Realistically: Can CJ Avoid Injury Through the Next 7 Weeks?


Active Member
I am excited as anyone about the start of the Hawkeye's first five weeks of the season. CJ Beathard is clearly the offensive catalyst to this team. I have come to appreciate his toughness and athleticism. But CJ has taken some real shots this year. Every time he has jumped back up and was ready to go for the next play. The Pitt game was brutal. I was surprised that CJ started and played so well against North Texas. Yesterday, in Madison, the abuse of CJ continued.

We have to protect CJ better or in my opinion, he will probably not make it through the duration of the Big Ten season. He is a tough dude. But I don't see how he can avoid injury based on his protection the first five weeks. CJ's continued health is imperative for the Hawks to do something special this year.

Am I worrying needlessly? Or am I clearly seeing the inevitable?

Here is hoping CJ stays healthy for the duration of the season

Go Hawks!!
Cj is far and away the most abused qb i've seen this season in cfb. Certainly none of the opposing qbs have taken hits like he has. That said, he is tough.
As long as Pat Fitzgerald and Northwestern is on the schedule, there is always reason for concern. I'm sure he would love to take out another one of our quarterbacks if given the chance.
He hasn't been hit hard the last two weeks.

He'll be fine.
Cj is far and away the most abused qb i've seen this season in cfb. Certainly none of the opposing qbs have taken hits like he has. That said, he is tough.

Have you watched a Penn State football game? Pretty sure Hackenberg has taken more hits.
I was worried Saturday about the risks he was taking by not getting out of bounds. I think there is a good chance he gets hurt. Hopefully just dinged and not missing game time.
CJ is a tough dude and will play through pain. The coaches need to plant a seed in the head of the zebras early in the game about late hits and the helmet to the chin strap stuff that CJ has endured.
As long as Pat Fitzgerald and Northwestern is on the schedule, there is always reason for concern. I'm sure he would love to take out another one of our quarterbacks if given the chance.

CJ is a pretty tough cookie but this is the game that has me concerned, too. I fully expect Fatty Pitz to instruct his DC to have one of the defenders lay a cheap shot on CJ early in the game. Don't forget it was a carefully disguised face mask by a Northwestern defender that twisted Stanzi's body as he was being tackled in the end zone, resulting in his season-ending ankle injury.

Fitzgerald's a punk who has always had a thing for Iowa bince breaking his leg as a player in 1995 in the Wildcats' second-to-the-last game of the season against Iowa, an injury that kept him out of the Rose Bowl. I can't believe there is a long-time poster on this board, an Iowa grad no less, who actually supports the thug program in Evanston by buying season tickets and who knows what else.

If you want to get a good hate going tor the Pitz, watch this video of his reaction after the play that knocked out Stanzi.

he was under pressure a lot vs Wisconsin but I didn't see him take too many good shots like against Pitt.

The good news is we've already faced two of the three toughest defenses we'll see this year
CJ is a pretty tough cookie but this is the game that has me concerned, too. I fully expect Fatty Pitz to instruct his DC to have one of the defenders lay a cheap shot on CJ early in the game. Don't forget it was a carefully disguised face mask by a Northwestern defender that twisted Stanzi's body as he was being tackled in the end zone, resulting in his season-ending ankle injury.

Fitzgerald's a punk who has always had a thing for Iowa bince breaking his leg as a player in 1995 in the Wildcats' second-to-the-last game of the season against Iowa, an injury that kept him out of the Rose Bowl. I can't believe there is a long-time poster on this board, an Iowa grad no less, who actually supports the thug program in Evanston by buying season tickets and who knows what else.

If you want to get a good hate going tor the Pitz, watch this video of his reaction after the play that knocked out Stanzi.


The hatred for Iowa is real; however in fairness to Fitzgerald, Morse or Reisner blew an assignment one of those guys was suppose to at least chip Wooten.
Ask any Steeler or Cowboy fan how your season can unravel when the QB and by far your offensive leader goes down.
All I'm going to say is we can't play scared and worry about it. It can happen to any team. He just has to learn how to take the hits or avoid real big shots when running downfield. There is an art to it and a player can really help themselves a lot by just knowing 1) When to take a hit or duck out of bounds or slide. 2) How to position one's self or where to take a hit on the body.

I do worry about a blind sided sack or another solid hit behind the line, but that's on the line & RB to block.
I'm just looking forward to Michigan and Northwestern beating the **** out of each other this week. Hopefully Northwestern has a little less bite when we visit.
I'm just looking forward to Michigan and Northwestern beating the **** out of each other this week. Hopefully Northwestern has a little less bite when we visit.

Hopefully in 5 OTs as well.

Would also anticipate the Nebby/Bucky game this Saturday could get real physical with both teams taking out some frustration on the opponent.
Hopefully in 5 OTs as well.

Would also anticipate the Nebby/Bucky game this Saturday could get real physical with both teams taking out some frustration on the opponent.

No crap. A MUST win for both and both are quite bitter. That should be interesting as both are pretty desperate. It will be interesting to see if the Wisky fans get into Stave's head and how he responds. Nebby could take advantage of it by going after Stave early to get into his head & create "yips" the rest of the game. That's what I thought Iowa should do. If I were coaching, that's how I would scheme against him since he can be a bit of a head case at times.

Opposite contrast of the Michigan/NW game. Both will be interesting and hard hitting for different reasons.

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