Recruiting: Lost in the "fundraising" shuffle?


Well-Known Member
I have seen numerous pictures/tweets about Kirk making in home/school visits with recruits/verbals lately. This is something I don't remember seeing in quite some time.

During the notorious 'Do Better' press conference, Kirk noted that he had spent too much time fundraising and not enough time looking at film. It seems likely he was toning down his recruiting and putting more on the shoulders of the position coaches. It looks like too little, too late for this years class. Hopefully, it will pay off more with next years class
I have seen numerous pictures/tweets about Kirk making in home/school visits with recruits/verbals lately. This is something I don't remember seeing in quite some time.

During the notorious 'Do Better' press conference, Kirk noted that he had spent too much time fundraising and not enough time looking at film. It seems likely he was toning down his recruiting and putting more on the shoulders of the position coaches. It looks like too little, too late for this years class. Hopefully, it will pay off more with next years class

I've heard of Kirk having in home visits in the past. I remember he was at Ray Hamilton's house during rhabdogate. After his presser though it did seem like he made a concerted effort to get out there himself. He was all over the place last week with multiple in house visits and attending high school basketball games. It's definitely too little too late with this class, but they are out in front with the class of 2016. Reports are the junior day was a success and a lot of recruits had positive things to say. Hopefully a rejuvenated Kirk can real in a hand full of blue chippers with the 2016 class. Kirk has to make it there though which means the Sex Cannon is going to have to pull 8 wins out of his *** Completely possible with the schedule though.
I've heard of Kirk having in home visits in the past. I remember he was at Ray Hamilton's house during rhabdogate. After his presser though it did seem like he made a concerted effort to get out there himself. He was all over the place last week with multiple in house visits and attending high school basketball games. It's definitely too little too late with this class, but they are out in front with the class of 2016. Reports are the junior day was a success and a lot of recruits had positive things to say. Hopefully a rejuvenated Kirk can real in a hand full of blue chippers with the 2016 class. Kirk has to make it there though which means the Sex Cannon is going to have to pull 8 wins out of his *** Completely possible with the schedule though.

Which even further illustrates how badly this entire staff needs to be canned. Kf's goodwill ran up years ago and he still didn't do his F'n job like he was extremely well compensated to do. On the assistant front these guys clearly are not, and haven't been, getting it done. It's one thing to be a bad coach, but when you can't recruit either you have no business at this level. Cpt Clueless' answer to all this......a sorry azz press conference and the same bunch of bafoons we've endured for the last 3 seasons.
Wasn't one of GB's strengths supposed to be fundraising? He truly isn't a good AD if KF was doing all the fundraising.
It's too little too late. Our window to rise back was 2012-2015 with the conference being as down as it is. Now the conference is rising back up.


Heck, even MN has gotten better, much better than us. I know bad games happen, but never thought MN would blow us out like they did.

And even if KF and staff start recruiting better, in 2017 we get a lot of the big schools back on our schedule. If we knock it out of the park for 2016 recruiting, do we really expect these kids to be ready as freshman and take on MSU, PSU, and UM??

Throw in KF contract ends in a few more years. So those recruits for 2016/2017....are they going to commit knowing the coach may not be here by time they graduate? Do we give KF another extension???

It's a mess, and that's why both parties should just walk away.
Wasn't one of GB's strengths supposed to be fundraising? He truly isn't a good AD if KF was doing all the fundraising.

Add on the fact that Iowa ranks something like 12th in the country in revenue. It's hard for me to believe that donors were not going to give unless Kirk speaks publicly at some event. How many other schools who rank in the top 15 in revenue have their head coach out there putting on a dog and pony show for some funds to build facilities? This is why I don't really bye it. I think Kirk got comfy and Barta finally lit a small fire under his seat mostly cause Barta knows his seat his already hot.
Add on the fact that Iowa ranks something like 12th in the country in revenue. It's hard for me to believe that donors were not going to give unless Kirk speaks publicly at some event. How many other schools who rank in the top 15 in revenue have their head coach out there putting on a dog and pony show for some funds to build facilities? This is why I don't really bye it. I think Kirk got comfy and Barta finally lit a small fire under his seat mostly cause Barta knows his seat his already hot.

And how much longer will that last? KF football as made iowa fans eyes bleed for almost 5 years. No doubt revenue is gonna take a big hit next year. Add to it another likely disappointing 2015 and some fans might not return for a long time. Tix are too expensive and there are so many more things to do on Saturdays then to watch the shiat show that KF created. Dark times ahead. Barta had the ability, and responsibility, to at LEAST give Iowa fans hope this offseason and did just what KF has done over the years.....nothing.
And how much longer will that last? KF football as made iowa fans eyes bleed for almost 5 years. No doubt revenue is gonna take a big hit next year. Add to it another likely disappointing 2015 and some fans might not return for a long time. Tix are too expensive and there are so many more things to do on Saturdays then to watch the shiat show that KF created. Dark times ahead. Barta had the ability, and responsibility, to at LEAST give Iowa fans hope this offseason and did just what KF has done over the years.....nothing.

