Rank 'Em - Big 10 Coaches

Tressel (his track record speaks for itself)
Ferentz (does more with less than anyone in the game)
Fitz (love the passion and knows how to get his teams ready to play)
Paterno (would be higher on my list, but I'm not convinced he's all that involved anymore,
but still awesome!)
Dantonio (seems to get the talent, and his team is darn close)
Bielema (see Fitz, but more of a snake oil salesman - sweet tattoo though)
Hope (really seems to have things on the right track)
Lynch (likable guy...needs to get some recruits)
Rodriguez (what me? I didn't do it...)
Brewster (best stadium in the country...right...)
Zook (please stay as long as you like)
Tressel (his track record speaks for itself)
Ferentz (does more with less than anyone in the game)
Fitz (love the passion and knows how to get his teams ready to play)
Paterno (would be higher on my list, but I'm not convinced he's all that involved anymore,
but still awesome!)
Dantonio (seems to get the talent, and his team is darn close)
Bielema (see Fitz, but more of a snake oil salesman - sweet tattoo though)
Hope (really seems to have things on the right track)
Lynch (likable guy...needs to get some recruits)
Rodriguez (what me? I didn't do it...)
Brewster (best stadium in the country...right...)
Zook (please stay as long as you like)

So if given the choice, you'd take Tressel as head coach of Iowa over Ferentz? I can honestly say that there isn't another coach in the country at any level that I'd rather have coaching Iowa over Ferentz.
List Ranker - Rank 'Em: Big Ten Football Coaches - ESPN

My list:



See what I did there? I put Ferentz in the middle!! Why start a thread like this. It is loaded, as you are essentially daring anyone to not put Ferentz on top, and then verbally assaulting those that don't. I too think he does more with less than anyone else in the Big 10. But then I remember that he still lets O Keefe run his O, and I have to be a little more critical of him overall.

See what I did there? I put Ferentz in the middle!! Why start a thread like this. It is loaded, as you are essentially daring anyone to not put Ferentz on top, and then verbally assaulting those that don't. I too think he does more with less than anyone else in the Big 10. But then I remember that he still lets O Keefe run his O, and I have to be a little more critical of him overall.

I don't care where you put Ferentz, it's an opinion poll. Is it going to be insulting to me if Ferentz isn't #1, No. Does it mean that Iowa has been disrespected because Ferentz isn't #1, No. Am I going to write computer code to put Ferentz at the top of the list so no matter what he'll be #1, No. Could I have justified my opinion better (or at all) yes. But again It's an opinion poll, posted on the internet, asked in conjunction with the B10 Media day. It means nothing other than your opinion and a way to spark discussion.

Lighten up Francis, I'm not going to be able to explain everything to you.
1.Kirk Ferentz
2.Jim Tressel
3.Joe Paterno
4.Pat Fitzgerald
5.Bret Bielema
6.Mark Dantonio
7.Danny Hope
8.Bill Lynch
9.Tim Brewster
10.Rich Rodriguez
11.Ron Zook

Brewster is such a moron. He is like a cheesy car salesman. Do you hear how often he drops the name TCF Bank? So my list goes like this...



Brewster is such a moron. He is like a cheesy car salesman. Do you hear how often he drops the name TCF Bank? So my list goes like this...



Hope ahead of Rich Rod? Right! Hope might want to win 6 games first....he should not be ahead of MD either.
Hope ahead of Rich Rod? Right! Hope might want to win 6 games first....he should not be ahead of MD either.

Except for that whole Purdue beat Michigan last year...in A2. Rich Rod hasn't won six games either, so you can't really use that as criteria.
Except for that whole Purdue beat Michigan last year...in A2. Rich Rod hasn't won six games either, so you can't really use that as criteria.

He hasnt? Did i dream he coached at WVU?

Rich Rod has proven he can win and win big. I hate the guy but it doesnt change the fact he was great at WVU. This will be a fun discussion after this season...Michigan will be solid in 2010.
Tressel (his track record speaks for itself)
Ferentz (does more with less than anyone in the game)
Fitz (love the passion and knows how to get his teams ready to play)
Paterno (would be higher on my list, but I'm not convinced he's all that involved anymore,
but still awesome!)
Dantonio (seems to get the talent, and his team is darn close)
Bielema (see Fitz, but more of a snake oil salesman - sweet tattoo though)
Hope (really seems to have things on the right track)
Lynch (likable guy...needs to get some recruits)
Rodriguez (what me? I didn't do it...)
Brewster (best stadium in the country...right...)
Zook (please stay as long as you like)

This looks pretty good to me. I Love Fitzgerald and hope he doesn't stay his whole career at NW as it makes me crazy year after year, but sadly I think he will. I think my bottom 3 though would be Zook (harmless goofball, terrible game coach, good recruiter), Brewster (Just bad coach), RichRod (I hate everything that he chooses to be.)
Tressel versus KF.

Tough call.

Would KF do as well as Tressel with Tressel's talent? Perhaps.
Would Tressel do as well with KF's talent? Most likely not.

Has Tressel, despite winning the league five consecutive times, won the Big-10 COY? Nope. With all that talent, the success tOSU has had is expected.

I have to give KF the nod over Tressel.

