Rob Howe explains his side of the DJK deal

I know where Homer is coming from as aware of his past issues with HI.

Rob is a very good writer. I question why he has to explain his side of the deal?? He wrote and now feels need to explain more??? To me, it shows he knows he did something wrong.
Does he have a right to ask that question(s)?? Definitely. However, he didnt do alot of homework on issue, other than unanswered calls to the agent. The fact the agent didnt return calls should tell him something. Did he try to contact any NFL rep?? If he did, he doesnt mention it.

As others stated, not the best timing but... also lacking information to support the question. Lots of speculation on boards about why DJK not in camp but it was the NFL teams that didnt invite him. Kirk has respect of NFL and most everyone based on his time as Iowa coach but I sincerely doubt he has enough CLOUT to keep DJK out of NFL.
LOL! Howe is a professional?

The appropriate statement is that Howe is your bud.

In Howe's rebuttal he claimed to be a "journalist" ... and yet he has left a trail of poorly timed and/or informed "tweets" and an awful sloppy "investigative" article to show for it!

If he truly was a "journalist" he would have done his homework ... he DIDN'T. He was LAZY.

Lazy, sloppy journalism is BAD ... and, as such, is quite the opposite of PROFESSIONAL.

Howe is a hack.

Don't get me wrong ... he's probably a great guy ... Miller and Spank love the dude ... so that is probably the case. However, Howe also has demonstrated a tendency to be irresponsible ... I don't think that is cool.

This is accurate. He does nothing to back up this claim he got from DJK. That is not professional at all Jon. Just cause he is your buddy doesnt mean he is professional. Trust me Jon you dont need him on this site.
what investigating did he do?? Took a call from DJK? He never spoke to any NFL personel and never spoke with his agent. Yet, he comes to a PC guns blazing with the info he had from of all people DJK?? And goes at Kirk Ferentz with that?? Talk about shady journalism at best and just plain stupidity.

The problem in this day and age is that good journalism is nearly dead. We're so used to "hacks" that many can no longer tell the difference between what is good journalism to what is not.

Too many folks think that "asking tough questions" is the only thing that a journalist does. However, what folks don't realize is that you DON'T just ask those questions ... you also dilligently construct an air-tight argument that supports your conclusions based on those "tough questions."

The tougher the question ... the harder you have to work and the MORE RESPONSIBLE you have to be!

If not ... then what you write SHOULDN'T be worth anything, nor should it be perceived as credible.
I don't mind the questions at all. He had a story he wanted to write and wanted to get Ferentz's input. That's just being professional.

He should have just called the SID and tried to schedule an interview, or at least requested a comment from Ferentz. There's no way he didn't know how that question would be perceived and reacted to in that context.
I have known Rob for a decade. I understand some not liking the questions, or Ferentz's reactions.

I will say this with 100% certainty; Rob is a professional, I have never known him to carry a grudge, I don't believe this is a grudge at all, Rob has enormous integrity and I think this just happens to be something he thought was a worthy story.

I would hire Rob to work for me right now if I could, without a moment's hesitation, and Rob is on a very short list of people I would say that about.

Well yeah Jon, because I'm not available either.
Investigating is what he was doing. He heard DJK's side and he wanted KF's side. I'm not sure why people are so uptight about this. Well, actually I know why.

Howe says he only called DJK agent. Who didn't return his call. Spoke to DJK and that is it. Pretty weak investigation if you ask me. Here an idea after DJK spewed his venom why not call some NFL Teams and ask them why DJK wasn't drafted or how about starting with those teams that DJK claimed told him that KF talked too.
On the one hand, I don't mind the question being asked because that's his job. On the other, just by asking the question, you somewhat legitimize DJK's belief. For that reason, I think he needed at least one other person to corroborate the story before putting that out in the public.

Also, I'm struggling to understand how he didn't think he was going to get that reaction. Really? You had to know the impact of the story, otherwise you wouldn't have even bothered following up on it.
I know where Homer is coming from as aware of his past issues with HI.

Very true. I purposely choose NOT to post on HI for the very reason that I don't believe that Howe demonstrates adequate professionalism and/or integrity.

Howe's trail is significantly longer than the following list ... however, it still illustrates my point:

- Howe censored/banned fufred. And, for the record, fufred wasn't cutting or pasting premium info. For all I know, fufred may have had his own insider sources OR he may have simply paraphrased some premium info. However, all the same, Howe dropped the ban hammer. Howe was certainly well within his rights ... it was his site after-all. However, he did it for no other reason than to protect his own revenue stream. And, that too is a weak reason ... because many of us on these boards paraphrase the insider and/or premium info that we're privy to ... and yet, how many of us get banned? Not many!