'revenue will take a BIG hit".... it may take a hit - 'regular' season tickets sales x 7 games.... still a waiting list for suites and B1G 10 TV $$ money will be still be much greater than 5-8000 season tickets not being sold... this will be true at other B1G 10 schools.

When the demand for suites drops to empty suites - then action will happen.

FYI - A single suite can go for $55,000+ a season = 140 endzone season tickets
KF has nothing to sell high D-1 recruits. NOTHING!
Early playing time? Nope.
Exciting offense/defensive schemes? Nope.
Access to media or social media? Nope.
Best player will play? Nope.
Quality coaching? Nope.
KF has nothing to sell high D-1 recruits. NOTHING!
Early playing time? Nope.
Exciting offense/defensive schemes? Nope.
Access to media or social media? Nope.
Best player will play? Nope.
Quality coaching? Nope.

Some of your list is partially true. The one thing I would think would get more big name recruits yet rarely seems to have is he puts guys in the NFL... Iowa has sent way more then their fair share to the league. To me that would trump the exciting style of play and other stuff. Your goal when going to college is to have a job when you leave there right? Well what better job is there then the NFL and Ferentz has done as good of a job at that as anyone hard to take that away from him...
It's too little too late. Our window to rise back was 2012-2015 with the conference being as down as it is. Now the conference is rising back up.


Heck, even MN has gotten better, much better than us. I know bad games happen, but never thought MN would blow us out like they did.

And even if KF and staff start recruiting better, in 2017 we get a lot of the big schools back on our schedule. If we knock it out of the park for 2016 recruiting, do we really expect these kids to be ready as freshman and take on MSU, PSU, and UM??

Throw in KF contract ends in a few more years. So those recruits for 2016/2017....are they going to commit knowing the coach may not be here by time they graduate? Do we give KF another extension???

It's a mess, and that's why both parties should just walk away.

Exactly. I think it's too late for KF, for the reasons you just stated - that even a good recruiting class will take a couple of years more than likely, to be ready to play at a high level. The heat is already on right now and IMO, KF won't be able to turn it around before a change is eventually made, unless he can work a miracle with the current pool of players.

Besides, if this next recruiting class is any indication, we're not about to see an influx of talent, so I'm not seeing any legit reason to believe we're about to go on an upswing. I need more than "In Kirk We Trust".

It's over. Just not officially.
I have seen numerous pictures/tweets about Kirk making in home/school visits with recruits/verbals lately. This is something I don't remember seeing in quite some time.

During the notorious 'Do Better' press conference, Kirk noted that he had spent too much time fundraising and not enough time looking at film. It seems likely he was toning down his recruiting and putting more on the shoulders of the position coaches. It looks like too little, too late for this years class. Hopefully, it will pay off more with next years class

Well, the first inclination is to laugh at this thread(not just your post). But in the case that some just don't know how things work, I'll give it to you straight.

KF has made home visits every year he has been the head coach. He has made the maximum number of home visits allowable by the NCAA each year, or in other words as many as any other HC that also made the maximum. Since the Bowl game he has probably slept in his own bed 10 nights or so(on the weekends when hosting recruits). There were home visits by the HC prior to the bowl game as well. When he has made these very common home visits in prior years, he has posed for pictures with many happy kids and proud parents. The family used to do this with their camera and they would put the photos in christmas letters, send to family, place in photo albums,etc. Now, like there rest of society, they take them with phones, and it is then the prospects tweet out pictures, not the University of Iowa.

As for the fundraising, much of the time KF alluded to wasn't 'dog and pony shows' as someone intimated. He will continue to be on the I-Club circuit.....the dog and pony show. The real money is raised in personal solicitations, that take many years and meetings of cultivation. The UI Foundation staff would include him on personal cultivation and solicitation calls to people that could make 6 and 7 figure gifts. Typically this is going to the donors office or home, and they live not only all over Iowa, but the US.

I know this doesn't fit the narrative, but it is is what it it is.
Well, the first inclination is to laugh at this thread(not just your post). But in the case that some just don't know how things work, I'll give it to you straight.

KF has made home visits every year he has been the head coach. He has made the maximum number of home visits allowable by the NCAA each year, or in other words as many as any other HC that also made the maximum. Since the Bowl game he has probably slept in his own bed 10 nights or so(on the weekends when hosting recruits). There were home visits by the HC prior to the bowl game as well. When he has made these very common home visits in prior years, he has posed for pictures with many happy kids and proud parents. The family used to do this with their camera and they would put the photos in christmas letters, send to family, place in photo albums,etc. Now, like there rest of society, they take them with phones, and it is then the prospects tweet out pictures, not the University of Iowa.