Brewster is such a moron. He is like a cheesy car salesman. Do you hear how often he drops the name TCF Bank? So my list goes like this...



lukestylez- I kept wondering if anyone beside me thought Brewster was the worst. Zook can at least recruit, and has been to a major bowl. Brewster...not yet, and never will.
He hasnt? Did i dream he coached at WVU?

Rich Rod has proven he can win and win big. I hate the guy but it doesnt change the fact he was great at WVU. This will be a fun discussion after this season...Michigan will be solid in 2010.

Except that he has done NOTHING at Michigan but create serious unrest in the fanbase, due to both his inability to win and his propensity for bringing trouble from the NCAA. By your logic, Tom Osborne could come to Indiana and automatically be the best coach in the conference (I mean, look at what he did at Nebraska). What Rodriguez did at WVU is irrelevant. He hasn't done squat in Ann Arbor, therefore thoroughly deserves to be ranked in the bottom tier of coaches. Lloyd Carr won the CapOne Bowl in his last year, and Michigan has not done anything since.

Ferentz would be my #1, but Tressel is a VERY close 2nd. There are only three coaches in the country who I would even consider wanting over Ferentz: Tressel, Saban, and a younger JoePa.

Ferentz (obvious choice)

Tressel (really no different than Ferentz, only he gets OSU talent. And the record speaks for itself)

JoePa (do I really have to explain this one?)

Fitzgerald (he's actually building a case for "more with less" title. NW has even less than we do, yet he wins)

Bielema (needs to string together another couple 9-10 wins seasons to start being
considered one of the best in the country)

Hope (I really like what he's already gotten started in WL)

Dantonio (he could be higher, but his teams have yet to get past the MSU S.O.P. of underachieving, so no dice)

Lynch (another coach that I really like, he's just toiling with not enough talent on both sides of the ball. Offensively they're dangerous, but guys need to step up defensively for them to be truly competitive)

RichRod (he's got to show me something besides a win over a weak ND team)

Brewster (I liked him a couple years ago, but the general lack of improvement and continued dependence on Decker has caused his luster to wear away, IMO)

Zook (but please don't go anywhere)
Tressel versus KF.

Tough call.

Would KF do as well as Tressel with Tressel's talent? Perhaps.
Would Tressel do as well with KF's talent? Most likely not.

Has Tressel, despite winning the league five consecutive times, won the Big-10 COY? Nope. With all that talent, the success tOSU has had is expected.

I have to give KF the nod over Tressel.

That's not very fair to Tressel. Yes, the success is expected. That doesn't mean that Tressel cannot be the best coach. For all the talent that OSU brings in, Tressel has produced his fair share of diamonds in the rough (3 stars or fewer). Here are some examples:

3-stars: A.J. Hawk (2002), Doug Datish (2002), Ashton Youboty (2003), Todd Boeckman (2003), Antonio Pittman (2004), James Laurenaitis (2005), Malcom Jenkins (2005)

2-stars: Brian Robiskie (2005), Chimdi Chekwa (2006)

1-star/no stars: Nick Mangold (2002), Aaron Pettrey (2004)

While the list is not quite so extensive as ours, that's hardly a list to scoff at. Nearly all of those players ended up in the NFL (or will be soon in the case of Chekwa), and several of them are Pro Bowlers. So it's not like Tressel does the Pete Carroll and snags 3 5-star players at every position and just lets them play. He takes his fair share of overlooked guys and helps them become superstars, too.
Except that he has done NOTHING at Michigan but create serious unrest in the fanbase, due to both his inability to win and his propensity for bringing trouble from the NCAA. By your logic, Tom Osborne could come to Indiana and automatically be the best coach in the conference (I mean, look at what he did at Nebraska). What Rodriguez did at WVU is irrelevant. He hasn't done squat in Ann Arbor, therefore thoroughly deserves to be ranked in the bottom tier of coaches. Lloyd Carr won the CapOne Bowl in his last year, and Michigan has not done anything since.

Ferentz would be my #1, but Tressel is a VERY close 2nd. There are only three coaches in the country who I would even consider wanting over Ferentz: Tressel, Saban, and a younger JoePa.

Ferentz (obvious choice)

Tressel (really no different than Ferentz, only he gets OSU talent. And the record speaks for itself)

JoePa (do I really have to explain this one?)

Fitzgerald (he's actually building a case for "more with less" title. NW has even less than we do, yet he wins)

Bielema (needs to string together another couple 9-10 wins seasons to start being
considered one of the best in the country)

Hope (I really like what he's already gotten started in WL)

Dantonio (he could be higher, but his teams have yet to get past the MSU S.O.P. of underachieving, so no dice)

Lynch (another coach that I really like, he's just toiling with not enough talent on both sides of the ball. Offensively they're dangerous, but guys need to step up defensively for them to be truly competitive)

RichRod (he's got to show me something besides a win over a weak ND team)

Brewster (I liked him a couple years ago, but the general lack of improvement and continued dependence on Decker has caused his luster to wear away, IMO)

Zook (but please don't go anywhere)

I rated the coaches on what they have done. Rich Rod has a good resume overall. If this is limited to how he has done while at Michigan than yes he should be lower.

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