RIP Cubs...

I've been saying that since '84...I can only imagine how hard it is on the old timers who have been saying it for over 10 decades now...ok, so there probably aren't many of THOSE types around, but still...

When the Red Sox won the WS in '04 and then the White Sox won it in '05 I was telling anyone that would listen that it was the Cubs turn.

How can anyone honestly hate those lovable losers?
You're gonna be dead when you consistently can only score 1-2, 3 runs at most 5 out of 6 nights. The 1 other night they go off for like 8 runs. It's just pathetic and makes me sick. They suck so hard.
All I'm going to say is that some major retooling needs to be done, because with the team the cubs have intact, they will never win. If somebody would've told me that Carlos Silva was going to be 6-0 at this point in the season, and then asked me what I thought the cubs record was. I don't think I would've guessed a losing record.
Carlos Silva is actually 7-0.

The Cubs have a very important month ahead of them.....they can either fall by the wayside and turn into sellers.....or they can play above .600 ball and be right there in the NL Central race.
Carlos Silva is actually 7-0.

The Cubs have a very important month ahead of them.....they can either fall by the wayside and turn into sellers.....or they can play above .600 ball and be right there in the NL Central race.

My bad, I've been moving and starting a new job. haven't kept up on cubs excetp to see they lose a lot. And I'm going to guess they'll fall by the way side, which may not be the worse thing that can happen to them. (Sellers are sometimes the end)
Carlos Silva is actually 7-0.

The Cubs have a very important month ahead of them.....they can either fall by the wayside and turn into sellers.....or they can play above .600 ball and be right there in the NL Central race.

With the NL Central they won't need to play .600 ball to get in contention.
I don't know how many of you (if any) read the article from Desipio that I posted a few weeks back. It's pretty long, but towards the beginning, there are a couple of key lines.

They hit, but they can’t score. They pitch, but they have a knack for giving up one more run than the other team. So what are they, efficient losers? Any team can get beat 11-2, it takes a different kind of brilliance to lose 3-2…all the time

This might seriously be the greatest description of the Cubs of all time, or of anything for that matter. Wow my cubbies suck!!!
Shadas, the Sox won it all in 2005, beating the Astros 4-0....And yes Shane, we did have our ONE year in the sun, where Ozzie could back it all up........And yes, ALWAYS be the red-headed step child of Chicago, but better to get ONE than none!!!
Shadas, the Sox won it all in 2005, beating the Astros 4-0....And yes Shane, we did have our ONE year in the sun, where Ozzie could back it all up........And yes, ALWAYS be the red-headed step child of Chicago, but better to get ONE than none!!!

Haha...I wasn't even halfway through reading your post when I started my reply of "I'd gladly trade you"!
I love the Cubs, but I hope they realize they need to be sellers. They're not going to win the series, if they can get anything for some of their vets they should pull the trigger.
The Cubs have a very important month ahead of them.....they can either fall by the wayside and turn into sellers.....or they can play above .600 ball and be right there in the NL Central race.
Silva could win seven more straight in June and the Cubbies wouldn't come close to playing .600 ball; indeed, since they are six below .500 with Silva 7-0, and can't hold their own against the other two worst teams in the NL, Pirates & Astros, it is highly probable they will have a losing record at the traditional 4th of July mid-season mark.

As constituted, this Cub team does not hit with enough power, run well enough or play defense with the consistency AND RANGE necessary to play winning baseball in the major leagues.

Anyone who watch last night's game (yes, I know, hard to get more than glimpses in between periods of Blackhawks-Flyers) should understand why in an earlier string of post (what one trade should the Cubs make) I argued that the first, key step should be to bundle Zambrano, low minor league CF prospect Brett Jackson and a one of the second-level pitchers who are solid marginal prospects at Iowa (I suggested Jay Jackson as the most likely to be attractive to Astro GM Ed Wade, as closest to major league ready), with adjustments to the package if necessary, for Houston's CF and leadoff man, Michael Bourn--the top base stealer & best defensive OF in the league, and most of all, the guy at the top of the order who gets himself into scoring position more often than any other leadoff man in the majors.

Bourn was the key to the Astro's win, in the field as well as at the plate and on the bases. And while he was putting on an exhibition of the difference he could make for the Cubs, Zambrano was giving further depressing proof that for all his ability he is not going to be a successful pitcher again until he is wearing a different uniform.
Silva could win seven more straight in June and the Cubbies wouldn't come close to playing .600 ball; indeed, since they are six below .500 with Silva 7-0, and can't hold their own against the other two worst teams in the NL, Pirates & Astros, it is highly probable they will have a losing record at the traditional 4th of July mid-season mark.

As constituted, this Cub team does not hit with enough power, run well enough or play defense with the consistency AND RANGE necessary to play winning baseball in the major leagues.

