Replace Back in Black with....

You have to be kidding me!
If you don't like Back in suck!
If you don't like AC/ suck!
If you don't like the album Back in suck!
If you get rid of Back in Black, I will show up with my SG and Marshall stack and trust me, you will hear Back in Black.
Rock on AC/DC! Rock on Hawkeyes!
I'm not a huge ACDC fan, but them walking out to Back in Black is pretty rad.
Ive never even heard of who ever this Whiz guy is, but I'm betting he will be forgotten in about 7 mins.
Why replace something everyone knows, that fits perfect, with something that maybe only 1/4 of the 70k people there would know?
some one mentioned eminem and 3 songs come to mind that would be a little ba to play would be Cinderella man, soldier, or till I collapse. but never change back in black. I would mind hearing a little more drop kick Murphy's either.
I started the post and I'll try to end it. It was just supposed to be some winter time fun anyway.

Keep Back in Black! It fits the team tradition, and program. Forget I ever suggested a trendy song for an intro.

I would like to hear it during the game though. But at least we don't have to endure Sweet Caroline. Yuck!
How about replace Enter Sandman instead? I think there should be a way to represent both the old classic rock culture while recognizing what many players on our team actually listen to.

But this is a moot point, as people will howl if anything we have currently ever changes.

They play a lot of the more current stuff four like an hour before kick-off.
i'm old, i love the back n black and enter sandman...
[ame=]Sick Puppies - You're going down - with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Let's try to work this in somewhere huh guys. Sick Puppies, "You're Going Down".

"If it's a fight I'm ready to go, I wouldn't put my money on the other guy".
"I'm not running, it's a little different now, one of us is going down"
"with my fist in your face and your face on the floor"
"you got the message now"
[ame=]Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - YouTube[/ame]

this could also get people really fired up too...
was at a wedding this weekend and Back in Black came on. A little kid started freaking out next to and said "its the Hawkeye song...its the Hawkeye song."
With the crowd chanting "Bam-A-Lam"


That's the whole point isn't it? The crowd would be into it me thinks!

When making a suggestion, close your eyes and see the crowd reaction in your mind's eye. Some songs just elicit a reaction ... some songs foster participation ... the best choices for a sports venue do both.
It's so lame that Enter Sandman became a cliche.... It's over-used big time, but it's still awesome.

Gimme a break, Back in Black is an overused song too. In fact, it has such cultural ubiquity, that some people here think that it is synonymous with masculinity.

Back in Black is the song that guys missing teeth sing at karaoke. Back in Black is the song that brides who wear cowboy boots play at their wedding. Back in Black is what is played at the funeral of a guy who drowned noodling.

It is low culture. It is the death of creativity and imagination. It is the greatest horror facing America today, and we must do anything and everything to stop it!
I'm not a big rap fan and think sticking to "Back and Black" is a better fit. IMO you can't beat classic rap for a broad audience like Hawk games.

I could be wrong but I doubt there will ever be a classic rap radio station. If there is, the station's call letters should be "KRAP".:)
Gimme a break, Back in Black is an overused song too. In fact, it has such cultural ubiquity, that some people here think that it is synonymous with masculinity.

Back in Black is the song that guys missing teeth sing at karaoke. Back in Black is the song that brides who wear cowboy boots play at their wedding. Back in Black is what is played at the funeral of a guy who drowned noodling.

It is low culture. It is the death of creativity and imagination. It is the greatest horror facing America today, and we must do anything and everything to stop it!

Nothing you said matters though. If a school wants to blare Zombie Nation then eff it. It's about the fans and they seem to like it. Iowa identifies with Back in black and is therefore their song forever.
Nothing you said matters though. If a school wants to blare Zombie Nation then eff it. It's about the fans and they seem to like it. Iowa identifies with Back in black and is therefore their song forever.

That's not the case. The song is not what gets the crowd pumped up, it is the anticipation of the game. Like I said in a previous post, you could play any song and have the crowd react to it, because the song is not the stimuli evoking the reaction, the players coming on the field is.

That being the situation, I don't see how embracing a little contemporary change is going to hurt anyone. Of course, the Iowa football program as a whole kind of feels like they are stuck 30 years in the past, so maybe the shoe fits.

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