- The "Norm" tweet fiasco. Really irresponsible. Such comments are bad because not only are they potentially unsubstantiated ... but they also can hurt our recruiting. Thus, in other words, it can do damage to the program. And, mind you, that's doing damage to a program that is responsible for generating A LOT of revenue for the university.

- The "AJ Derby to QB" tweet fiasco. Also pretty irresponsible. It also had recruiting ramifications because it suggested that the coaches may not be genuine when recruiting a kid at a particular spot. Last I checked .... Derby had ascended to our #2 QB spot. He may yet move ... but Howe has still been proven to be wrong and irresponsible.

- Howe has written before that Coe would have been a "done deal" to DE had he qualified. Again, this basically along the same lines as the AJ Derby tweet fiasco. Howe has a source who has a strong feeling .... however, an opinion isn't reality. My bet is that given what has happened to McCall ... Coe would be at RB for us right now ... no question!

- Howe loves himself some DJK ... so he decides to lazily base an article on a few questions that he asked Ferentz. Howe had every right to ask such questions. No issue there. However, such questions certainly UNDERMINE Ferentz. Why ask after a Hawk loss when everybody would be questioning Ferentz for other reasons? Why not ask after our victory over Tennessee Tech? While the timing was certainly iffy ... because it was exploiting Ferentz at a point of weakness ... I can certainly give him a pass on that. However, my REAL beef is the fact that the premise of his entire article involved little to no research! It was lazy ... and thus, pretty darn irresponsible!

- To add on to the above ... it's also a given that a journalist doesn't follow a story on the whim of a friend. To that end, I would venture to guess is that Howe "likes" DJK ... after all, DJK is a pretty intoxicatingly charismatic guy. You want to like him. Anyhow, DJK drops a bit of a bomb ... suggesting that Ferentz potentially did something that would make many fans question his integrity. And yet, Howe failed to ask himself, who has established a better precedent in the area of integrity? Ferentz has established a precedent ... DJK only continues to dig himself into holes. And yet Howe still pursued the story? Does that scream good judgement to you? A good journalist KNOWS when there is a story. From my discussions with Spank ... it would seem to me that Howe and Spank have let their man-love for DJK interfer with their better judgement.

.... anyhow, I just wanted to clarify to folks why I might happen to have any "issues" with HI. And, for the record, I've never been banned at HI. In fact, there are many great posters there whom I miss.
A beautiful post by tjrnhawk on the scout-site:

My take is very different than yours Rob -- and most of the others on this thread. I listened to the replay and cringed at the question -- and was very surprised there was a follow up. I think it was a mistake to do this publicly. I think your article of saying this is a "he-said, he-said" is way off the mark. Where did you get information that he was black-balled other than that being his belief? Which teams did he attribute the comments to? Did you check with them? His agent never returned your call to confirm this. It sounds like his own opinion of why he didn't make it. From the moment he was kicked off the team, everyone I know thought he had done HIMSELF an unbelievable disservice regarding his NFL future. There is no great surprise here that a guy who had trouble throughout his career, who was a late-round pick on talent alone, and then got himself kicked off the team because of criminal charges would have trouble getting someone to pay him to come to camp. This is all just after DJK indicated he would tell "his side" publicly when he was done. That is one side of your purported -- "he said, he said."

The other side of this equation is a coach of great integrity -- demonstrated over many, many years. A guy who tries to do things right and honestly -- and you question publicly whether he would "black-ball" a player. That is a clear shot at his integrity. Then you follow it up with a couple more -- and after he answered you went back and asked (clearly doubting his answer) the following:

You had 75 of 82 from your media guide from 2002 to 2009 that got into camps. It seems a little puzzling that a guy that is Iowa’s all time leading receiver couldn’t find his way into a camp.