Anyone who watch last night's game (yes, I know, hard to get more than glimpses in between periods of Blackhawks-Flyers) should understand why in an earlier string of post (what one trade should the Cubs make) I argued that the first, key step should be to bundle Zambrano, low minor league CF prospect Brett Jackson and a one of the second-level pitchers who are solid marginal prospects at Iowa (I suggested Jay Jackson as the most likely to be attractive to Astro GM Ed Wade, as closest to major league ready), with adjustments to the package if necessary, for Houston's CF and leadoff man, Michael Bourn--the top base stealer & best defensive OF in the league, and most of all, the guy at the top of the order who gets himself into scoring position more often than any other leadoff man in the majors.

Bourn was the key to the Astro's win, in the field as well as at the plate and on the bases. And while he was putting on an exhibition of the difference he could make for the Cubs, Zambrano was giving further depressing proof that for all his ability he is not going to be a successful pitcher again until he is wearing a different uniform.

Dude, lets just move Soriano to leadoff, he could be better than Bourn AND PLAY CENTER
!!!! hahaha
Silva could win seven more straight in June and the Cubbies wouldn't come close to playing .600 ball; indeed, since they are six below .500 with Silva 7-0, and can't hold their own against the other two worst teams in the NL, Pirates & Astros, it is highly probable they will have a losing record at the traditional 4th of July mid-season mark.

As constituted, this Cub team does not hit with enough power, run well enough or play defense with the consistency AND RANGE necessary to play winning baseball in the major leagues.

Anyone who watch last night's game (yes, I know, hard to get more than glimpses in between periods of Blackhawks-Flyers) should understand why in an earlier string of post (what one trade should the Cubs make) I argued that the first, key step should be to bundle Zambrano, low minor league CF prospect Brett Jackson and a one of the second-level pitchers who are solid marginal prospects at Iowa (I suggested Jay Jackson as the most likely to be attractive to Astro GM Ed Wade, as closest to major league ready), with adjustments to the package if necessary, for Houston's CF and leadoff man, Michael Bourn--the top base stealer & best defensive OF in the league, and most of all, the guy at the top of the order who gets himself into scoring position more often than any other leadoff man in the majors.

Bourn was the key to the Astro's win, in the field as well as at the plate and on the bases. And while he was putting on an exhibition of the difference he could make for the Cubs, Zambrano was giving further depressing proof that for all his ability he is not going to be a successful pitcher again until he is wearing a different uniform.
Agreed on Bourn last night and tonight (BB in the 1st, steal 2nd, scored on Berkman's hit). I don't think there is a chance that the Astros will deal him, but you never know.

I don't think Z looked good last night, but it will be a work in progress. Who is going to take on his contract?

Aramis is showing signs of coming to life tonight with a HR and run scoring 1B off Oswalt tonight. Colvin showed great range in RF on a ball earlier in the game as well. I am looking for positive signs! :)

Here's how they announced the Cubs won their last World Series across the country

-.-. ..- -... ... .-- .. -. -.- ..- -... ... .-- .. -. .-.-.- :D = cubs win cubs win fullstop

What has happened since the Cubs last won the World Series
1. Radio was invented
2. The Titanic sank
3. WW1 started and ended
4. Taft was President
5. The Great Depression happened
6. The Cardinals have won 10 World Series and been to 17

Go Cards !
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Silva could win seven more straight in June and the Cubbies wouldn't come close to playing .600 ball; indeed, since they are six below .500 with Silva 7-0, and can't hold their own against the other two worst teams in the NL, Pirates & Astros, it is highly probable they will have a losing record at the traditional 4th of July mid-season mark.

As constituted, this Cub team does not hit with enough power, run well enough or play defense with the consistency AND RANGE necessary to play winning baseball in the major leagues.

Anyone who watch last night's game (yes, I know, hard to get more than glimpses in between periods of Blackhawks-Flyers) should understand why in an earlier string of post (what one trade should the Cubs make) I argued that the first, key step should be to bundle Zambrano, low minor league CF prospect Brett Jackson and a one of the second-level pitchers who are solid marginal prospects at Iowa (I suggested Jay Jackson as the most likely to be attractive to Astro GM Ed Wade, as closest to major league ready), with adjustments to the package if necessary, for Houston's CF and leadoff man, Michael Bourn--the top base stealer & best defensive OF in the league, and most of all, the guy at the top of the order who gets himself into scoring position more often than any other leadoff man in the majors.

Bourn was the key to the Astro's win, in the field as well as at the plate and on the bases. And while he was putting on an exhibition of the difference he could make for the Cubs, Zambrano was giving further depressing proof that for all his ability he is not going to be a successful pitcher again until he is wearing a different uniform.

First, that trade's not going to happen. Second, it doesn't matter how often Bourn could get into scoring position because the middle of our lineup has been death until last night. Hopefully, Ramirez will get it going.
I love the Cubs, but I hope they realize they need to be sellers. They're not going to win the series, if they can get anything for some of their vets they should pull the trigger.

I agree the cubs need to be sellers, but who is going to be a buyer of the product. The players that would be good for other teams are way way to expensive. Plus they all have no trade clauses. The only one worth anything is Silva. I think the Cubs need to designate Soriano for assignment. Someone will pick him up (not sure how that affects contracts, but once someone who is cut gets picked up, doesn't their original contract become null and void, eg. Howry's contract with the Dbacks)

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