As for the fundraising, much of the time KF alluded to wasn't 'dog and pony shows' as someone intimated. He will continue to be on the I-Club circuit.....the dog and pony show. The real money is raised in personal solicitations, that take many years and meetings of cultivation. The UI Foundation staff would include him on personal cultivation and solicitation calls to people that could make 6 and 7 figure gifts. Typically this is going to the donors office or home, and they live not only all over Iowa, but the US.

I know this doesn't fit the narrative, but it is is what it it is.

Was i insinuating that Kirk was possibly not making the recruiting effort he had in earlier years, yes... absolutely. Has he made the maximum visits? I will take your word for it.
I will take him admitting his effort has slipped in an impromptu news conference, as confirmation for the recent poor recruiting.
A lot of it was timing, but it still was ironic to see Kirk all over the recruiting trail the week after admitting he needed to do a better job.
Well, the first inclination is to laugh at this thread(not just your post). But in the case that some just don't know how things work, I'll give it to you straight.

KF has made home visits every year he has been the head coach. He has made the maximum number of home visits allowable by the NCAA each year, or in other words as many as any other HC that also made the maximum. Since the Bowl game he has probably slept in his own bed 10 nights or so(on the weekends when hosting recruits). There were home visits by the HC prior to the bowl game as well. When he has made these very common home visits in prior years, he has posed for pictures with many happy kids and proud parents. The family used to do this with their camera and they would put the photos in christmas letters, send to family, place in photo albums,etc. Now, like there rest of society, they take them with phones, and it is then the prospects tweet out pictures, not the University of Iowa.

As for the fundraising, much of the time KF alluded to wasn't 'dog and pony shows' as someone intimated. He will continue to be on the I-Club circuit.....the dog and pony show. The real money is raised in personal solicitations, that take many years and meetings of cultivation. The UI Foundation staff would include him on personal cultivation and solicitation calls to people that could make 6 and 7 figure gifts. Typically this is going to the donors office or home, and they live not only all over Iowa, but the US.

I know this doesn't fit the narrative, but it is is what it it is.

Thanks for the very interesting post. What I did not know: (1) there is a limitation on head coaches' home visits (2) that KF maxed out home visits every year (3) that pictures are out there with KF and families/recruits (4) some of the details about the fund raising KF is involved with. This is really good information and I hope other posters will take note. What you wrote may not fit the narrative with some, but as Mark Twain famously said, "There is nothing more irritating than a good example."
Was i insinuating that Kirk was possibly not making the recruiting effort he had in earlier years, yes... absolutely. Has he made the maximum visits? I will take your word for it.
I will take him admitting his effort has slipped in an impromptu news conference, as confirmation for the recent poor recruiting.
A lot of it was timing, but it still was ironic to see Kirk all over the recruiting trail the week after admitting he needed to do a better job.

Much to the chagrin of many, I am agnostic on Coach Ferentz. I know it doesn't appear that way b/c offering neutral or positive remarks about the program is counter to the theme of the season. With that, did KF really say he let the 'external fundraising... Get in the way of recruiting? Check the transcript.... I think you'll see the comment linked to film study and being in the office. Translation, his schedule from February to July.
A couple of things. There is a maximum number of IN HOME VISITS that a coach can make. I have no doubt that KF does that. Its the other things that KF either doesn't do, or he sucks at doing it, that counts.Google the insane amount of attention these high profile recruits get and ask yourself if you have ever heard a story of KF doing anything like it?
Much to the chagrin of many, I am agnostic on Coach Ferentz. I know it doesn't appear that way b/c offering neutral or positive remarks about the program is counter to the theme of the season. With that, did KF really say he let the 'external fundraising... Get in the way of recruiting? Check the transcript.... I think you'll see the comment linked to film study and being in the office. Translation, his schedule from February to July.

I agree. It's not likely that KF was discussing recruiting when he said that piece. I dont see a whole lot of difference in the current state of recruiting, that's different from past KF years (05 and 06 not withstanding). KF's failufailures in recruiting are many and I dont think his time on the fund raising circuit is one of them.
A couple of things. There is a maximum number of IN HOME VISITS that a coach can make. I have no doubt that KF does that. Its the other things that KF either doesn't do, or he sucks at doing it, that counts.Google the insane amount of attention these high profile recruits get and ask yourself if you have ever heard a story of KF doing anything like it?

Serious question: does this rule (or a separate rule) apply to visiting a recruit/commit at their school?