Rest McNamara against WMU?

Threatening your boss is not a good move. Your chances of the boss saying “OK. See ya’” may be higher than you think.
I agree with you for the most part. The caveat to this situation is Goetz is currently an interim AD. I'm not so sure she has the power/authority to do such a thing yet anyway. If anything got to be anywhere near that serious of a thing I bet it'd be run up the flag pole and she wouldn't have total autonomy to make such a decision to let KF go over that kind of thing. Hope we don't find out
The Wildcat is way past it's time. It's the most predictable way a team can lineup.

I guess Wildcat is too simplistic of a description, but I knew everyone would understand the idea: an athletic guy taking the snap with weapons around him.

The key point: DeJean is a former QB, he can run, he can handoff, he can throw. I agree that snapping the ball to a RB who is going to run or handoff presents limited possibilities. But if you have a guy who can handoff, run up the middle, roll out, throw the ball, situations where your passing game is constrained (e.g. redzone, heavy packages for short-yardage), I would trade polish as a passer for athleticism and the chance to make plays with the QBs legs. Not an all the time thing, but that would absolutely be a useful wrinkle...we have stunk in short yardage since Linderbaum left.
I guess Wildcat is too simplistic of a description, but I knew everyone would understand the idea: an athletic guy taking the snap with weapons around him.

The key point: DeJean is a former QB, he can run, he can handoff, he can throw. I agree that snapping the ball to a RB who is going to run or handoff presents limited possibilities. But if you have a guy who can handoff, run up the middle, roll out, throw the ball, situations where your passing game is constrained (e.g. redzone, heavy packages for short-yardage), I would trade polish as a passer for athleticism and the chance to make plays with the QBs legs. Not an all the time thing, but that would absolutely be a useful wrinkle...we have stunk in short yardage since Linderbaum left.
Amen. Options. Dejean opens the door for lots of different types of plays and ways to use him. One would think an OC would be salivating to have someone like that to scribble up fun ways to use him.
I would think just a package of 5-10 plays or so situationally would be all it'd take. He doesn't need to learn the whole offense. Be it KF or BF they don't seem to show any interest at all with it. I'm surprised they even let him return punts.
Kirk Ferentz works for the AD and the University President in name only. Kirk Ferentz is a beloved icon throughout most of Iowa, which alone gives him a kind of political immunity. Do you think KF and BF would have forced their position in the racist hoax and lawsuit on 2 AGs-from different parties-if he was touchable? Seriously, do you think the real boss of all the bosses gives a penny's worth of damn about how many points Iowa scores.

Kimmy is about to launch the biggest attack on the academy in Iowa history. Do you think the Gov would create a major public distraction like firing Kirk Ferentz when she's playing for much greater things of real importance? Or from the other perspective, do you really think the President would risk her job over how many points Iowa scores. The President surely knows her replacement will be at least red, and not blue, and the red people that control government in Iowa really would like to see her gone. She is not going to give us a reason to fire her. I think the President has a better sense of the political dynamics and the battle ahead. The President is going to do everything to build some political capital and not destroy her already limited political capital in a fight about football scores.

Not inviting a discussion on political merits or one's opinions of the participants. I am telling you how high-profile decisions get made at Terrace Hill. You may not like the way of the world but it is the way of the world.
I don’t necessarily disagree with your overall view. From experience in my job I am more than familiar with the need to recognize where the political power lies. But be aware. I have seen examples that defend my statement about who is in charge and calls the shots, and how they may respond to threats.
Most important is that the President and AD did not just fall off the turnip truck.They are well schooled in the directions of political winds. Don’t under estimate them.
I agree with you for the most part. The caveat to this situation is Goetz is currently an interim AD. I'm not so sure she has the power/authority to do such a thing yet anyway. If anything got to be anywhere near that serious of a thing I bet it'd be run up the flag pole and she wouldn't have total autonomy to make such a decision to let KF go over that kind of thing. Hope we don't find out
The President and the Board of Directors would make the decision, whatever that may be. I don’t have any idea what they would do. Circumstances rule the day.
These games are no-win situations for BF.

Score/win big and it's "well, look who we played."
Score just enough and squeak by and it's "same ol Iowa offense."

