Recruits are always paying attention

I dont see what the big deal is, I dont mind a coach gettin' in the earhole of a player or face. It shows me he holds them accountable and to a high standard.
I dont see what the big deal is, I dont mind a coach gettin' in the earhole of a player or face. It shows me he holds them accountable and to a high standard.

You can hold someone accountable and to a high standard without completely disrespecting them. Do you think KF DOESN'T hold his players/coaches to a high standard? Because he seems to do pretty well without these kind of childish antics.
I played for a coach in college that was a great coach and had everyone's respect, but during games he was basically a raging a-hole, seemingly comparable to Kelly. All week in practice, before the game, and after the game, he was great to be around and a fantastic coach. He'd occasionally yell and scream in practice, but it was rare. His voice would get loud and he'd get ******, but nothing like during the games. And during games, he was comparable to Kelly. He got fantastic results from us, and I think we just accepted that during the game he was a different person, something I also imagine the ND players feel towards Kelly. And if you haven't watched Kelly coach before, this has always been his style. He isn't just doing this now that he's at ND.

And b/c the public issue was brought up, was it acceptable when Drew Tate yelled at his teamates and the coaches? I loved his passion and fire, but he repeatedly, publicly humiliated his teamates and the coaches w/ his antics. I lost quite a bit of respect for him simply b/c of that. I don't particularly care for coaches screaming at players, as Kelly did, but to me that's tolerable. I unquestionably disagree w/ players acting that way towards each other, though, as Tate often did.

And people need to quit losing objectivity just b/c it's ND. If they're good, admit it. If they suck, call it that way. Too many posters rip ND just b/c they can take a potshot, regardless of whether or not it's remotely accurate, and that looks pathetic. Kelly definitely deserves this thread, but last season a friend was rejoicing when Crist was lost for the season w/ the knee injury. Anybody doing crap like that, or something comparable, needs some perspective.
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I'm guessing the writer of the story is a Hawkeye fan. Talking bad about ND to the kid's guardians couldn't hurt during recruiting.
You can hold someone accountable and to a high standard without completely disrespecting them. Do you think KF DOESN'T hold his players/coaches to a high standard? Because he seems to do pretty well without these kind of childish antics.

Did I mention KF?.... No. I said i dont have a problem with the methods of some coaches. These "kids" are men in my book and should be treated accordingly.
Kelly is an a**hole in practice as well as games. He wins and is ok for now. How'd that work out for Mangino in the long run?

Most players can take a coach who chews your a** out if you have confidence he wants you to succeed as a player and a person. But the sad truth is many coaches are at the core in it for power and their own glory.

I can not say which of these types Kelly is. Maybe he is like Bobby Knight; an a-hole, but one his players knew was ultimately interested in their best interests.

But I do know that Joe Montana was not a fan after attending ND practices...
Did she really say "You hold Notre Dame up a little higher" ?

Perhaps she missed the whole systemic child abuse thing perpetuated by the Catholic Church's hierarchy...not to mention the NCAA investigations that followed the last real football success Notre Dame had under Lou Hotshz. (and let's throw in the list of overrated ND QBs who have flopped in the NFL for good measure)

Isn't it about time the Notre Dame myth (and the automatic top 25 ranking that goes with it each year) was squashed?
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