Recruits are always paying attention

Of course we love KF. ...and it's so much simpler to just pull out the old pocket notebook, scribble down the name of the who messed up, and deal with it in practice. Yup, the camera guy show it every time, too.:)
For the record, even tho Ferentz doesn't get in the face of his players, we have some assistants that just chew the **** out of them.
Brian Kelly, along with the AD should still be in prison and serving out their sentences. Be it voluntary or involuntary manslaughter they made conscious decisions that led to a young man's death. Hansen claimed it was 50 feet high and 50 mile an hour winds... if that is true they should have been tried and convicted for 2nd degree murder.

I believe it was more like 35 to 40 feet high with winds from 30 mph and up. I know a little bit about working at heights at 30 to 50 feet on lifts, off of cranes, in buckets etc and know how winds above 15 mph affect such work.

I've done such work and have others under my employee doing such work... I would never do this.

Brian Kelly and the ND AD are 2 criminals that never were subjected to trial and later along with ND FB, may they burn in purgatory for it. A later judgement can decide if they should descend further into hell... hoping the FB program continues the descent.

I guess I didn't understand the author's logical connection between the filming accident and the coach's sideline conduct.
I certainly prefer KF's sideline style over the Kellys and Mike Stoops,or Fitz.
I watched the Fitz NW coaches show this week and he is also a screamer,in the locker after their game, yelling that letting BC hang around was ''flirting with death''.
Then he followed up those comments at his weekly PC admonishing Stanford for being ''pathetic'' for allegedly backing off a scholly offer to his QB, Kane Colter. He went on to lecture the attending media on how NW does not recruit that way ,but that other do,and how disappointed he is in some in the profession. Then he said he did not want to be holier than thou.....yea,right Fitz. This guy is just as arrogant as Brian Kelly in his own way. He talked about relating to injured players because ''I missed the Rose Bowl with a broken leg and ankle''....just can't let it go, eh Fitz.
I guess I didn't understand the author's logical connection between the filming accident and the coach's sideline conduct.

Head Coach's control everything. They control the filming and the fact that someone goes up into a lift to 35 or 40 feet into the air... with winds from 30 to 40 plus an hour... when the lift has instructions to never.. NEVER... go above 25 mile an hour winds.

The coaches sideline conduct was criminal and because it's Notre Dame he gets off scott free.
IIRC, when they moved to Kinnick that day, the managers started out in the boxes in the endzones, and they ended up moving from there because the coaches decided that they weren't sold that THOSE were safe enough. They ended up in the press box I believe.

This is true. They actually ended up in the dome for part of practice as well.
Then he admitted to being “extremely frustratedâ€￾ at the time and said, "I've got to do a better job of understanding when that camera is on me, and it seems like that camera is on me more than I'm used to. I'll have to do a better job of controlling my emotions.â€￾

Here in, lay the problem. He doesnt regret calling those players names, he regrets getting caught on camera.
Then he admitted to being “extremely frustratedâ€￾ at the time and said, "I've got to do a better job of understanding when that camera is on me, and it seems like that camera is on me more than I'm used to. I'll have to do a better job of controlling my emotions.â€￾

Here in, lay the problem. He doesnt regret calling those players names, he regrets getting caught on camera.

That is the difference coaching at ND versus Cincinnati. It is the same thing when Iowa is on the cameras are constantly filming shots of Ferentz. But unless Ferentz is jawing at the official he is a cool cat on the sideline, he just takes his notes on the players and lets his assistants do the jawing on the players in game.

If Darboh comes to Iowa I hope he understands there will be times the coaches will ride his *** as it is part of the game. I would not want to see a football player on the sideline sulking because he was not strong enough mentally to take a good *** chewing once in a while.
Kirk has the best punishment for penalties, dropped passes, etc. He jots the name down on a piece of paper and that player knows they are in for it at the net practice. Using that psychology for his players is so much more motivating for them than yelling their ear off during the game on national TV and having the player thinking "Man, Coach is a dick!".

Like when Daniels for the helmet to helmet penalty on TTU's QB, Kirk writes the name down, probably gives him some line like "Keep up the energy" or something. And then come Sunday or Monday, he deals with it professionally. This is probably my favorite aspect of Kirk.
Kirk has the best punishment for penalties, dropped passes, etc. He jots the name down on a piece of paper and that player knows they are in for it at the net practice. Using that psychology for his players is so much more motivating for them than yelling their ear off during the game on national TV and having the player thinking "Man, Coach is a dick!".

Like when Daniels for the helmet to helmet penalty on TTU's QB, Kirk writes the name down, probably gives him some line like "Keep up the energy" or something. And then come Sunday or Monday, he deals with it professionally. This is probably my favorite aspect of Kirk.

The only problem with Daniels hit was that it was a little high ... and part of that was due to the fact that Lamb was so darn short. In other words, I don't think that Ferentz would have had much problem with the hit by Daniels ... he'd just tell him to be a bit more careful next time.
Or push them.

Trey Stross

And yet Coach Johnson got demoted for a time there too. He has coaching TEs ... doing a great job too ... and then all of a sudden, the season after "the push," he was then put almost soley as the recruiting coordinator.

Then, right after Stross left the program, Johnson regained his spot as TE coach.

Coincidence? I think not.
Kirk has the best punishment for penalties, dropped passes, etc. He jots the name down on a piece of paper and that player knows they are in for it at the net practice. Using that psychology for his players is so much more motivating for them than yelling their ear off during the game on national TV and having the player thinking "Man, Coach is a dick!".

Like when Daniels for the helmet to helmet penalty on TTU's QB, Kirk writes the name down, probably gives him some line like "Keep up the energy" or something. And then come Sunday or Monday, he deals with it professionally. This is probably my favorite aspect of Kirk.

I remember when I was a kid, the worst punishment was the "go to your room and wait til your dad comes home." The suspense and wait for the punishment was much worse than if I got punished directly after the crime.
I remember when I was a kid, the worst punishment was the "go to your room and wait til your dad comes home." The suspense and wait for the punishment was much worse than if I got punished directly after the crime.

Yeah I would not to be that player on the field looking over to the sideline and seeing the coach writing in his notebook. This would definitely motivate me to play harder the rest of the game to soften the blow.
Are people here really worried about these poor, sensitive football players? My god, the best HS coach on my HS team chewed us out regularly, and we had 3 guys quit my junior year. And we won the rest of the games that year and made the playoffs. If you can't take it, play another sport. I have seen this style of coaching work. If you aren't tough enough to take criticism, you will not be tough enough to make the decisions that will make you a better player, and you shouldn't be on that field.

I agree with what Kelly said. There is a time and a place for butt chewing, and that is away from the camera. That part was handled poorly, but a coach shouldn't have to coddle his players, and give them gold stars for catches and a Kleenex when they drop the ball.
I agree with what Kelly said. There is a time and a place for butt chewing, and that is away from the camera. That part was handled poorly, but a coach shouldn't have to coddle his players, and give them gold stars for catches and a Kleenex when they drop the ball.

I think that is what everyone is saying in this thread. Nobody thinks football is lollipops and ice cream, but to do it on national TV (regularly) is an incredibly di(k move if you ask me.
Somebody needs to interview Joe Montana and ask him how he feels about Kelly.

Oh wait, Joe would probably be classy enough not to vent his feelings in public.