Then in your article you state again -- questioning his credibility and not DJK's -- that you find it hard to believe that with all of the scouts in the facility that no one had asked -- even though that is exactly what he told you. I thinks this whole episode does make your position seem less "journalistic" and more sensational, pot-stirring, run with personal opinions that somehow become a "fact" type of questioning and reporting. You "created" a story out of some guy believing he got black-balled. He certainly took himself off the recommended list. And frankly, that was all the scouts ever needed to know. You can be damned by silence or even faint praise. To suggest Kirk would black-ball him, would want to black-ball him, or would need to black-ball him is highly questionable, at best. If you are going to go after or question a man's integrity, you should probably have more "facts" and more of a credible source on the other side.
All I can say Jon is that you must be a pretty good friend. Hats off to you.
i joined HI because i liked his hoops coverage. i was only there for a few weeks before he went off on this tangent accusing Fran and Co of being shady after they pulled Devin Colemans offer. he based this on some comments from some AAU he spoke with. it was not only completely unprofessional, but he was wrong, and i called him out on it. he simply banned me. it was bush league. dude can certainly dish it but he is a giant ***** when anyone says anything about him which is evident by his latest diatribe today.
Jon, is it true that Kirk brought back up the topic in the "On the Side" portion?

Yes. Once the main presser ended, Rob and other reporters walk up to the podium to grab their recorders, then step over on the side and have another short interview session. During this segue, Kirk was saying to Rob, audibly, 'That was a stupid question. It's irrelevant'. Rob has written and said he was not going to bring it back up after the main presser questions.
If DJK isn't given the opportunity to make plays he will die!

Kirk not helping DJK get into the NFL is the same as stabbing him with a knife. How do you think Ray Lewis would react if a Rob Howe questioned him about stabbing those guys after the super bowl?
Yes. Once the main presser ended, Rob and other reporters walk up to the podium to grab their recorders, then step over on the side and have another short interview session. During this segue, Kirk was saying to Rob, audibly, 'That was a stupid question. It's irrelevant'. Rob has written and said he was not going to bring it back up after the main presser questions.

Well, this is really irrelevant, the question was already asked and I think Kirk responded with how he felt. Rob could have also left it alone at this point too.

Again, I dont question Rob one bit, his timing was crap, but he has the right to ask it and Kirk had the right to be annoyed and bring it back up. The worst part of it all was DJK tweeting what he did last night. He didnt help Rob at all with that one.
I've got no problems with Howe's questions. Took some balls to ask, too. The entire situation could easily have a negative impact on his career and earning potential.

Also, I take him at his word that he didn't think it would cause such a commotion. If you had asked me how KF would have reacted to the question, I would have said that he would provide, essentially, a non-answer and would have moved on to the next question, with possibly a private follow-up from the sports office to request that quetions like that not be asked.
Howe says he only called DJK agent. Who didn't return his call. Spoke to DJK and that is it. Pretty weak investigation if you ask me. Here an idea after DJK spewed his venom why not call some NFL Teams and ask them why DJK wasn't drafted or how about starting with those teams that DJK claimed told him that KF talked too.

Or, why not ask KF and get it straight from the horse's mouth?

Come on. If Howe did this "investigation" and published a story *without* talking to KF, you people would be even more enraged than you are right now.
Basically, DJK is lying (he did get private workouts),and even "retracted" on a tweet. Rob, on the other hand, has been made to look like a fool by DJK.

In other words Rob, it appears, has joined the ranks of Dennis Dodd and Craig James.
I really doubt many NFL scouts or GMs would contact a coach wanting to discuss a player he recently threw off the team. If they did I'm sure they wouldn't expect glowing praise from the coach anyway. They probably got exactly what KF said they got, which apparently was to look at the tape and decide for themselves if he was worth a look.

I'm not really sure why Rob Howe kept on asking questions anyway. He got the answer he claims he was looking for after his second question, which was that KF has never slammed a player to anybody since he's been at Iowa. He then went on to ask 3 more questions during the presser and more during the side session?

Even after KF called him out on the side he could've either moved on or said "I was just following up on a story" and ended it. He chose not to do that and make accusations from a player with no verified sources. It's shotty journalism at best.
I think the re-post of tjrnhawk's entry nails it. If Howe had a little more to work with I could have respected his persistent line of questioning. Ferentz makes $3 million a year in a very public role as a state employee. He has to answer tough questions, perhaps even deal with being badgered from time to time.

But asked to continually respond to a rant from a former player passed along by Howe? I don't think Howe had the leverage to follow-up the first softball question once Ferentz responded.

If even one "adult" in the situation, whether it was DJK's agent or even a low level scout, was able to offer the smallest credibility to DJK's (and ultimately Howe's) claim, Howe would have something to build on.

I'm surprised he put himself in such an awkward and vulnerable position.

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