The real barometer is PSU and beyound.
I think it's the opposite. Brian's more under the spotlight now then he's ever been whether that termination clause in his contract holds up or not. IMO while you're absolutely right the PSU game is the barometer I see it as not a score win big now or a just score enough argument, but rather he's not under a nationwide spotlight because his offense is putrid, but rather because now there's a clause in his contract laying out 25 ppg or bust. Whether he's terminated isn't the issue, but I see it more as a question of what this does to his future as an OC or HC outside the program if he fails. Being the laughing stock of OC's in college football is one thing, but your future is dependent on hitting that mark. Whether dad approves or not, if I'm a HC or AD down the road am I going to put my faith in an OC that agreed to sign such a contract in the first place and couldn't get there?
Threatening your boss is not a good move. Your chances of the boss saying “OK. See ya’” may be higher than you think.

Your right, but lets be honest the wording in the contract is a huge indicator he's not going anywhere regardless. He may get shuffled around and very well may not be the OC next year, but he'll still be on the staff. If there was any intent for him to be "terminated" and no longer employed by the Hawkeyes then there is absolutely no reason that his termination would take place in June and not the moment the season ended. No one is replacing an OC and bringing in anyone with a pulse or a resume less then two months before the season starts.
I guess Wildcat is too simplistic of a description, but I knew everyone would understand the idea: an athletic guy taking the snap with weapons around him.

The key point: DeJean is a former QB, he can run, he can handoff, he can throw. I agree that snapping the ball to a RB who is going to run or handoff presents limited possibilities. But if you have a guy who can handoff, run up the middle, roll out, throw the ball, situations where your passing game is constrained (e.g. redzone, heavy packages for short-yardage), I would trade polish as a passer for athleticism and the chance to make plays with the QBs legs. Not an all the time thing, but that would absolutely be a useful wrinkle...we have stunk in short yardage since Linderbaum left.
Putting him in the backfield is intriguing... maybe along with Cade. Get him the ball out in the flat...he can pass, run, etc. I get ya.
Right. He is not a dual threat QB. That is why he was replaced as the starter at Michigan and ended up at Iowa.
Largely yes. But man that JJ McCarthy is the real deal. Even without his legs he's a heck of a QB I think. It's easy to see why things ended up the way they did for them. Dude throws an accurate ball he impresses me.
Your right, but lets be honest the wording in the contract is a huge indicator he's not going anywhere regardless. He may get shuffled around and very well may not be the OC next year, but he'll still be on the staff. If there was any intent for him to be "terminated" and no longer employed by the Hawkeyes then there is absolutely no reason that his termination would take place in June and not the moment the season ended. No one is replacing an OC and bringing in anyone with a pulse or a resume less then two months before the season starts.
He could get moved to defensive coordinator since he knows how to keep offenses from scoring (tongue in cheek)
They are well schooled in the directions of political winds. Don’t under estimate them.
I'm not underestimating them, I am explicitly acknowledging they understand the politics in this situation. They are not interested in igniting what would quickly become a political fight with the most important and powerful people in the state over something like football points.
The President and the Board of Directors would make the decision, whatever that may be. I don’t have any idea what they would do. Circumstances rule the day.
This might be the "explicit" chain of command. But the President and the Regents have a boss as well. Neither the Regents nor the U of I President could fire Ferentz without the Governor's approval. So, none of the players in this situation have any reason to ignite a firestorm in an election year over football scores.
That was my understanding also.
More a traditional guy with good pocket mobility. Hill has been a strange departure from what looked like a trend towards more mobile runners. Joe Labas, Lainz and especially Resor are all good runners who can turn it up downfield with their feet.
Your right, but lets be honest the wording in the contract is a huge indicator he's not going anywhere regardless. He may get shuffled around and very well may not be the OC next year, but he'll still be on the staff. If there was any intent for him to be "terminated" and no longer employed by the Hawkeyes then there is absolutely no reason that his termination would take place in June and not the moment the season ended. No one is replacing an OC and bringing in anyone with a pulse or a resume less then two months before the season starts.
Right you are. A compromise, like moving Brian back to offensive line duties, would be the natural solution and take his termination off the table and could well be a decision KF would support.
I'm not underestimating them, I am explicitly acknowledging they understand the politics in this situation. They are not interested in igniting what would quickly become a political fight with the most important and powerful people in the state over something like football points.

This might be the "explicit" chain of command. But the President and the Regents have a boss as well. Neither the Regents nor the U of I President could fire Ferentz without the Governor's approval. So, none of the players in this situation have any reason to ignite a firestorm in an election year over football scores.
Sadly, that would depend on the political party of the governor. A good governor would keep his/her nose out of university business. (I do follow your logic on this issue)
Sadly, that would depend on the political party of the governor. A good governor would keep his/her nose out of university business. (I do follow your logic on this issue)
I am not relying on the political party. Same situation there would be no way Chet would have let the University fire KF in an election year over the number of points scored. That creates an emotional diversion that has no upside and a lot of downside right now.