I am sorry but posting links to some random persons twitter page and saying 'reports are saying' is not gonna fly
I am sorry but posting links to some random persons twitter page and saying 'reports are saying' is not gonna fly
Jon, didn't you see the news? BGHP is reporting that Morehouse/Hlas are reporting that Hampton updated his facebook status. This is hard-hitting journalism that you cannot ignore!
I am sorry but posting links to some random persons twitter page and saying 'reports are saying' is not gonna fly
These "news" outlets need to get a life. There is NOTHING about Jewel's status that indicates he's off the team. In fact, it's much more likely he's making fun of the rumors... especially considering A-Rob's comments to the page. If he was still on the team (ARob) he wouldn't be posting to a guy that just got booted.
Jon, didn't you see the news? BGHP is reporting that Morehouse/Hlas are reporting that Hampton updated his facebook status. This is hard-hitting journalism that you cannot ignore!
Oh really. Interesting. Both channels 8 and 13 are now using internet social media such as facebook to report things like Hampton being a "former" player.
Why, they are still friends. You just stop talking to friends if they move away or get fired. I don't.
While I agree that these aren't reports there is just too much smoke for some of this not have traction. I assume you agree which is why you havent been deleting threads on this.
I think the only reasonable stance to take is that probably somewhere between 50 and 75 percent of what's being reported right now is true, it's just a question of what 50% that is.
While I agree that these aren't reports there is just too much smoke for some of this not have traction. I assume you agree which is why you havent been deleting threads on this.
And to elaborate on that, who's to say a person's FB or Twitter account isn't a cryptic message anyway.They are not saying @hawksnot is reporting xyxa
If a player posts something with his own facebook or twitter, that is different. Random people is what I am talking about
We live in an era where "rap" is considered "music", Paris Hilton is considered a "celebrity" and reality TV idiots are considered "stars" it any wonder many consider a tweet or anonymous posting on a chat forum a "report"?
Society as we know it, is truly doomed.