Recklessness of Petrino


I suppose if you're 52 this looks good. But I'm not 52, so.........

I have heard numerous men in their 50's say to me anything under 30 looks 5 points higher on a ten point scale to them now that they are over 50. So a 5 becomes a 10/10 and a 9 becomes a 14/10.

I for one believe that!
"Blonde and I were out discussing her new role with the football team, it was a nice day so I suggested we take my motorcycle obviously in hindsight that was a bad decision safety wise and also not a very professional mode of transportation. I am very relieved that no one was seriously injured and thank blonde and her family for their support. Thank you and go Hogs!"

sure there would have been snickers but it wouldn't have become a national story.
I have heard numerous men in their 50's say to me anything under 30 looks 5 points higher on a ten point scale to them now that they are over 50. So a 5 becomes a 10/10 and a 9 becomes a 14/10.

I for one believe that!

I'm sure it's true. From the neck down, everything is pretty tight I'm sure. Gravity will do it's damage over time.
Do you think she would be interested if he didn't make $3.5 million a year.That kind of money can buy a lot of young women.
I have heard numerous men in their 50's say to me anything under 30 looks 5 points higher on a ten point scale to them now that they are over 50. So a 5 becomes a 10/10 and a 9 becomes a 14/10.

I for one believe that!

This is true.
I have heard numerous men in their 50's say to me anything under 30 looks 5 points higher on a ten point scale to them now that they are over 50. So a 5 becomes a 10/10 and a 9 becomes a 14/10.

I for one believe that!

Yeah, if your a 55 year old male with not a ton of cash and especially if married and not one chance in hell of scoring with the hot under 30 lady then yes they instantly gain 5 points on the ten scale. And of course this totally increases the size of the universe of women you look at.
Aw poor Bobby has a neck brace. He also the alcohic nose going for him. I guess money can cover those flaws.
Have fun paying alimony and child support, ya piece of shart.
Aw poor Bobby has a neck brace. He also the alcohic nose going for him. I guess money can cover those flaws.
Have fun paying alimony and child support, ya piece of shart.

As do you, I would guess. :confused::rolleyes: