what he did though. He basically used Stanzi to represent "a player" or "another player". He could have said Joe Moore instead of Stanzi and no one would have given 2 *****.

You are unbelievable. He said, "I would be shocked if Stanzi didn't know". That is implying that he is saying that Stanzi knew what DJK was doing. He is using it as a statement of fact on the individual, Stanzi in this case, when really he has no damned f'ing clue, much like you or I don't know either.

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