Recruits are always paying attention

“I understand that’s part of the game. I really do. But it did shock me. You hold Notre Dame up a little higher than that. It made me wonder how I would feel if Amara was treated like that on national TV.”

Really? LOLOL.
Last saturday, I was noticing the differences between the two "Kellys".

Chip Kelly was very calm after one of his Oregon players turned the ball over for like the 7th time in a row. He kept coaching, teaching....

Flipped the channel and saw Brian Kelly going off like an A-bomb. Thought that Pelini or Stoops was coaching for a minute.

Ehh, ND lost. That's all that matters.
I flip on the BTN..."Big Ten's Greatest Games" - ND @ Michigan in 2009. Oh yeah, a classic - a scUM team that would go 5-7 against a 6-6 ND team...that's one for the ages.
What a bum, don't take your inability to coach out on your players (especially with an example of why you aren't a good coach). That school has serious problems, they probably wish NCAA sanctions were their problem just so they wouldn't have to deal with the train wreck that is their football program of late.
After returning home from Iowa City flipped on the ND game and saw not one, but two or three tirades from the ND coach. I quickly commented to my partner: "You would never see Kirk do that." ... Getting upset at players is part of the game but blowing a gasket like your eyeballs are going to pop out is a little extreme ... Imagine what he is like in practice!?
After returning home from Iowa City flipped on the ND game and saw not one, but two or three tirades from the ND coach. I quickly commented to my partner: "You would never see Kirk do that." ... Getting upset at players is part of the game but blowing a gasket like your eyeballs are going to pop out is a little extreme ... Imagine what he is like in practice!?

We're lucky to have KF for so many reasons.
Brian Kelly, along with the AD should still be in prison and serving out their sentences. Be it voluntary or involuntary manslaughter they made conscious decisions that led to a young man's death. Hansen claimed it was 50 feet high and 50 mile an hour winds... if that is true they should have been tried and convicted for 2nd degree murder.

I believe it was more like 35 to 40 feet high with winds from 30 mph and up. I know a little bit about working at heights at 30 to 50 feet on lifts, off of cranes, in buckets etc and know how winds above 15 mph affect such work.

I've done such work and have others under my employee doing such work... I would never do this.

Brian Kelly and the ND AD are 2 criminals that never were subjected to trial and later along with ND FB, may they burn in purgatory for it. A later judgement can decide if they should descend further into hell... hoping the FB program continues the descent.
^yup that's what I have said at the time.....Brian Kelly is a criminal....he knew damn well it was too windy, any coach with a shred of a common sense would have said "What the heck is that kid doing up there get him down, we don't need film that bad."

For reference- I believe Iowa practiced in Kinnick when it got windy here around that time? Managers filmed from the box.
And then this guy...just West of here...

[ame=]Taylor Martinez gets chewed out by his coach Bo Pelini! - YouTube[/ame]
I posted about this during the game. If this is the first time you noticed this about Kelly, you haven't been paying attention. Guy loves to show his players up on TV.

As I said Saturday, I have really come to appreciate KF's measured use of the notepad. A few years back, people were frustrated that he didn't get more heated on the sideline. In fact the notepad was a point of ridicule. Now we understand those jottings speak volumes. It's just that KF prefers to have these discussions in private than in front of a TV audience.
The only time I've seen Kirk get that mad was at a ref, it gave a spark to the team and the crowd :):cool::D
^yup that's what I have said at the time.....Brian Kelly is a criminal....he knew damn well it was too windy, any coach with a shred of a common sense would have said "What the heck is that kid doing up there get him down, we don't need film that bad."

For reference- I believe Iowa practiced in Kinnick when it got windy here around that time? Managers filmed from the box.

IIRC, when they moved to Kinnick that day, the managers started out in the boxes in the endzones, and they ended up moving from there because the coaches decided that they weren't sold that THOSE were safe enough. They ended up in the press box I believe.

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