Really starting to think, Jok should not be starting.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a classic case of the try hards. Jok is a gifted shooter and average to slightly above average in most other areas. These weaknesses are being exposed repeatedly. It's looking like Stevie Wonder could see how to stop Jok. The kid is trying hard. To hard. Most of what we are seeing from him is black hole offense and forced attempts to score. The games he sat out should have allowed him to see that he doesn't have to score so many points. He said he had faith in his teammates but he still holds onto the ball and disrupts the motion of the offense. I'm struggling to understand why Fran has not seen this yet. I really hope he adjusts as this season still has games left to be played and it wouldn't even take a miracle (but definitely a stretch) to go on a run and play our way to the NCAA. I would like to see 1 game where Jok shoots if he's open or passes before he has dribbled away 10 seconds of the shot clock. Jok could be a great weapon for this team if he just re-learned his roll from last year. Instead he looks like Kobe Bryant in his last year of NBA ball. All try, no succeed.
I have to agree there. He is a liability on D most games and a turnover machine at times, including today. He is a pure shooter, and that is about it, and coaches need to find a way to use him that way and cut down his minutes, that is if your goal is to win.
I have to agree there. He is a liability on D most games and a turnover machine at times, including today. He is a pure shooter, and that is about it, and coaches need to find a way to use him that way and cut down his minutes, that is if your goal is to win.
he is also a great rebounder and passer he is the most skilled player on the team, that being said they need to change it up, If i was coach I would bring him off the bench. this would mess with other teams. I would also use more of williams as he is a great defender and can penetrate and break down defenses. Can't just blame jok there were so many point blank misses inside by teammates.
he is also a great rebounder and passer he is the most skilled player on the team, that being said they need to change it up, If i was coach I would bring him off the bench. this would mess with other teams. I would also use more of williams as he is a great defender and can penetrate and break down defenses. Can't just blame jok there were so many point blank misses inside by teammates.

I don't really blame Jok at all. He is a player that is trying to do what he has been coached to do. Problem is that he is just in a slump. Fran is at a crossroads. I am sure of it. He spent 2 years grooming Jok to be an elite scorer. All the signs and potential were there. Fran structured his season around Jok. It is really hard to change course mid-season this much I know, but I feel some tweaks must be made for Iowa to stay competitive. If Jok gets rolling again then maybe we can go back to the 1 man Jok show.
I don't blame Jok just wish the coach(s) would see what I see and respond accordingly. Would be beneficial for all parties, with exception of our opponents!
he NCAA. I would like to see 1 game where Jok shoots if he's open or passes before he has dribbled away 10 seconds of the shot clock. Jok could be a great weapon for this team if he just re-learned his roll from last year. .

The hawks seem to have lost a crisp passing offense. Uhl holds on to the ball and dribbles too much, ditto Jok, ditto bohannon who doesnt penetrate and dish much, ditto Williams. When they get the ball to the low block to Cook and Pemsl they can get off good shots which is great but I dont see perimeter players moving much to receive a pass from the interior.

It seems really good offensive teams have players catch, make their move usually to penetrate, and if nothing is available they pass in a couple of seconds and these teams can break down defenses. The hawks are dribbling and holding the ball too much.

I hope we see the crisp passing and ball reversal to get guys open looks and some decisive drives into the lane to break down the defense.

I think the hawks have to be at least 50-50 to see the NIT and the NIT would be good for this team.
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And the bench was 7-24 FG.
Baer led the team in 3FGA with 7

-- that should never happen with the shooters on this team-- one of them named Jok
Jok vs ILL...16 points, 10 rebounds, 4 assists, and yes, 5 TO's which is uncharacteristic, but remember he is often doubled and has the ball a lot. He leads the BT in scoring, even though he is clearly playing injured and missed a couple of games. He shoots 90%+ on free throws. He leads the team in rebounds (a 6/6" guard, btw). His defense needs work, but the number of minutes he plays are simply not going to allow him to go 110% on both ends of the court. Any suggestion that he would not be starting for all 14 teams in the BT is simply nonsense.

The loss to IL is not rocket science. We shot a terrible percentage and IL had a great defensive game plan. What you do is foul 30 plus times, throw the opponent out of sorts by pushing and grabbing, and figure the officials will not call all of the fouls. No. I am not putting this on officials. Its a strategy that is not uncommon in the BT.
Not really we just played bad teams when he was hurt
Agreed, I don't know how much of that plays into it, but it's definitely a factor. They did play much better on the road against Rutgers, whom they had trouble with at home, but that was after the 2ot Nebraska game, too.
Agreed, I don't know how much of that plays into it, but it's definitely a factor. They did play much better on the road against Rutgers, whom they had trouble with at home, but that was after the 2ot Nebraska game, too.

Rutgers had just had a gut wrenching OT loss to Wisconsin the game before we crushed them too.
Jok led the team in scoring, rebounding and assists yesterday

And turnovers and minutes played. The only reason he led the team in scoring is because Illinois let him dribble into a wide open three with under 5 seconds left.

I'm not saying he shouldn't start. I just think he needs to play significantly less minutes, because he is still hurt. And the stats pretty much spell that out:

Last 7 games:

25/70 FG (35.7 %)
8/37 3PT (21.6%)
3.14 Turnovers Per Game
Bad defense
Rutgers had just had a gut wrenching OT loss to Wisconsin the game before we crushed them too.
True, too many variables to really tell how much of an effect Jok has positively or negatively. Common sense would dictate that a 4th year guy SHOULD be better than a 1st/2nd year guy. But really who knows. The only thing I can say is that I've seen Jok do things than none of the other guys on the team have done consistently.

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